Status: Please comment on it your opinion please


I'm Not Strong Enough

Dad was home that night, he wasn't sober anymore. Instead he had his "friend's" over. There was a big man, who called himself Henry, a woman named Samantha and another guy named George. They were all much older than myself and were closer to my dad's age. Henry took a special liking to me, I knew this because every time I walked away into the kitchen he would follow me. He gave me the creeps, so I stayed where my dad is so I know he wouldn't hurt me in private... I mean, I don't know Henry well enough.

"So, when are you going to pay me Joey?" Henry asked my dad.

My dad rolled his eyes, as Samantha kissed all over his neck and then his lips. My dad pulled away, "I don't know..." He practically moaned. "...You can have her." Dad pointed at me.

I stared in horror, remembering how this has happened once before. Dad's buddies sold him his drugs, beer, or dad made a bet and lost. When dad didn't pay, they forced me to do thing's for the guys. Horrible thing's. Henry took me by my wrist, I couldn't fight back. Henry took me into my room and locked the door.

That night, I didn't sleep at all. When it was school time, I knew it was enviable and that I had to go. When I would go into my room, I would flinch at the memory from last night. Why in my room? I can't ever go in here again. I cried and cleaned up my body in the shower. I am disgusting... No one will ever love me.

When I was done, I went to school. Lucy Bell was standing guard at Ivan's locker with her posse, she glared at me when I walked through the doors. Lucy left her posse and Ivan's locker and walked up to me, when I reached my locker. She shoved me into my locker and smiled. "So, whore you going to break his other hand now?" She fluttered her long false eyelashes at me.

I looked away, not wanting to answer. "No." I choked out.

"Well, let me break one of your hands too." She smiled and stepped closer.

That's when we were interrupted by Ivan Daniels himself. "I'm sorry about Luce." He said to me.

I nodded and looked down. I wanted to cry. No one has ever saved me before.

Ivan gave me a hug, which made me flinch and pull back. "Stop." I said and ran away, into the girls bathroom and hid in a stall and cried.

I could hear Lucy Bell when I ran away make her comment. "She's so weird." I heard her snicker.

I cried and hugged myself. Why am I like this? I'm ugly. I'm weird. The scars on my body told me. But yet there were more scars, more than just the one's on my skin, the one's on the inside hurt the worst. I wanted to be saved. I needed to be saved.

When I'm done, I go to class. School passes by faster than usual. I am allowed to leave school, so I go take a walk. My destination is no where, because I have no where to go. I just want to be free. On my walk home, I knock into Ivan again.

I'm afraid if he will hurt me, because we are all alone on this street. I look away. "Alice Skye is your name right?" He asks me, when I am looking down again.

I don't answer, instead I don't let him realize I acknowledge the fact he's there.

"You're always so different from other girls." He touches my shoulder. "You seem much more fragile, like a piece of glass... Like if I was to pick you up and then accidentally drop you, you'd shatter." He wraps his arms around me, in a hug.

I let him and don't pull away, instead I cry.

I don't want to be hurt anymore.
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