Sequel: Thinking of Winter

Crowded Room

Chapter Ten-Liam

I leaned back in the chair,sighing in relief as my father laid in bed sleeping. The doctor informed me that he would be alright but he'd have to take it easy for the next week or two. After talking with my father,I learned that the only thing I could be at the club was a bouncer.

"Sir..I need you to leave...visiting hours are over" A nurse said,walking in and looking at me. I sighed and stood up,heading out of the hospital and heading home.

Once I got home,I couldn't keep myself busy enough to lose track of time. I had called the collage and told them what happened,thankfully since I was one of their best students. they told me to take however amount of time needed and they wouldn't hold it against me.

For the next couple days,I spent time at the hospital with my father,talking and keeping him busy to waste time.

Time Elaspe

About two weeks later,my father was allowed home and work but no heavy working so I gladly took the job as bouncer. I changed into jeans and a wife beater before heading out with my father to his job.

"Look,you stay here while i go to my office. If I need you,I'll have someone come and get you" he said,looking at me. I nodded and sighed

"Be careful"I said,causing my father to chuckle and walk away. I looked around,gazing over at the DJ who was busy playing before I looked away and kept watch. I heard the music change and looked back,catching the eye of the DJ who's eyes widened as he stared at me.

I couldn't fit the blush that ran rampet across my cheeks and forced myself to look away.