The "I" In Lie


I was extremely excited to go on my first date in years. I can't actually remember the last time I had gone on a date, really. I was nervous, but excited.

All the while I was getting ready for dinner and a movie with Ryan, I forgot to tell Robin. She called right as I was putting on my makeup; "Robby! Hey."

Robin had laughed, "You sound cheery, what's going on?"

"You'll never guess what I'm doing," I sang into the phone.

"Does it involve Pete?"

I frowned, having forgotten about him for an entire two days, "Oh, no. I'll just tell you, 'kay? I'm going on a date!"

She laughed happily, like a real happy laugh, "Really, with whom?"

"This guy named Ryan Ross. Oh my God, Robby, he is so gorgeous! He's tall, dark and freaking handsome, as cliche as that sounds," I grinned as I applied my eyeliner.

"Oh wow, how'd you meet him?"
"At the book store. We were in the same aisle."

"Aww! I hope you guys get married, because then you can put that in your wedding vows!"

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, we haven't even been on our date yet. I'm getting ready for it now, as a matter of fact."

Robin let out a loud squeal, "Oh my God! Alyssa! I'm so happy for you!"

I had pulled the phone from my ear, "Jesus, Rob! Calm down."

"I'm just so happy for you, Alyssa! I can't believe it, it's so exciting."

"Yeah, for you. I'm nervous as hell." I grumbled this while applying lip gloss.

"I'm more than positive that it'll go fine."

I exhaled, "Oh, I hope so."


Ryan picked me up at 7, and I was taken back at his attire. He was wearing clothes Pete would wear, and I quickly shook that thought away. He wore his hair messily, that I really liked, a Metallic t-shirt and these tight black jeans.

"Wow," I said softly, "You look hot."

Ryan chuckled, "Thanks, but you look hotter than me. God..." he looked me up and down, "You look really good."

I blushed, "Thank you."

He nodded, then lent out the crook of his elbow, "Ready to go?"

I nodded, slipping my hand through his arm, "Yes, sir."

I closed and locked my door, then followed Ryan as I shoved my keys into my small handbag. I felt warm with him, and it was nice, it was nice being able to go out with someone. It was nice not keeping it a secret.

Ryan opened the passenger side door of his car and let me in. I felt so overcome with emotional that I thought I would cry. It was weird, I wasn't used to it all; I'm such a sap.

Ryan got in before I started the waterworks and smiled at me, "Are you nervous?" he asked as he started the car.

I nodded, "Is it obvious?"

He shook his head, "No, I just ask because I'm nervous too."

I gave a soft laugh, "Gosh, I haven't been a date in so long."

He bit at his bottom lip, "Shit, me too."

"Let's just agree that of shit gets awkward, it's the lack of dates fault."

He laughed, "Deal."

Ryan and I spoke casually along the way to the restaurant. I leaned a lot about him; he's a musician, but was working as a music teacher at a high school, he's 26 and is originally from Las Vegas.

I told him a bit about myself; I kept the whole Pete situation out. I wanted my mind to remain Pete Wentz free while with Ryan. That was really easy.

We got to the restaurant a bit later and to my surprise it was really quite secluded and very fancy. Inside it was amazingly beautiful, and dim with small lamps on some tables. I looked around, almost in awe, and followed Ryan with the hostess leading us to a table. As soon as we sat at a table for too, I scanned the room again and to my utter shock my eyes landed on none other than Pete and her. They were having dinner with two older people, a couple, maybe one of their parents.

Pete saw me and I looked away. My eyes met Ryan's, he look a bit worried when I looked at him, "This restaurant is okay, right?"

I exhaled, "Yes, it's fine," I patted his hand across the table, "I just saw my former boss and his wife."

Ryan's eyes looked over my head, but weren't too obvious. He smiled, "Yeah, I know Pete Wentz... Well, I know of him. He looks pissed. Did you quit on him?"

I shook my head, "No, I don't understand why he'd be mad." I tried to play it off.

"Maybe he's got a crush on you and he's upset that he's seen you with a hot guy." Ryan leaned his body forward and smirked.

"Oh, maybe you're right, Ryan. You're so clever."

He laughed softly, "Yes I am."

We both picked up our menus and looked them over. We brief commented on what we'd order; when the waitress came by, we ordered and then went back to talking. I really tried to focus, but every time I think I heard Pete's voice I fought the urge to turn my head.

Ryan had gone off to the bathroom, before our food came, and I had to look back. Pete and I caught eyes and I quickly looked away; I could feel him staring at me. I bit at my look and discretely looked over my shoulder; he looked away.

I exhaled the breath I was holding in; Ryan came back, smiling, "Even the bathroom is nice." he chuckled.

"I gotta check it out before we go." I jested.

"You should--" he stop mid sentence, "He keeps staring... How weird."

I frowned, "Gosh, just ignore him. Who am I on a date with? You or him?"

Ryan laughed and looked at me, "With me."

"Thought so," I smirked at him, "Act like it."

He smiled still, "Oh, I will."
♠ ♠ ♠
I really liked writing this chapter :) I hope you guys enjoy it!
Thank you for reading!
