Flashback to: SIMPLE PLAN GET YOUR HEART ON! TOUR 2012 - Grand City Convex Surabaya

Thank You

After the concert, I buy a lot of merchandises.

At the next day, I got PCD (Post Concert Disorder) until I can't focused on my school (+ sleepy -_-), my sister got sick.. Well, I think my sister got PCD too :p Oh and I was dreamt about Seb hugged me..... #ignorethis

I've got to say that Simple Plan concert was a great concert ever and my first foreign band concert (I attended much local concerts, okay? :p I'm a concert weirdo!). Thank you to Big Daddy for bringin 'em here. I hope Simple Plan want to come back again, I'm so promise that I will come to their next concert again (; Okay, I think this is enough, going to copy this to my Mibba, and Ich bin hungrig wie ein Wolf right now. Enjoy! And DO NOT COPY THIS STORY AND CLAIM THIS WAS YOURS. VIELEN DANK (: