I Think I Need A Devil To Help Me Get Things Right

The dive

George and I frantically ran through the crowds of screaming people. The faces became a blur, everyone had the same scared look on their face. The look you get when you think you are going to die.

George and I ran into the building where the band practiced and looked around backstage. People were going crazy, there were a few security guards running around not really knowing what to do. No one had ever been in a situation like this before. Not even me.

We came to a point were the hallways separated. I looked down each not knowing which way to go. I looked down one to the right and saw the band being led by a few security guards. Val was with Matt who had his arms around her protectively. I doubt he could protect her from this though.

My eyes fell on Zacky, and I knew I belonged there.

“You go that way I’ll go this way,” I instructed. He nodded and took off down is hallway, while I took off down the other hallway in direction of the band. Zacky turned his head and instantly stopped when his eyes fell on me. I let out a little cry and ran into his arms.

“What are you doing here I thought you left?” he mumbled into my neck as he held me close. I pulled away slightly.

“Yeah like I could ever leave you,” I answered. He smiled looking at me.

“Zacky I have to tell you something,” I mumbled.

“Not know come on we have to go,” he said pulling me along with them as they walked. I shrugged it off. I knew he would find out soon anyway. I looked ahead seeing mike was the security guard. I walked up to him leaving Zacky’s side momentarily.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey” he mumbled shakily. I could tell he was scared too. He led us to a room.

“You will be safe in here for now, we are waiting for the police to come, and we don’t want to take any chances having you all leave the building,” he explained. They all nodded not really sure of what to do. I followed them into the small room.

“Lock the door from the inside and don’t open it up until you recognize the voice and they give the password ‘baseball, all the guards know it’” he said. They all nodded and he took a step to leave the room. I quickly followed his actions, but got pulled back by Zack.

“What are you doing you cant go out there it is too dangerous, one of our security guards already got shot,’ he explained.

“I have too,” I answered.

“Please don’t,” he said pulling me closer to him.

“Stay with us, you belong with us anyway,” Jimmy intervened. I smiled looking around the group of people.

“I love you, I love you guys so much, especially you,” I said turning my attention to Zacky. “But I have to do this.”

They all looked down realizing I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

“I love you,” Zacky said pulling me into a hug.

“I love you too, but this isn’t goodbye, I’ll be ok,” I reassured, although I wasn’t too sure of what I was saying.

“I know,’ he answered holding me tight. I wanted to stay like that forever, but I slowly pulled away. Saying one last goodbye before following Mike outside the door. We waited to hear the lock of the door before we began moving.

“Do you know who got shot?” I asked looking up at him.

“One of the young ones,” he answered turning down a hallway expecting me to follow, but I didn’t. I looked around not sure of where to go, not sure of where the hell Big Jon was. I heard a shot and a scream and I took off running in the direction the sound was coming from.

I ran down different hallways looking for any clue to this horrible nightmare. I stopped out of breath after running all around backstage. There weren’t that many people around now. The police were not here yet or preoccupied outside, and the security guards were all looking for the shooter.

II stood still not knowing what to do anymore. Everything went quit for a moment, before I started to here moaning. Someone was in a lot of pain. I looked around frantically trying to find the person. I started walking slowly as the moaning increased. It was almost to hard to listen too.

I knew whoever this was, was dieing because the sounds were to awful for it to be anything else. I also had a feeling it wasn’t Big Jon that was hurt. I turned around the corner and screamed. My whole body began shaking as I saw a figure drenched in blood on the floor. A bullet hole through there chest. I stepped forward recognizing the face instantly.

“George,” I whispered. I fell down to my knees and crawled over to him. “George look at me,” I ordered. He opened his eyes slowly, but closed them again.

“George no please don’t, you will be ok, just hang in there,” I begged, but nothing changed. He opened his mouth and began to whisper. I bent down close to him trying to hear what he was saying.

“Get out now,” he whispered. I nodded. “I’ll miss you,” he said in his final act before closing his eyes for the last time. I cried and fell hunched over his body. I cried and cried and my whole body shook. I was lost not knowing what to do anymore.

“I’ll miss you too,” I whispered even though he could no longer hear me. "Ishould have gone down that hallway instead of you, then maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Time seemed to stop and everything went silent again. Not a soothing silence though, a creepy one. The kind where you know something is not right. I felt something cold touch my neck and turned around to be looking into the face I had been scared of for so long.

Big Jon.

I looked at the object in his hand, the object touching my neck. A gun.

“Stand up,” he ordered in his low evil voice. I slowly did, not having any other choice in the matter.

“Come,” he ordered and we began walking down the hall. I wanted to look back and say goodbye to George, but I was too scared. Scared that I would end up the same way he had.

I heard footsteps and my heart leapt. Someone was coming. I could be saved. A man in a security guard outfit appeared. The name tag said Jeremy. The guys who had replaced me. He wasn’t scared or even surprised, in fact he had a smile on his face, and evil in his eyes.

“Ah Jeremy,” Big Jon said. It hit me that he wasn’t a security guard, but a man working for Big Jon.

“How could you do this?” I asked talking to both or either of them. Jeremy shrugged acting like this was no big deal.

“It’s easy…..” he began but was cut off by Big Jon.

“Did I say you could talk,” he grumbled. I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or Jeremy, but Jeremy wasn’t sure either, because he shut his mouth quickly. It was clear everyone was scared of Big Jon. “Go do what I told you too.”

Jeremy took off and I wondered what the hell he was planning to do.

That’s when I realized he was a security guard, or that’s what everyone thought. He would know the password and if he said it the band would open the door, not knowing what they were getting themselves into.

Nothing else mattered to me anymore. We were all doomed. Jon and I began walking again, and I decided to talk since I was pretty sure I was going to die anyway.

“Why did you do this?” I asked. “Was she that important to you?”

“He stopped us and turned me around to glare at me.

“Who?” he asked in the meanest, most scariest voice I had ever heard.

“Val, don’t think I don’t know about her because I do,” I answered. I didn’t want him to think I was scared, even though truthfully I was terrified.

“Well aren’t you smart, too bad your smarts will be wasted,” he threatened. I chill ran down my spine as I realized what he meant. I decided I might as well end being brave.

“Do you love her?” I asked as mean as I could muster up. “Did you ask her out and she turned you down. Are you just some pathetic loser who has been in love with her your whole life?”

“Shut up you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about,” he yelled.

“Oh, but I do, because it’s true, your so pathetic and ugly the only way you can get a girl to be with youis to dot his,” I said. He glared at me.

“Do you want to die?” he screamed. I knew he was extremely angry, but I knew what I was aying was effecting him.

“You think your so great, but the truth is no one will ever want to be with you, your just some pathetic loser who has no life,” I answered.

“That’s it I want to see you die right here right now,” he yelled.

“No” I heard screamed from behind us. I turned around to see the band running towards us. Zacky in the lead, followed by Matt, Brian Jimmy and Johnny.

Val was not there which I was thankful for because I wanted her as far away from Big Jon as possible. I had grown to be friends with her.

Big Jon grinned and let me go pushing me aside. He lifted his gun up to the guys, pointing it at them. They stopped and I looked at each of them. I knew what Big Jon was going to do, but I couldn’t let it happen. I cared about them to much to sit here and watch it. I lost one friend today and I wasn’t ready to lose anymore.

Their life meant more than mine did at that moment.

I dove in front of the gun just as the shot went off.
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I really like this chapter hope you guys do too. It's really long. Thanks you so much for reading.

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