Status: Coming Soon!!

Who Knew Then? (What We Know Now?)

Long Road Home

I got a taxi from the airport to my dad’s house, and when I walked up knew something wasn’t right.

“Hello?” I called as I knocked on the door. Dad’s truck was still parked in the driveway, but the house seemed… deserted.

“Sorry sweetheart, John left a week ago for work; he won’t be back for three months,” Mollie, the next-door neighbor, called from her flower garden.

Three months? What the hell was he doing that would keep him away from home for three months?

So I called him, sitting on the curb. I learned that he’d taken a new job, working out of Yellowknife, three months at a time. After assuring him that I was fine – that I’d just phoned the house and hadn’t been able to get a hold of him when I figured he should’ve been home – I hung up. I did the only thing I could think of then, and phoned Linda. She was more than happy to come and pick me up at the airport two hours and fifteen minutes later, even though I knew she seemed confused as to why I was back in Canada at all, let alone without Jared.

“Marc and Lindsay are home for a few days too; Marc’s got a few nights off so they can bring the rookies in,” she explained, chattering away excitedly at me as we drove to the farm. My other things would get here tomorrow, so I had to figure out a plan of action before then. I didn’t want to rent a place, and dad didn’t have a spare key at the house, so I was a little hooped.

“Hey mom! Hey… Kassy? Is that you?” Marc asked as we entered the house. I nodded, and was engulfed in a hug from the other red-headed Staal.

“What are you doing home? Is Jarhead with you?” he asked, and I shook my head.

“No, just back for a while,” I answered, forcing a smile for him. I should have known that he wouldn’t fall for it though, and as Linda went to the kitchen to help Lindsay with supper he led me to the deck, wanting to talk.

“Spill Kassy, what’s brought you back home?” he asked, and I could feel the tears threatening me already.

“Can we please talk about this after supper?” I asked, but he shook his head.

“No, this can’t wait; what’s going on? Are you all right?”

“Jared and I aren’t…” I couldn’t make myself say it, and thankfully I didn’t have to. Marc wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close, murmuring soft words of comfort as he rubbed my back.

“It’s okay Kass, you know my brother’s just a total idiot; he’ll come around,” Marc assured me, but I shook my head.
“He meant it though Marc, I’ve never seen him like that before,” I choked on my words, and we sat down on the porch swing because my legs were shaking and I wasn’t sure they would continue to support me.

“Once he’s cooled off I’m sure—”

“Marc, he asked me if I was stupid for being with him! And when I asked him what the last five years meant to him he just asked me to leave,” I admitted, and Marc looked dumbfounded.


“Yes,” I nodded, and leaned into him. Marc was the big brother I’d never had, and he had no qualms about ever taking my side over Jared’s when we’d been play-fighting or got into small arguments; he was always on the side that was the most logical or ‘right’.

“What a fucking idiot. Kass, if that’s how he’s going to treat you, you can do better. I know I’m his brother and all, but it’s true. You’ll still be family to us no matter what – I just want to see you happy,” he told me, making me cry harder.

“That’s not the worst part Marc,” I told him, and he froze.

“Dear God, he didn’t… he didn’t hit you, did he?” he asked quietly.

“God no! No, he would never do that,” Marc relaxed then, and continued to rub my back.

“Then what is it sweetheart?”

“Promise you won’t tell a single soul?” I asked, and after a moment he nodded, sticking his pinkie finger out at me.


“I’m pregnant,” I whispered, and after a moment of staring at me Marc pulled me into another hug as the tears began to fall once again. I could feel the hem of my shirt getting damp against my neck, and I realized that Marc was crying too.
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Please keep commenting! I really like to know what's in your heads in regards to the story!! And a huge thanks to Colby_Armstrong9, Capt. Morgan (As well as everybody else who comments!) For the wonderful feedback :)