Status: Comment on it what you think please!

Beautiful Barbie

Chapter One: I'm Beautiful

When people think of me, they think, "she's pretty, smart, nice-all together she's perfect." I am all of those things. I go to a very prestigious private school, I get straight A's, I'm the student council president and I'm a model. Everyone loves me and wants to be me, that's just who I am. I'm beautiful, but of course with being beautiful... A lot of people hate me, and that's because they're jealous of me. As they have every right to be, because I do give them something to be jealous of.

"Tori do you want to come over after school?" My red haired best friend asked.

I flashed her a dazzling smile. "I'm sorry... Please forgive me, Hannah, but I have to catch up on my studies." I lied.

Hannah's blue eyes lingered over to our other best friend Charlie. "Because me and Charlie were going to meet up and have some tea."

Charlie walked over to us, her black Mary-Jane shoes clacking on the tile flooring as she walked over to us. "Did you guy's call me? I heard my name."

"Er, no... I was just telling Tori here, that she should come over after school to my house." Hannah's curly red hair laid loosely on her shoulders of her grey uniform sweater.

"You should join us, we haven't had tea together in an awful long time... And it's always such a good time when you're around." Charlie smile at me, her dark brown eyes sparkling and chocolatey brown skin glowing in the light's of Mr. Lexington's English room.

"I know, it's been a while. I'm sorry about that too, but I need to catch up on my studies or else I'm afraid mother won't be very proud." I said acting haughty, which was nonetheless how I usually acted.

"It's such a shame you can't come over." Hannah pouted.

Part of me wondered if she was faking it and the other part didn't care. "It is such a shame, my friend... But, you know, there will be other times. I suppose we ought to get together this weekend and that should make up for lost time." I suggested.

Me and my friend's hardly see each other out of school, part of the reason for that is because I'm always studying, at student council, or I'm at a modeling shoot. The other reason for that, is because Hannah and Charlie are such bores, they only seem to talk about school or their jobs. Never about boys. I don't see how they're my best friends, but maybe it's because they're beautiful too - like me - and that they get good grades. Of course a pretty girl, as of myself, can only be friends with the most attractive people in the school. Not only do they have to be attractive, but intelligent too. Otherwise such a friendship with anyone, for me, would be entirely pointless. Wouldn't it be? It would, most-likely, ruin my reputation and reputation is everything.

I had to walk three blocks to get to my house from school, it wasn't a long walk... But it's kind of November and well... It snowed. The snow would sneak it's way into my school shoes and soak my knee-socks with it's cold-wetness. I don't like snow, or this season; it's so icky.

My mother was home when I reached home, she was cleaning the kitchen because my two year old little sister probably decided to throw her food everywhere again. Which is one of the reason's I plan to never have kid's, they're messy, they also cause stretch marks and worry lines. I don't want any of that when I'm older. So I plan to never have kids.

"Victoria get in here now!" My mom yelled.

I ran into the kitchen, after tossing my school bag and coat on the tan sofa, that was the center piece of the front living room. "Yes mother?" I asked, almost sarcastically. She probably wanted me to just clean up something, which is what she usually wants.

"Your brother is coming home for dinner tonight, with his new girlfriend. Make sure to dress appropriate, alright?" My mother asked, like I never dress appropriate.

I guess how I dress isn't good enough for her. "Appropriate in what way mother?"

The reason I am so perfect is because of my mother and step-father. She and my step-father have this thing, where if you aren't intelligent and beautiful then you're a worthless piece of crap... And yes, being blunt is necessary. I guess I could complain though, you know, complain about this life. But, this life is a whole lot better than my old life. My mother used to struggle for money just for food and I had to wear Zack's hand-me-downs. - Yes, I had to wear boy-hand-me-downs. It was that bad, but you do what you have to do to get by. However, it's be extremely good since mother had married Sam, and I'm happy for her. She say's Sam makes her happy, but in all honesty, I think she only married Sam for his money.

"You'll have to wear a dress, and Sam is also inviting a few of his colleagues over." My mother said, picking up Olivia from her highchair.

"Okay mother." I went to my room.

My room was big, big enough to fit at least twenty or so sleeping bag's on the floor. But that would be expected, since I live in a mansion. My bedroom was decorated in a way that I thought would suit me best. Everything was pink... The reason for everything being pink was, because I've never owned a pink thin in my life before my mother met Sam and pink was like this exotic color that I've never gotten the chance to experiment with... And it's now is my favorite color.

