I Think I Need A Devil To Help Me Get Things Right

The Picture

I lay in my bunk looking up at the ceiling, hearing the guys argue about who was the hottest. I looked at them smiling. They were arguing, but I could tell they were all best friends.

It made me sad to think I never had any friends, or boyfriends. All I had was my job. So I might as well do it right. I stood up slowly walking over to the couch sitting down.

“Cam,” Matt asked. I looked up turning on my computer.

“What?” I asked waiting as the computer slowly turned on.

“Who do you think is the hottest?” he asked. I laughed as Zacky motioned towards himself. I looked each of them up and down.

“I would have to say it’s a three way tie,” I said looking back to my computer seeing it was still loading.

“Three way, which are the three guys?” Johnny asked. I laughed again.

“Figure it out for yourselves,” I said. They paused for a moment then instantly started arguing again.

I looked as my welcome screen turned on. A pop up screen popped up showing a mug shot to one of the most scariest guys I had ever seen. I couldn’t help but gasp.

“What?” Zacky asked looking at me. I didn’t bother looking up. I starred at the picture as the name Jonathon Samson flashed across the screen.

I stared into his eyes, which were filled with hate. I tensed up.

“Are you ok?” Jimmy asked taking a step closer to me. I looked up at him and watched as Zacky began walking towards me. I took one more look at the computer screen before closing it.

I thought about how he escaped prison twice, about how many people he must have killed. All of a sudden the bus just wasn’t driving fast enough. I started to shiver a little, before pulling myself together.

“I’m fine,” I answered looking up at the five guys who were staring at me worriedly. “I’m just tired, I’m going to go to bed.” I quickly turned off the computer standing up. I looked at them one more time before walking to my bunk laying down.

I felt the weight of everything hit me all at once. It was my job to protect them to find Big Jon, and so far all I had done was stare at Big Jon’s picture and get freaked out. I turned over staring at the wall.

I heard footsteps behind me and I was pretty sure I knew who’s they were. The person who never seemed to leave my side from the second he entered my life.

“Cam,” Zacky whispered. I slowly turned over looking at him. I felt my eyes water up a little. “Why wont you tell me what’s wrong?”

“Trust me you don’t want to know,” I mumbled.

“I can…..protect you from whatever it is,” he tried. I sighed.

It’s supposed to be the other way around.

“I’m ok Zacky, I promise,” I said slightly more assertive.

“Ok,” he said. I could tell he was slightly upset I didn’t come out and say it.

“I don’t want to know anyway it’s probable some lame girl problem,” he muttered. I sighed.

“How come every time your nice, you have to come back and be mean too?” I asked sitting up. He smiled proudly.

“I have to keep up my reputation.”

The bus pulled to a stop and we were finally here. I decided to have a new attitude about the whole situation. All work. I could do this, I just couldn’t let anyone get my sidetracked, especially Zacky.

I stood up stretching.

“Are you excited?” Johnny laughed.

“All I get to do is work you’re the one who should be excited you get to be the rock star,” I pointed out he nodded.

“Your right I’m so glad I’m not you,” he said. I laughed following him off the bus. I closed my eyes as the sun was so bright.

“Here,” I heard someone say, I felt someone put sunglasses on my head. I opened my eyes, with sunglasses on, seeing Zacky smiling. I laughed.

“Do I look hot,” I asked, posing.

“No,” Zacky mumbled. I sighed.

“Fine take them back,” I muttered. I began walking away, but felt Zacky hand slip into mine and pull me back.

‘Are you going to watch our show?” he asked. I shook my head. “Why?” he pouted his lip.

“Because Zacky,” I said while laughing, “I have to work.”

“Fine if it has to be that way,” he muttered.

“It does,” I said simply. I promised myself I wouldn’t let him distract me, but he was making it increasingly harder.

I heard a huge group of girls beginning screaming Zacky and come running our way.

“Good luck with that,” I mumbled rolling my eyes.

“I know I might have to call security,” He said.

“Hey,” I said running up to Rob.

“Hey I missed you,” he said hugging me.

“I know I ended up having to share a bus with the guys,” I explained. He laughed. “Yeah it was interesting,”

“And Zacky?” he asked.

“He’s what made it interesting,” I said. I smiled talking with Rob for a little bit, before we parted way to go do our jobs. I decided that the only way to get to know the guys was to go through there stuff.

I walked back to the bus being careful not to be seen. I got on. I decided to go to the back room first. I looked at each of there stuff wondering who to start with. I instantly thought Zacky, but shook that idea out of my head. Matt I’ll start with him.

I walked over opening on of his bags. I saw it was filled with pictures. I picked the first one I saw up. I smiled seeing it was a picture of Matt and a girl.

“It’s my girlfriend,” I spun around to see Matt. “Val.” I smiled looking at the picture.

“She’s really pretty,” I commented. He nodded as he sat down

“Yeah I’m so lucky to have her,” I sat down on the bed next to him. “We’re engaged.”

“Congratulations,” I said hugging him.

“You’ll meet her soon, she’s flying out soon,” he explained. I smiled.

"That’s great,” I said realizing how much he missed her.

I looked at the picture seeing how happy they were.

“Your lucky I’ve never been in love,” I said putting the picture back.

“You just need to have the right person,” he said. I sighed.

“Yeah it be easy if I knew who that person was?” I mumbled.

“I have an idea who it might be,” Matt said standing up. I looked at him weirdly.

“Who?” I asked standing up to. He smiled at me.

“Think about it I think you’ll be able to figure it out.”
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