The "I" In Lie

Forgetting Fast

Ryan drove me home and even walked me to my door. We still talked like we were long time friends. We get along great, he makes me laugh and I'm more than comfortable with him.

He was my new Pete without the sex.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Ryan gave me this hopeful look.

I smiled, "If you wanna be bored, you're more than welcomed to be bored with me." I shied away and bit my bottom lip.

Ryan touched my arm gently, "I guess we'll be bored together then."

I wanted to squeal out of joy, but I just smiled. I grinned.

"Someone's happy." he chuckled.

"Well, you make me feel like a real girl."

We both laughed, "Are you not a real girl, Aly?"

I smirked at him, "Why yes I am, Ryan."

"Hmm... I'd like to find out... Something tells me not to believe you."

I rolled my eyes, "Trying to get into my pants already?"

"Is that such a bad thing?" he raised a brow while smirking.

"Not at all, but," I patted his chest, "I'm not easy."

His hand trailed down my arm, "Never thought you were."

We both stared at each other; my heart began to pick up speed for some reason. I think it was because I saw this look in his eyes... I think it was fascination or maybe a tinge of lust. Whatever it was it made me feel warm inside.

It didn't take a moment for Ryan to lean down and kiss me. It was a warm kiss, it reminded me of my first; it was sweet. When he pulled away, I bit my bottom lip again and let out a small squeal. Ryan laughed softly, "I never made a girl squeal before."

I slugged his arm playfully, "Shut up; I can't help it."

He squeezed my arm gently, "Someone likes me."

"Yeah, I like you."

"Then you won't mind me doing it again, do you?"

I shrugged flirtatiously, "Maybe."

Ryan leaned down again and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was still sweet and warm again. he pulled away a moment later and rubbed my arm up and down, "I have to go before my hormones take over."

I rolled my eyes, "Uh huh, sure."

He bit his own lip, "I'll call you tomorrow and bore you."

"Can't wait." I cheered jokingly.


I was surprised with how fast things between myself and Ryan began. I was also surprised that Pete never bothered me after seeing us at the restaurant. I was so sure he would call and bother me or come over. But he didn't and  to be completely honest I wasn't holding my breath. I was very much satisfied with being with Ryan.

We got together quickly and spent almost everyday together. My sister was happy for me and couldn't wait to visit to meet my first official boyfriend in years. As the weeks wore onto months, I got a job as a waitress and as a cashier at a guitar shop that Ryan frequented; I went with him one afternoon and saw the help wanted sign. I love both of my jobs and saw a lot of people that I used to see at the bar. A lot of them were surprised to see me still in LA: my response was that I didn't want to leave after meeting Ryan.

It was semi true now.

When my mind often thought of that, I thought of Pete. I hadn't thought of him recently; even when his birthday past, I didn't. I only had little thoughts of him. It was only a matter of time I saw him again. And... I was right, only it was her I saw one night at the upscale restaurant in Hollywood.

Michelle was in this beautiful black maternity dress and was celebrating her baby shower. My co-worker was serving them, and I was glad that I hadn't been called to. I saw how pretty she looked and old feelings came washing over me. I shook them off and went back to the other tables. I got through my shift without seeing her again; but then I saw Pete.

Yes, Pete's eyes landed on me as I made my way across the street to my car. I was going to meet Ryan for dinner, so I had to rush and get home to clean myself up. I was getting into my car when I saw him leaning against an SUV.

My heart thudded in my chest and nearly stopped. We looked at each other like deer caught in the head lights and I quickly got into my car. I had to get away quick.