Status: Will update every 1-2 days (:

You've got that one thing.

The first day.

"Annetta. Let's go! We are gonna be late!" Riley yells.
"Calm down. We aren't gonna be late. I promise. " I yell back.
She groans from the bed room. " I swear, if we are late the first day of class..."
I unplug my curling iron and go out into the bedroom.
"We aren't going to be late. Let's go get coffee right quick and we can go to class."
"Finally, I swear you try to give me heart attacks." Riley says grabbing her backpack.
"Yup. Cause that's the goal in my life." I say picking up my bag as well.
We walk out and down the steps.
"At least we have our first class together." Riley says.
"Sophomore year of college, Rye. We are used to first days by now no?" I ask.
"Yeah, we are but it's still nerve racking, come on."
I shake my head. I reach my hand to open the door to the coffee shop when a curly haired boy opens the door for us. " My bad ladies." He says with a huge smile. He talks oddly slow.
"Thanks!" I smile.
"Well hi." Riley says waving her fingers at the boy.
"Riley, come." I say grabbing her wrist.
"Well excuse me. We could use some guy friends around here." Riley says.
We order our coffee and wait on the side.
"You do realize if we don't ever see that kid again. I'm going to be extremely sad. He was so cute Annetta!" Riley says.
"I get it Riley, oh my gosh." I say.
She throws her hands up. "Someone needs an extra shot of espresso this morning."
"Grab your coffee and lets go." I say taking mine and heading towards the door.

We walk into class and immediately head for the top. I set my coffee down and sigh. Placing my bag next to me. Riley sits down.
"The teacher isn't even here yet. We got here too early Rye." I say.
"Well, I'd rather be early than late!"
I shake my head and look around. Two rows down is the boy from the coffee shop.
"Riley. There he is!" I whisper.
"Who!?" She yells.
"Riley, damn it." I hit her and duck my head.
"Oh my gosh. The boy from the coffee shop!"
"Yeah. No shit. Now he probably thinks we're creeps." I shake my head.
"Do you think he heard me?"Riley asks.
"I'm pretty sure they heard you in Canada." I say looking at her.
"Sorry."She shrugs.
I look back down and he isn't there.
"Riley. Where'd he go?" I whisper.
"I don't kn-"
"Who are you looking for?" The boy appears next to me. I jump and nearly knock my coffee over.
"You scared me."
"Sorry! I didn't mean to!" He says.
"We were just looking fo-"
I snap my head at Riley and open my eyes wide.
"For no one." She says.
I turn back with a smile.
"So can I sit here?" He asks with a smile.
"Well of course you can sit in my lap if you like" Riley says.
"Riley. Excuse you!" I'm trying not to laugh but it was actually pretty funny.
"Excuse my friend. I'm sorry." I say. "I'm Annetta by the way. That's loud mouth Riley."
"I'm Harry. Harry Styles. " He says fixing his hair.
"Well, It's very nice to meet you." I smile.
I turn to Riley and mouth to her. "Oh my god."
Riley leans back and looks to Harry who's looking around.
"This is a great day." She says hitting the table.
"Riley, you are the loudest person ever. Stop causing attention!" I whisper.
"So, I'm new here." Harry says.
I turn back to face him and take a sip of coffee.
"Do you think you could show me around?"
"Let me see your schedule." I grab it off his desk.
"You don't have a second class either so I can help you then. And...oh we even have our last class together."
"Well that sounds like wonderful news to me." He smiles.

After class, I have to practically shove Riley to her class. Harry waits for me as I walk Riley in."Riley, I will tell you everything. Go to class." I shove her then run away.
"I hate you!" She yells.
I shake my head. "I am so sorry. I have to treat her like she is my child. I swear.
"It's fine." He smiles.
"Okay. First things first. We are on the east side of campus. Which is here on your map. Your classes are all over here so we don't have much to worry about there."
I start walking.
"So. I noticed your accent." I say. "Are you from England?"
"Yes. I'm from Holmes Chapel in England."
"What are you doing all the way in Tennessee." I ask.
"America had been calling my name for a while, and i heard Tennessee had the cute girls. I made a good choice."
"You're a flirt, I see."
"It's that obvious?" He asks.
"Yeah." I laugh.
"You. You seem smart."
"I'm a bit of an overachiever. You can say that."

I show him around the north part of campus.
"My third is up here then I have to go back to east campus for fourth. So do you think you can find your way back to east?"
"I think so. You've been a good teacher."
"Ha. Well thanks!" I smile. "If you see Riley on your way back. Try to hide or I'm sure she will try to attack you."
"Thanks for the tip." He smiles.
"Alright. Well. I'll see you in fourth." I say.
"Bye." He says with a wave turning around. I turn and walk towards my class.

We get dismissed from fourth period. Harry walks with me.
"Where's Riley?"He asks.
"Probably sprinting back to the dorm." I laugh.
"Can I walk you to your room?" He asks.
"Sure, If you want!"
We walk in silence for a few moments.
"Thanks for making today less stressful for me, Annetta. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be." He says.
"Well. It was my pleasure. My dorm is right here." I say with a laugh. "It's a short walk."
" Oh. Mine's right of there. He points to the building down the street.
"Well. I guess. I'll see you first thing tomorrow?" He asks.
"You will." I smile with a chuckle.
"Bye." He says giving me an unexpected hug.
"Bye." I smile. I walk quickly up the stairs and into my room.
"Riley!" I call.
No answer.
"Seriously. What the hell." I look around the whole room and she isn't anywhere to be found.
She comes busting in the door the next second.
"I was following you guys! I was gonna follow Harry to his dorm but I decided to give it a break for the day. Anyway! I want details."
"About what. I showed him around. We have last class together. All there is to it." I plop down on my bed.
"He hugged you!" Riley says.
"Yes. And he smelled wonderful." I laugh.