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Hoping That This Will End

Waking up, I made sure to step around my sleeping dog's on the floor. Boomer and Midnight, Midnight was a black pug and Boomer was a tan American bull dog. They were both still babies. When I stepped around them, I felt a shiver run up my spine from the wickedly cold air around them. Dad must have the air on. I exit my room, still in my pj shorts and long-sleeve bed shirt, and made my way to the living room where my dad slept peacefully with a beer on the end table completely covered in bills that are way overdue. I made my way to the sink, turned it on and sighed when no water came out.

Dad must've not paid the water bill... I sighed again, then went to get dressed for school. I ignored my greasy hair and just put it up in a pony tail for the day. I dressed in a pair of long skinny jeans and a long t-shirt that covered the bruises on my arms. The bruises were still sore to the touch, I tried not to flinch at the twinge of it when I pulled my backpack on.

What time is it?

6:30. Oh crap. I'm late for school.

I run out the door, forgetting to put my makeup on again... I have to run back in to put coverup on nearly every inch of my body; hiding the scars that my dad has caused. When I'm done, I then rush to school.

Everyone was in class, I slip into my first bell English class. At least I'm not so late that I miss the bell completely, my English teacher - Mrs. Snow - is actually a pretty cool teacher.

After English, I rush to my locker and shove my stuff in it. Ugh. I groan when I realize that I have forgotten my Chemistry text book... My Chemistry teacher will freaking kill me. He already hates me, the stupid physco. I go to close my locker but a masculine hand stops me.

"A lonely lamb, I see?" Inquires the imbecile boy.

"I'm not lonely." I utter and push my way past him, slamming my locker shut on his hand.

I hope it hurts.

I hate boys.

I hear people snickering in the distance as I walk away.

Let them laugh.

I enter my second bell Chemistry class, stressed as ever. Mr. Branwell is giving me after school detention because this is the fifth time that I have forgotten my book within this month, which only started last week. It is currently Wednesday, the second quarter of the school year and the month is November. The school started August 28th, and it already feel like it's been a year. I hate it. School sucks.

When I find my seat, I find that it's already been taken by the "beautiful" Lucy Bell; the schools "it" girl. Though, when I look at her all I see is that she was so plastic from the plastic surgery that she's had and barbified she was practically made in china.

"Um, that's my seat." I say to her idiotically. I should've shut up and went to a different seat.

"Um what?" Her pink eyes stare at me, like they're staring into my soul.

I allow myself to wonder a moment before responding, what color her natural eyes are that are hiding behind her pink contacts. "...Nothing, never mind." I walk away.

"That's right." Lucy laughs arrogantly, then is disturbed by a friend of hers I assume.

I roll my eyes and find my way to a different seat. I wonder how people get so fake that they even want plastic surgery. I'm happy with just the way I am. Being 5'2", thin, brown eyes, straight brown hair with bangs. Even though I have scars, I'm still happy with my body.

I start doodling in my notebook, drawing a set of lips with a finger over it as if it was to say "shh". I'm not very good at drawing hands, or fingers, but I'm working on it and trying to improve. As I'm drawing, I realize that my head still hurts from what my dad did to me last night. I start feeling dizzy, but I keep drawing until I'm interrupted by Mr. Branwell saying that class is started and quickly lose consciousness.

I wake in the nurses office, she's staring down at me and has a worried expression on her face. I touch my left arm and feel that it's bare. I touch my right arm, feeling that it's bare too. I sit up, noticing that I'm still dressed; just my sleeves are pulled up.

"Miss. Skye. this the 4th time this year that you've fainted. I've noticed you still have cuts and bruises on your arm. Are you doing okay at home?" The nurse, Miss. Sampson touches my forehead, feeling for any sign of a fever.

I nod and smile at her. "I'm fine, just you know me; I'm clumsy." Why am I lying to protect my father? He's done this to me... It's his fault. I shouldn't have to lie. I guess it's because he's my father and I don't want anything to happen to him.

Maybe I'm stupid.

A smile of relief wipes over Miss. Sampson's face, then she tells me I'll be free to go as soon as I eat some crackers and drink some water to stay hydrated.

She seems to think my reason for fainting is dehydration.

I do what she says, agree or disagree with what she says to keep no questions asked about the bruises, marks, or scars.

When I'm done, I pull down my sleeves and scatter away and make it back to the ending of my Chemistry class. Lucy Bell is still in my seat, with her friend Sarah Moonshine right next to her. People are quiet when I enter the room though, as well as it's completely quiet the walk to my seat. Everyone has blank expressionless faces that I can't make out. I hardly know any of them by name. I am told that I do not have to do the class work by Mr. Branwell, so I sit and doodle the rest of Chemistry class... I also don't have after school detention anymore. After Chemistry, I have study hall which I doodle in as well. Most people talk in study hall, but I'm not much of a talker; never have been, never will.

Then comes lunch, the hardest part of the day. I don't have a table to sit at, so I sit alone with all the other loners; which only consist of 2 other people a girl named Savannah and a boy named Greg. We are basically the social outcasts of the school. Savannah hasn't always been this way, she used to be really popular up until a rumor that said she had herpes. I only know this because I heard it while I was using the bathroom in the girls bathroom, it's strange how girls only see it a way to gossip. Greg has always been a social outcast, because he's weird and smells. No one likes him. And me? Well, I'm a special case, I like to say. I don't talk to anyone and they don't talk to me. It's best that way, it really is.

After lunch I have P.E, which I have a fake doctor's note to get me out of so I don't have to change clothes or participate. I don't think my P.E teacher likes me very much, he always yelling at me because I always have a note from my doctor. He asks if I'm seriously sick or something, too, but I shrug it off and tell him it's just personal. And, it is. Then I have one more bell, Math. My math teacher, Mrs. Saunders loves me, she thinks I'm funny because I always tell her stories about my dogs after class. Today we don't talk, because she says she has to go somewhere. And that's fine with me, because I leave school.

I am not ready to go home, so I go to the park and lay in the grass.

This is my safe haven and no one bothers me here.

Not my dad, not teachers, not random people, no one.

Everyone sees me, yes, but they don't think or make a move to talk to me.

I'm happy here.

When it starts getting late, I make sure to get home. I have to make dinner for my dad, otherwise he'll be angry and go out on another rampage again. But, when I get home I am too late. Dad is mad, he's throwing thing's and yelling stuff like, how I never do anything he asks. He throws something that used to belong to mom. It's a glass angel trinket that she has left. I catch it before it touches the ground and shatters. But my dad is not done, he's not done being angry at me for not obeying him. So he grabs my arm and throws me across the room, I lose grip on the glass trinket and it drops down and shatters as my body hits the wall. The wall now has a dent in it. That made my dad even angrier, so he blamed it on me. Then he starts hitting me. Causing more bruises and the bruises on my body to hurt even worst.

I ignore it, the pain, him hitting me and go to my special place in my mind and hope that this will end.
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What did you think? And no, it's not a true story.