Comes and Goes


Haley said goodbye to her son last. She found it difficult prying herself away from him and his small body, but somehow Karen had managed to convince her that she had a plane to catch and that since Karen was a single mom and she had raised Lucas all of her life with the help of the only man she truly trusted, Keith Scott, ‘and look how Lucas turned out’, that she had no need to worry. Haley nodded, wiped away tears, and realized this was true. Lucas was an amazing human being, who had a wonderful mom and even greater uncle, who had died unfortunately earlier that year. Haley had always considered Luke her brother and Karen as a second mom. She smiled, hugged everybody goodbye as did Nathan, and they then jumped into their improvised limo, which was really Luke’s 1967 Mustang that was given to him by Keith. She gave one final wave and blew a kiss to Jamie before snuggling up beside Nathan as they began to drive away. With his arm around her shoulders, she looked over at him and kissed him on the cheek, causing a smile to spread across his face.
Haley sighed while she played with the bracelet Nathan had given to her the first time she tutored him. She smiled at the memory, although back then Nathan and her had been through some pretty tough times together. From those who only gave their romance a day, to the school shooting, to when they found out she was pregnant with Jamie. But scattered in some of those more dramatic days were simple, happy memories (not to say the news of their son was bad, but it was a shock to say the least). Like kissing in the rain, their first date, or the actual birth of Jamie. Grinning, she slipped the bracelet off her wrist and onto his.
“Don’t say I didn’t give you anything,” she smiled.
He smiled back before returning his gaze to the road. Haley, who found the silence amongst the two of them comforting, decided to stare out the passenger window as they began to drive out of Tree Hill and towards the airport. That’s when she remembered.
First looking down at the passenger floor, she frowned. “Awh,” she complained, turning around and looking in the backseat. “I left my purse,” she said turning and looking at Nathan. “It’s got everything in it: the plane tickets, everything. We have to go back.”
Nathan leaned forward and grabbed his cell phone. “No-no-no. It’s okay. I’ll just have Lucas meet us.” Haley watched as he quickly dialed Lucas’ number before returning his eyes to the road. Then: “Hey, Luke, hey man, uh Haley left her purse and a bunch of stuff at the reception. Could you bring that to us?” He paused, listening to Lucas, then said, “Oh, oh okay. Alright, well we’re coming up on Molina Bridge right now, so I guess we’ll just pull over and wait for you. Alright, thanks man, bye.” He snapped the phone shut and glanced over at Haley then and said, “Done,” motioning with his phone before placing it back on the dashboard. “He already had your purse in the car.”
Haley sighed a breath of relief before falling back down beside him. “Well you’re good in a crisis.”
Nathan chuckled. “Nah, I don’t know about that.”
Haley was quiet for a few seconds, and then grew serious as she glanced over at him. “No, you are.”
Nathan smiled and blushed.
“And it’s a good thing, too,” Haley added, “Especially since I have something to tell you.” Nathan looked over at her, a smile on his face but a curious look in his eyes.
Haley looked down at her hands for only a second, the new ring on her hand shining from rays of the sun. When she looked up she looked out the passenger window, her eyes growing wide as she noticed the limo – her stolen wedding limo – on the wrong side of the road heading towards them.
“LOOK OUT!” Haley yelled, her hands gripping the dashboard.
Nathan returned his gaze to the road, his eyes growing huge as well as turned the steering wheel of the car away from the on-coming traffic and he slammed down on the brakes. Haley managed to catch a glimpse of the limo trying to come to a stop as it turned as well, but instead of coming to screeching halt like they had, the limo went tearing through the wood railing on the bridge and plunging down into the river. Haley and Nathan rushed out of the car and stopped at the broken railing of the bridge, staring over the edge and down into the river where the limo was belly-up.
“That was Cooper,” Nathan said, worried. “COOPER!” he yelled, hoping his Uncle would resurface.
“COOPER!” Haley yelled also, but Nathan was already backing away from the accident site.
“Haley,” he said, “Call 911.”
Haley turned around, realizing what he was thinking. “Nathan, don’t,” she begged, scared.
Nathan looked at Haley, almost as if he was trying to memorize her features in case something was to happen. “I love you,” he said without an ounce of doubt in his mind.
He then ran towards the broken edge, Haley watching him do so.
“NATHAN!” Haley yelled, although she realized it was too late. Nathan was diving towards the river’s bottom, determination to save his Uncle his only focus now. “Nathan!” Haley yelled again as she heard him splash into the water. She sank onto the ground, her hands gripping the edge of the bridge as she prayed for him to resurface. For Cooper to resurface. Even for Rachel to resurface.
“Somebody help!” she yelled, tears rolling down her face. “Nathan!”
Nathan, who was underwater and had managed to get into the limo himself, went to the ceiling of the car where he could manage to find some air. “Oh God. Help me!” he struggled. “Haley!”
“Nathan!” Haley cried. “Cooper!” She sobbed. “Help!” Standing up, Haley looked on both ends of the bridge, crying out, “Somebody please help! Help me!”
While down in the river, the bracelet Nathan had given to Haley that she had put on him during their wedding day, came floating to the top, laying peacefully amongst white and purple flower petals.