Status: Will update every 1-2 days (:

You've got that one thing.

It wasn't a date.

It's Friday afternoon. Week one is done. I pack up my things ready to just head back to my dorm for the afternoon.
"Hey Annetta?" Harry says tapping my shoulder.
"Hey!"I smile. He didn't sit next to me in class today which was a bit surprising.
" basically. I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a late lunch-dinner kinda thing?"
"That would be amazing. I'm starved."
"Awesome." He says.
I grab my bag."Do you want to go somewhere off campus or around town? Cause I could drive us.."
"I haven't left campus so town sounds nice."
"Awesome. I know exactly where to take you." I smile. I take his hand and walk him to my car.
I feel bad for not inviting Riley along but I see her everyday and I kinda like Harry so I don't want her to ruin it for me.
I throw my stuff in the back and get in.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Of course!" He says.
"I'm so glad it's the weekend! Partying it up this weekend." I laugh.
"Do you really?" He asks.
I shake my head. "I don't party."
"Maybe we could go to one together." He says.
I hide a smile "Maybe. I'll see if Riley knows of any going on."
I have never fallen for someone so quick. He just has something about him. He's cheeky and adorable. His smile makes me die a little every time. He's nice. And I should probably step out of this daydream before I fall and get my heartbroken.
I pull up to cook out. "This is on me.This is southern food my friend. No, it's not a fancy sit down restaurant but it is delicious. I promise. "
"I trust you." He smiles.
I order a ton of food.
"First thing's first. Try the hush puppies."
"Hush puppies?!" He raises an eyebrow.
"These." I say picking up a hush puppy. I put it to his lips. "Eat it." I laugh.
He takes a bite.
"That's amazing." Harry says.
" Well. We've got an assortment of things here. BBQ sandwhich, corn dog, chicken. You'll be full but it's so worth it." I say.

After we eat it's about 5 o'clock and we don't know what to do.
"Well, thanks for that it was amazing." Harry says.
I shake my head and smile. " You're so adorable."
"What do you want to do?"
"I can park my car and we can just walk around. There's a little park on campus."
"We can do that." He says.
I drive back to campus.
"I actually want to change real quick. So I can meet you down here. If that's okay?" I ask.
"Sure."He says.
I run to the dorm. Harry heads to his.
I walk in trying to to cause any attention from Riley.
"Girl. Where have you been? I thought someone kidnapped you!"
"I went and got dinner, sorry!"
"With Harry..?" She asks.
"Why would you think that?" I ask grabbing my leather jacket and black strapless dress.
"You're getting pretty dressed up here." She says.
"Anyone having a party tonight?"I ask putting the dress on.
"Yeah..There's one at Daryl's place or one at Yoki's....why?"
"Thanks babe!" I say kissing her on the cheek.
"Um. Ew!" Riley wipes her cheek.
I slide on my shoes. "I'll see you later. Don't wait up." I smile putting my jacket.
"Are you going out with Harry?" She asks.
"Maybe. It's not a date though!"
"Yeah whatever!" She calls as I walk out the door. I slide my phone in the jacket pocket and walk back towards where Harry left me.
He's standing there waiting in a black jacket, purple shirt with dark jeans.
"Wow. You look amazing." He says.
"Oh shut up." I smile. He takes my hand. Chills run through my body. I'm trying not to make it seem like i'm interested and be a really good friend but at the same time still be interested. I really like this kid.
"So Riley gave me a few places for a party tonight. So we can walk the park and then come back if that's okay with you?"
"That sounds great." He says. I swing our hands as we walk through the park. This isn't a normal outfit for me and a lot of people know me. So everyone who is walking through the park is staring.
"Is something wrong with me?" Harry asks.
I laugh. "No, it's not you. It's me. I'm a tad bit dressed out of my normalcy."
"How's that?" He asks.
"I wear jeans and huge t-shirts everyday. So this is me dressed up."
"Well. I like you no matter what you wear." He says with a smile.
"You're literally too sweet. You were made by angels."
"I think you must've been too." He says.
"No. I was made by two idiot parents who didn't want me to even go to college. Which is the wrong style of parenting if i say so myself." I sigh."I'm sorry. I get frustrated."I say.
"No. It's fine. I want to learn more about you."
"I want to know more about you! You're so quiet. I feel like you know a lot about me and I don't know anything about you." I say.
"I sing." He says.
"You sing?!" I say stopping."Sing for me!"
"Right here?"He raises and eyebrow.
"Right here." I smirk.
He looks around. "Fine." He takes a deep breath before he starts singing. "Isn't she lovely, Isn't she wonderful. Isn't she precious."
I think my smile was wrapped around my face.
"Harry!" I squeal. " You're an amazing singer!" I say.
We start walking again.
"Thanks." He says.
"That was literally the best thing i've ever heard in my life."
"It means a lot."He says.
I keep my focus on our hands. His hand around mine. It's so cute.

We walk around for about an hour before we head back towards the dorms for the party.
"You know if you don't want to go to this party if you don't want." I say.
"I'll do anything as long as i'm spending the night with you." He says.
"You're so cute. Stop." I laugh.
"Well. Let's go to this party and see how it goes."
I say pulling him up the stairs.
He stops outside the door and looks at me.
His green eyes are pretty much glowing.
He smiles at me.
I stand up on my tip toes. He meets me half way and kisses me.
I close m eyes and bite my lip as we slowly pull away. That was amazing. Riley is going to die.
"Let's go."He says pulling me in.
"Holy shit."I mouth to myself.
"I'll have you know I can't dance." He says in my ear.
I shrug and grab both his hands and just dance.
I really don't pay attention to everyone else. I've never been to one party and I end up getting locked in a room all night until someone found me. That sucked.
A slow song comes on. Harry moves his hands to my hips and I put my arms around his neck.
"This is actually fun."He says.
"I don't think I would've had any fun if I wasn't with you." I smile. I put my head on his chest.
He grabs me before the end of the song and drags me out.
He's silent as we walk down the steps. My dorm is only 2 buildings over.
"That was fun." I say. He starts walking towards my dorm.
"I had fun today. Thanks for even asking to get food or else I would've just been laying in bed." I laugh.
We get to my dorm in about two minutes.
"Well. This is my stop." I say. "Thanks for walking me."
"No problem. Thanks for tonight." He says.
"Goodnight." I hug him. He hugs back then leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back.
Why is he an amazing kisser. Help me.
We pull away at the same time.
"Goodnight Harry."I smile.
"Goodnight Annetta." He smiles.
I run into my dorm.
Riley is waiting on the edge of her bed for me.
"I want details. NOW."
"I'll tell you in the morning! I promise. I need sleep now."
"But I want to know about your date!"She begs.
"It wasn't a date!"