Sequel: Thinking of Winter

Crowded Room

Chapter Fifteen: Jace

It was a bit weird for me to be walking home, seeing how I normally grabbed a cab, but it was a nice change. I glanced up at Liam for a moment, seeing that he was thinking rather hard about something. "What's on your mind?" I asked, adjusting my bag to fit a bit more comfortably on my shoulder.

Liam glanced down at me, a bit startled, as if he were in a whole different world. "Oh, nothing. Just too much on my mind to really put it into words," he said quietly. "You living with anyone?" he asked, sounding genuinely curious.

I shook my head, then said, "No. I live alone. I mean, Wes comes over now and again if things with his wife are a little bumpy, but other than that, my apartment contains myself and a few belongings." Liam nodding, seeming to completely understand.

I looked around our surroundings to find out that we were near the cemetery. I walked in, looking through row after row of tombstones until I came across the three I was looking for.

Carol Abagail Peters
Mother and wife
August 15, 1963 - March 3, 1990

Walter Lee Peters
Father and husband
February 9, 1962 - March 3, 1990

Zeth Gregorio Peters
Brother and son
January 14, 1986 - July 7, 2009

I sat on the grass before them, the tears welling up in my eyes. I never knew my parents, but it hurt like hell knowing I'll never get the chance. My heart broke in two when I finally stared long and hard at Zeth's. He didn't deserve to die, he was an innocent passerby and the man just shot him anyway.

I jumped when I saw a shadow fall over me and the grave. I remembered Liam was with me. I saw him bend down, balancing all his weight on his toes, in my peripheral. "I'm so sorry, Jace," he whispered, his voice cracking. I bent my head and let the tears fall.

When I felt arms around me, I melted into them, needing someone to lean on right now. I felt the arms pick me up and bring me close to a hardened chest. "I'm here, Jace," the voice cooed. I sub-consciously knew it was Liam, could tell by the way the chest and abdomen felt, but the voice that spoke ... was Zeth's.

We sat there, rocking slowly back in forth, the pain I've been hiding for so long bursting out of me like wildfire. I let Liam hold me, tell me everything was alright, because right now, I needed everything to be alright.