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I know it's not very good, detailed wise, or long, or something to that affect. But, I am free-writing this basically. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

When it starts getting late, I make sure to get home. I have to make dinner for my dad, otherwise he'll be angry and go out on another rampage again. But, when I get home I am too late. Dad is mad, he's throwing thing's and yelling stuff like, how I never do anything he asks. He throws something that used to belong to mom. It's a glass angel trinket that she has left. I catch it before it touches the ground and shatters. But my dad is not done, he's not done being angry at me for not obeying him. So he grabs my arm and throws me across the room, I lose grip on the glass trinket and it drops down and shatters as my body hits the wall. The wall now has a dent in it. That made my dad even angrier, so he blamed it on me. Then he starts hitting me. Causing more bruises and the bruises on my body to hurt even worst.
  1. Hoping That This Will End
    I ignore it, the pain, him hitting me and go to my special place in my mind and hope that this will end.
  2. Faking A Smile
    My dad is passed out drunk on the couch this time and I am grateful, but notice that he's smashed up something else because I wasn't home today most likely. Then I go to my room and go to bed.
  3. I Won't Accept Your Apology
    No one will miss me if I leave school, I have no friend's here... But, then again. Where will I go? I wouldn't dare go home to my dad. I put my backpack back into my locker and there it's decided that I will remain at school until it's over.
  4. I'm Not Strong Enough
    "You seem much more fragile, like a piece of glass... Like if I was to pick you up and then accidentally drop you, you'd shatter."
  5. Regret
    I felt like tearing off my own skin, just to get rid of his touch...