Sequel: Thinking of Winter

Crowded Room

Chapter Four: Liam

Because I was finally able to start my classes online,I had more time for things. I didn't enjoy it at first until I met a guy who soon became my boyfriend. Things were going great of course. After about six months,I moved in with him and that was when things started changing.

I dodged a plate as it came flying towards me,followed by another and another "How hard is it to keep everything clean!" He yelled,I could smell the booze on his breath tonight,even from across the room. I had just gotten home from seeing my father and apperently I should have taken up his offer for me to stay the night.

"I'm sorry! I haven't been home to clean! I told you I was at my father's!" I exclaimed,using a couch pillow to keep the plates from slamming into my face,he had a good aim. Nick seemed to realize what I was doing and the plates stopped coming at me.

I slowly lowered the pillow and half screamed half gasped when I found him standing right in front of me. I tried to back away but my back pressed against a wall. 'I don't care where the hell you were,you should have cleaned this house because I got home" he said and suddenly grabbed me by my throat and lifted me up.

I started gasping for breath,trying to pry his fingers from my throat so I could breath. I felt the tears burning in my eyes 'N-Nick please..L-Let me g-go..I-I can't breath" I gasped,my face slowly turning red.

I felt my body suddenly fly in a different derection and laid on the couch,I laid there stunned as I gasped for breath,desprent for the air that he had taken from me. I suddenly found his large and scary form standing over me then his fist land on my face 'Don't make me have to tell you again" he said angrily before storming off towards our bedroom.

I turned and curled up in the couch,tears running freely down my face as I cried myself to sleep.

Time Elaspe

I woke up the following morning and found Nick gone,already at work thankfully. I slowly stood up and found the broom and sighed as I swept up all the glass from the plates. I looked around the house then at the clock 'I guess I'll just have to miss out on class today.." I muttered before I got down to cleaning the house.

I fell onto the couch about four hours later,the house completely spotless or as close as I could possibly get it. I looked towards the door when I heard Nick pull up and looked at the clock "Oh..lunch.." I sighed and quickly made it just the way he wanted it. I set it on the table just as he walked into the kitchen.

He stopped and looked around before looking at me,his eyes widening "Liam! What happened to your eyes!?" he exclaimed,walking towards me. I backed away and turned around.

"Nothing,don't worry about it. I just ran into some trouble today while in town." I lied. Nick gazed at me before nodding and gently kissed my eye,causing me to flinch.

"The house looks great by the way Liam,you did great" He said,smiling that smile I adored. I gazed at him and smiled softly.

'Thank you..I did my best" I said just before Nick kissed me and started eating. As I turned back towards the sink,I began to wonder just how much worse it was going to get.