Status: First story. Sorry if it sucks :D


Chapter 3

“Good night, Annabelle!” I said before closing my bedroom door.

We had so much fun just telling our stories. We actually weren’t that different; just where we grew up was different and the fact that her parents are Irish. She is literally my new best friend.

I was busy sharpening my left twin, when I heard a knock on the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me,” I heard Luke say.

“Come in, the door should be unlocked.”

“What are you doing?” he looked kind of scared that I had sharp pointy objects in my possession but whatever.

“Sharpening my twins. Don’t look so scared. I’m not going to stab you.”

He ignored the last part, “Your twins?”

“Yea. My twin dragon scimitars. They’re my babies; second to my motorcycle.”


After that there was a really long and awkward silence with me just sharpening my knives and what not.

“Why did you come here?” I asked curiously.

“Oh uhhh, to say good night,” he answered sheepishly.

“Oh. Well good night! And thanks for everything today!”

“Uh no problem. Good night Tory,” he said as he walked out the door, failing at hiding his red face.

The next morning, I awoke to banging on my door. I’m not even sure what time it is right now. I walked to the door groggily and opened it.

“Come on sleepy head! You have to get ready for the day. We’re going on a mission. We’re almost out of bread, oil, and a bunch of other things that are on a list that I can’t remember,” Annabelle said hurriedly.

This new information definitely woke me up.

“Okay let me go get dressed.” So I got dressed in like, 5 minutes tops. I was wearing Black jeans, my motorcycle boats, a black tank top and my leather jacket. I had left everything else in the garage with Annabelle, except for my twins; they were strapped on my back already.

We ran to the dining hall to get breakfast, ate with everyone else who was going and then we were on our way.

It was Luke, John, and Annabelle in a Jeep, me on my Yamaha, and 3 or 4 other people in what looked like an old moving truck. Luke waved me over to the group of people that were huddled around what I assumed was a map. John was in the middle of explaining where we were going. I immediatley focused on listening to what John was telling us, remembering what we needed to look for, and to watch out for zombies. I didn’t even notice Luke staring at me until I turned around to go to my bike.

He just looked away quickly and got into the jeep. I started up my bike and followed behind the jeep; my backpack over my scimitars. We were about 2 miles outside of our first destination when John motioned for us to stop. He motioned for me to pull up next to him.

“I want you to go out ahead and do some scouting. Tell us how many there are and if there are a small number go ahead and take care of them.”

I nodded and was about to go when Luke stopped me.

“She’s just recovered!! You can’t let her go!” he yelled

“I’m fine, Luke, really! I’m not just going to sit here and do nothing.”
And with that I left.

It took me all of two minutes to get there. When I pulled into the city I slowed down. There were some strays, but they weren’t really much to worry about. After about 5 minutes of riding around, I decided to head back, but before I could I heard a lot of screaming coming from an ally. I parked my bike and walked figuring it would be easier to encounter anything on foot. As I got closer I could hear the moans of zombies and I could faintly hear a small child crying.

I, being me, killed the 6 or 7 zombies that were there, not knowing that there were like 30 to 50 more around the corner. They started coming towards me, so I picked up the child, sat her in front of me on my bike and sped off. The stupid bastards were to slow to even reach the opening of the alley before I was gone.

When I got back to our convoy, I immediately gave the child to somebody in the truck. I then went and gave my report to John and he told us what we were going to do next.

“I need two people in the truck, Annabelle hop on back with Tordis, and everyone else in the jeep.
Tordis, you’re going to lead us back to the alley you found the child at. Keep a somewhat slower pace so we can check for any other civilians that may need our help. Keep your eyes and ears peeled! Let’s move out!”

“Anna, you’re going to have to be my ears. I can’t hear much through this helmet.”


And with that, we were off.
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I'm sorry it took so long guys!!! I keep getting side tracked.
Anyways, I hope you like it!

Any questions just message me!

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