There was a light pink princess dress sprawled across my pink and black zebra printed queen size bed. The first thought that came to my mind was, does mom expect me to wear this? This dress is for a party, not a dinner. Great, I'll have to find something else and manage with that. I quickly went to my closet, looking through everything in it. I found nothing but a short and tight strapless navy blue dress.

"Ugh!" I groaned to myself, navy blue looks horrible with my tan complexion. I quickly hurried down the stairs in a hastily manner, looking for my mother. I found her in my little sister's lavender room that was decked out with flowers and white furniture.

"What do you want Victoria? I just put Olivia to bed." My mother asked.

"I have nothing to wear!" I proclaimed.

"Don't you have that new dress? Sam said he bought it for you and that he even picked it out himself."

"I saw it; it isn't the right attire for a dinner mother, it's fit for a ball." I replied.

My mom's eyes rolled. "Victoria, you must be more carefree about your clothing. What if we were poor, again? You would have no fancy dresses to wear." She scolded.

"We can't worry about "what if's" mother, we have plenty enough money. That is why you married Sam, right? So, we'd have money." I blurted out, then realized that what I just said is entirely rude and I am probably about to get scolded again.

"No, it is not, Victoria, I married him because I love him." My mother turned away. "Wear that blue dress, I'm sure you'll look fine."

I groaned and stormed back up to my room and threw on the small navy blue dress. Mother had to be mad, I cannot wear this dress. "Ew." I said, examing myself in the mirror as soon as I saw my appearance; I look horrible.

There was a sudden knock on my bedroom door and it drew me away from my mirror to answer, only to see that is was my mom.

"Oh! Darling, you look beautiful. That dress isn't ugly on you." She welcomed me in a hug.

"What are you talking about? I look absolutely atrocious!" I proclaimed, putting my hands on my hips.

My mother's straight blonde hair laid on her shoulders, her blue eyes ran over my dress, then back up to my face. "The dress looks perfect on you, it even matches your eyes."

I rolled my eyes. "My eyes are not navy blue, they are sky blue... And like omg, my hair is frizzing up. Do I have enough time to use my straightener?" I asked, as I analyzed myself in the mirror.

I have to look perfect, because perfection is beauty.

"You certainly do," my mother left the room.

When the dinner party started - before Sam and Sam's guest showed up, I decided to take up the option to entertain Zack and his girlfriend, which I preferred to call her 'Zack's new toy', because who knows... They were probably already sleeping together and that was probably the only reason he was with her. Zack, my brother, introduced me to his new 'girlfriend' Claire. She was a very pretty girl, which I expected. Tall, dark brown eyes, tan and straight (non-frizzy) brown hair. The only flaw on her, is that she was a little curvy on her body, gaining some chub (what I call fat). We can't have a fat-chick in our family now, can we?

"Claire, you look a little chubby. Do you plan on dieting?" I asked, being as rude as possible.

Mom and Zack turned their attention to me, struck in horror.

"What? She's getting fat, we can't have a fatty in our family. It would be horrible to be related to such a creature." I smirked.

"That was rude!" Zack yelled at me.

"No, it wasn't; I was being honest." I turned my eyes back to Claire. "Look, do you want me to teach you how to lose weight? It's called being anorexic or bulimic. Anorexia is where you don't eat at all and bulimia is where you throw up."

Claire suddenly burst into tears, "I'm not fat!" She cried.

I giggled, this is fun.

"Victoria, say you're sorry." My mom ordered me.

"For what? I've done thing wrong, I was just telling her my honest opinion. There was nothing wrong with it."

A few minutes later, thing's settled down. Claire stopped sobbing, mom stopped scolding me, Zack stopped glaring at me with invisible eye daggers. And that was when Sam showed up with his colleagues, well colleague and colleagues family.

"Welcome home baby." My mom went and pecked Sam on the lips.

"I brought Mr. Oliver, his wife and his two kids - Luke and Lily." Sam said, standing by my mom - wrapping his arm around her slim waist. "Victoria, Luke will be going to your school this year. He'll be transferring soon."

"It's nice to meet you, Luke." I curtseyed, like a girl did for a queen or something. It was the polite way to greet someone. I greeted Mr. Oliver, his wife and Lily the same way I greeted Luke.

"Hello Victoria." Luke's blonde hair and blue eyes shined in the light from the chandelier from above us. He was ultra-gorgeous, like a model. He was tan, like me. His button-up shirt wasn't buttoned on the top button and his tie was tied loosely in a sloppy manner. He was attractive and polite with just the right amount of danger.

He looked like he'd be some fun for me, so I gave him my best dazzling smile.
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