Status: Will update every 1-2 days (:

You've got that one thing.


Two weeks fly by.
Harry's friend Louis has stayed the whole time too.He's a nice guy but I haven't seen much of Harry since his friend came in.It's Friday night. Harry didn't even bother to walk me to my dorm after class. I had thought we were getting close too. He sits next to me in class. It's kinda making me upset.
I lay on my bed studying. Only in plaid pajama pants and a black zip up hoodie. Riley comes into the room.
"Whoa. What are you doing here?"
"I'm doing my nerd duties. What does it look like?" I ask. Not picking my head up.
"Annetta. It's Friday! You aren't with Harry?"
"He's with Louis." I say checking my phone. My background is still me and him.."What are you doing? No parties tonight?"
"Felt like staying in.Are you guys okay?"
"I guess. His friend has been here for so damn long. He hasn't acted the same."
Riley sits down on her bed and kicks off her shoes.
"I saw him on my way up here. He wasn't with anyone Annetta..."
"Where was he going?"
"I don't know. He was coming from the guys' dorm."
"Great. He was probably comin-" Just then there's a knock at the door.
I throw my hand up and roll off my bed.I sigh before opening the door.
"Hello." He smiles.
"Hi..." I say.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Come in." I say moving out of the way. I shut the door behind him.
"Hello Riley."He smiles.
"Hi"She smiles.
"What's wrong love?"He asks.
"I'm surprised you're here and not with Louis."
"Oh. Lou went to have a drink with some girl."
"So I'm your back up, huh." I say laying down on my bed again.
"Annetta. I don't understand."
"Harry. You barley talked to me all week! I've hung out with you and Louis once."
Riley sits on her bed. Looking at us wide eyed. Obviously entertained.
Harry leans down next to my bedside and grabs my face in hands and kisses me flat on the lips.
Riley gasps putting her hands to her mouth.
I pull away and give him a confused look.
"I'm sorry."
"For the kiss. Or ignoring me all week?"
"Ignoring you.." He says.
I sit up and sit cross legged. I don't even know what to say. I look over at Riley who shifts her eyes for me to say something.
"Thanksgiving is in two weeks! Woo for starting school in October!"
"Riley. You're so damn awkward. I swear to god."I Shake my head and look at Harry who's still crouched down on the floor.
I tap the bed. He sits down on the bed.
"Why did you trip me?" He asks.
"What do you mean?"
"I think I'm falling for you..."
I smirk.
"Annetta."He says.
I look at him. "Yeah."
"Will you be my girlfriend, already." He asks with a slight smile.
"Yes she will." Riley says.
"Riley. I'm really going to punch you in the face." I say. "Shut the hell up."
"Sorry." She puts her hands up and walks over into the bathroom. I roll my eyes before turning back to Harry.
"I'm sorry." I say.
"It's alright."
"Back to your question." I say taking his hands. "I would love to."
He smiles and pulls me into a hug. I smile. Yeah. It may be a little rushed. But It's good to know now that I have him and he isn't going anywhere.
"Annetta. Do you have any beer?"Riley asks.
"Riley. What the hell is wrong with you tonight?"
"No. I don't have beer. Didn't Colby buy you some the other night?"
"Yeah...I brought it to a party. That's where I was."
She itches her head before crawling in her bed.
"Well, that was stupid of you. Go to sleep." I say. I'm still wrapped him in Harry's arms.
"Harry, Do you think you can get your friend to get me some beer? I would love you so much. oh my god."
"Rye....You don't need beer. Chill out."
"Ann- you ca- te-"
I look at Harry and laugh. "She must be on something."
"There's something on your mouth."
"Where? Here?" I feel around my lips.
"No, here." He leans in and kisses me.
"You...are so corny."I smile.
"Let's go for a walk?"Harry suggests.
"Harry. I am in my pajamas."
"You look cute. Come on." He says lifting me up and putting me on the floor. I slide on my flip flops.
He grabs my hand and opens the door.
"You're adorable." I shake my head.
"I could say the same for you."He says.
We walk down the stairs. You can hear the music from parties going on.
"I'm sorry I was terrible this week. Louis is here and I was honestly trying to get advice on what to do with you."
"What to do with me."I laugh." Just like you did. You just had to ask me to be your girlfriend."
"Well, I was nervous! I really like you Annetta."
"I might like you as well. I dunno." I smirk.
He stops walking. "I don't want to walk you too far from your room."
"Harry, It's fine." I chuckle.
He grabs my waist. I bite my lip and reach my hand up shuffling his curls.
"Do you want me to bring you coffee tomorrow morning?"
"You have every Saturday haven't you?"I ask.
"Yeah, I was just checking. And I think me,you, Louis and Riley are all going to dinner too."
"Oh really?"
"If that's okay with you."
"It's fine with me. I'll ask Riley when I go back and text you when I find out."
"Was she faking by the way?" He asks.
"I think she was trying to give us privacy. I dunno. She's weird."I laugh.
"Alright. You go get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning?"
I nod. He wraps his arm around me and he starts walking closer to my dorm.
He stops and kisses me. "Goodnight."
"Night."I smile. I hug him before running into my room.
Riley is sitting with a smile on her face when I walk in. I run over and attack her.
"Annetta oh my god!"
"I hate you." I say laughing pinning her arms down.
"I'm sorry! I wanted you guys to get out!"
"You're so annoying. Grammy winning performance you had there."
"Thanks Babe!"
"Double date. Me, Harry. You and Louis...Tomorrow night!"
"What? I don't want to date Louis!"
"Didn't say you had to! It's just dinner. I'm not asking you to marry him." I say climbing off her.
"Fine." I sigh.
"Good." I smile. I climb into bed and pick up my phone from the nightstand.
"Tell Louis, Riley is a go for tomorrow night :)"
"Oh, Congrats. You're finally not a single snail anymore!"
"Shut up. You still are babe." I give her a bitch smirk.
She glares back at me.
"Sounds good, love. See you in the morning. Sleep well xx."
I smile and lock my phone.
"Lights out. Goodnight." Riley says.
"You're annoying Riley. I'm gonna throw you out the window."
"GOODNIGHT."She yells.
I laugh before drifting off to sleep.