The "I" In Lie

It Doesn't Matter Anymore

The entire night I was complemented and stared at because the regulars didn't know if it was me or not. But I reminded them that it was me, and they were just as comfortable as before. The night was wild, and we closed up shop as usual.

But, the closing night was different. There was a guy at the bar staring at me, sipping his drink just as the crowds were exiting. I was going to ask if he needed a cab, but just as I went to open my mouth, Pete strolled up, eyeing me in a shocked manner.

I tore my eyes from him and turned back to the young guy; "Sir, do you need a cab?"

He looked up at me, this guy was quite handsome. He has shaggy brown hair, these deep brown eyes that were glazed over and this face that I thought was gorgeous. He is handsome; he looked like prince charming with boyish features.

He nodded shortly and downed his drink, "Please, thanks."

The guy acted as if he should be in a dive bar, not a night club.

I grabbed the phone from under the bar and dialed the local can company and got the guy a cab; "They'll be here in 10 minutes." I told him.

"Thanks..." he lingered to figure out my name.

"Aly." I said.

He smiled, "Thanks Aly."

"No problem." 

My eyes wondered back to Pete, he looked shocked still. I bit at the inside of my lip, then released it, "Did you need something?" I asked Pete politely.

"Joe told me you gave two weeks notice." Pete looked upset, his eyes narrowed slightly

I nodded, looking down at the wet bar. "I'm moving back to Oregon. I miss my family, nothing's keeping me here." I said this all too quickly.

Pete was taken back, unsure of what to say. I went back to wiping down the bar before answering the cab's call. I went to the man, "Your cab's outside, sir."

He nodded, "Call me Anthony."

I chuckled, "Your cab is here, Anthony."

He gave a laugh back, "Thanks, Aly."

"Again, you're welcome."

Anthony got up, pulled his wallet out and paid, then left out the door. The club was officially empty. Pete was still at the bar, and I wondered what he wanted.

"You're leaving because of me?" he asked hastily.

"Not exactly," I began unfazed, "I have nothing here, besides what we did, now that, that's over I can go home."

I wasn't exactly telling him the truth.

"You're serious?"

I nodded, "Yeah, is that so hard to believe?"

He sighed then ran a hand through his hair, "We'll talk later."

I didn't object, nor did I say anything. I knew that we wouldn't talk later, because I wouldn't allow it. I didn't want to talk to him anymore.


"It's over?" Robin asked softly, her voice was low because she was in disbelief.

"Yeah." I mumbled.


"I just... I ended it." I explained quietly.

"How did he take it?"

I furrowed my brows, spinning in my computer chair, "How do you think? He didn't care. I mean, I'm just a piece of ass to him. He doesn't care."

The words were sour on my tongue, I hate to think that he really didn't care. I don't think he does. He hadn't spoken to me in a few days since seeing me at the bar.

I barely called Robin to tell her. She was happy but curious.

"Do you love him still?" Robin pondered softly, pressing the issue.

"Does it matter?" I asked, twirling a stray, purple curl on my finger.

"A little, yeah." she exasperated a laugh.

"No it doesn't, actually. I'm not in love." I lied so skillfully, I almost believed it.

"Liar." Robin said quickly.

"I am not a liar!" 

"C'mon, Alyssa, I'm your sister! I know you! Just tell me the truth."

I sighed, "It doesn't even matter anymore, Robby."

Robin was silent, then she sighed, "You should come home." she suggested.

"I will." I told her, "I may move back."

"No way, really?"

I hummed, "Yeah... Nothing's keeping me here."

"Except your feelings." she added.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever you say, Rob."

Robin and I hung up a few minutes later. I set my phone down and slumped to my couch. I flipped through the channels, hearing my phone begin to ring. It was Iron Maiden's Twilight Zone. It was Pete.

I let it ring, until it stopped and there was banging on the door. I didn't move. I didn't want to move; I didn't want to see him.

"Aly! I know you're in there!" Pete calls, "Please, open the door!"

I shake my head to myself, refusing to get up.

"Alyssa!" he shouts now, "Open the door!"

I decided to get up and tell hint leave. Each step is like lead, I can't get there fast enough. And when I do, his fist is up to knock again when I open the door then drops.
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