Status: temporarily on hiatus



Kieran sighed in relief as he landed on his newly-unpacked sofa. Finally, he was fully moved in to his new flat- er, apartment.

He looked around the place. Having a moderate but not excessive amount of money, he sprung for a one-bedroom in Soho for 3,000 dollars a month. The furniture was simple thus far. A sofa, coffee table, and flat-screen television sat in the living area, along with a Playstation 3 and its‘ accessories. In the kitchen stood a table with two chairs, along with relatively new appliances. The bathroom, had... well, a toilet, sink and shower. It was rather standard. He’d fill it with toiletries later.

And then there was his bedroom. It was plain, like the living room. A bed, two side tables, an iHome, and a closet filled with clothes were the only objects filling the room.

But unlike the rest of his house, one thing that wasn’t standard-issue was the world map on one of the walls. Black dots marked where he’d been; red dots marked where he’d like to go. New York wasn’t his first city, nor would it be his last.

He grinned slightly. For now, all the hard work had been done. Now, it was time for some Chinese food.

He left his recently-purchased apartment and walked to the restaurant he had his eye on earlier, which was conveniently located across the street from his new apartment building. He sat down and waited for a waitress to take his order.

He got a few stares from a table of girls that looked no older than sixteen. Rolling his eyes, he made a mental note to grab a take-out menu on the way out. There was a reason that he didn’t like to linger in public places.

Within half an hour, he was walking out of the doors, stomach full of lo mein and orange chicken. He folded up the take-out menu and put it in his pocket. He wasn’t going home just yet; he had some exploring to do. This was his first time in America, and his first night would certainly not consist of just staying at home and watching porn.

He smiled to himself. Sometimes, he almost wanted a girlfriend. And he could certainly have one, if he wanted; with the snap of his fingers and a charming smile, he could transform all girls into willing creatures with shaky knees and lust-filled eyes.

But he couldn’t, for if one knew anything about Kieran Ludovic... well, this situation would have to be purely hypothetical, because no one knew anything about Kieran Ludovic. He made sure of that.

Surely, he would like to live a normal lifestyle, with a normal social life and normal friends, and a few normal flings which would lead to having a normal girlfriend; then, eventually, he would have a normal marriage with normal children and a normal pet of some sort.

However, Kieran was the furthest thing from normal. Any semblance of an ordinary life was far beyond his reach.

Sometimes, he didn’t know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.
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This is the first story I've posted on here in a while. Updates will be sporadic but hopefully frequent.

What do you think Kieran is hiding?