Status: First story. Sorry if it sucks :D


Chapter 5

Chapter 5
“Oh. My. God. James? Is that you?”
“Heh, yea. Long time no see, eh? How’ve you been?” James asked, coughing. He sounds and looks sick.
“I’ve been pretty good. Got knocked out by some guy and was in a coma for two months, but other than that pretty good. You, on the other hand, don’t look so swift,” I replied walking over and helping him stand up.
“You got people?” he asked.
“Hmm? Oh yea. There good people and they’ll take care of you.”
We got to the front room where Luke was and James whispered, “That the guy that knocked you out in your group?”
“Yes and don’t do anything irrational. It was an accident. He thought I was a walker. I forgave him.”
James just stared at Luke and as James tightened his grip on my waist, Luke glared and looked away. I hope he doesn't realize that I noticed because I'm totally giving him shit for it later.
“I don’t like him,” James whispered once we walked past Luke and through the door.
“You’re just being big brother. He’s kind,” I trailed off.
James just looked at me. “Whatever.”
It took us about ten minutes to get back to the convoy, considering James could barely walk and the house was a little ways of the road. Luke reluctantly offered to help carry James to the convoy, which I thought was sweet of him.
Wait. Did I just call Luke sweet?
Anyways, we got back to the convoy and hurried James into the back of the moving van and hurried our asses back to the base or whatever you want to call it. I’ll have to ask Annabelle what they officially call it.
God I haven’t seen James since the beginning of junior year and that was what, seven years ago? Wow. We were best friends all through elementary, middle and part of high school until he had to move to Colorado. We had promised each other to keep in contact, but as time went on we slowly started talking to each other less and less. He was my big brother and I was devastated when he had to move. We never did anything without each other.
Right. Enough reminiscing.
Once we got back to base, Luke and I helped James, the mother and children to the infirmary to get them checked over and get their wounds cleaned up. I was starting to worry about James because I guess he had passed out in the truck and he now had a really high fever. Amy said she would take good care of him so I trusted her with that. I just hope he makes it out okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh. My. God. It has been so long since I have posted anything. I've been so busy with school shtuffs lately. I'll try to keep posting on a somewhat regular basis after the first of the year. December is a pretty hectic month for me.

*Edited 2/13/2013*