Status: Don't call them emo, call them SCENE kids. Okay? There is a HUGE difference!!!!!

Tragic Terrors…Not So Fun After All…

7) Just Let Me Cry…

When J.L left, Candice was frozen in place. Noa looked at her, but his eyes grew to a sudden look of worry and horror when he looked upon Candice's face. Her eyes were HUGE and so were her pupils, her skin was icy cold, her complexion had gone to a sickly pail, and she was wobbling & shaking.
“Candice, you okay? Candi?” Noa asked, reaching for her.
“You asshole!!!” Candice shrieked, swatting away his hand and running downstairs.
“Candice? What’s wrong?” Caleb asked, seeing the expression on her face and scared that something had happened.
“Noa…J.L…they…they…” she just shook her head and started to bawl again.

Caleb got up, ran upstairs, found Noa just starting to walk out of the room, and slammed Noa against a wall with one arm while holding a fist up with the other.
“What the FUCK did you do?!?!” Caleb demanded.
“What are you talking about? She asked me out, then my…uh…then J.L came in to tell me something. I swear I didn’t do anything to her!!! You know me, Caleb. You’ve known me your whole life! You know I’d NEVER do anything to hurt her, none of us would…not to ANY of us!!!” Noa pleaded, his eyes welling up.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, Caleb?!?!?!” J.L demanded, running up to them and tearing Caleb off of Noa.

“Candice…she’s downstairs…crying. She said something about you two, but didn’t finish what she’d said. I assumed…I thought you two had done something…” Caleb said, looking away and feeling like a total jackass for jumping Noa like he did.
“I don’t know what it could’ve been over. I mean, she and I were talking and then she asked me out. But…what could I say? I…I’ve never seen her like that before, or in that way. Besides…I’m…” Noa got really edgy about what he wanted to say.
“You’re…what?” Caleb asked, wanting to get what was going on so that he could try and help.
“Caleb, I don’t think there’s really an easy way to tell you…” J.L said, sitting down by Noa, and taking his hand in his own.

Caleb just stared for a moment, starting to let the wheels turn in his head of what was going on. It had never, in the eighteen years he’d known his friends, that…either would be GAY. He knew they’d experimented and stuff back their freshman year in high school, but he didn’t think anything had ever come of it!!!! Now…now his mind was just cramped with confusion. Confusion of how this could be and yet he had NEVER known that.