Status: hey guys leave me feedback?

New Life?


Well dad lost his job AGAIN. Looks like we have to pack up and move to another town. Well another town is what i though. Another country is what my parents had in mind. So now I am packing my room back into the boxes i not long ago unpacked them from. Well the only thing I am looking forward to is the new town part of it. New people and new friends. So once again its time for that moving status on Facebook. All of my friends i have made in this town comment on it “where?” “what town now?”. Honestly I dont even know where I am moving this time.

I slowly walk down stairs to go and ask my parents where we are moving to cause I have no clue. As I walk in to the living room my parents call my younger brother and myself in to talk about moving again. After they bragged on and on about why we have to move they told us that they have decided we move to Hawaii.

My younger brother was so excited to go on a plane and live in another country. The only thing I was looking forward to living in Hawaii was that one of my close friends that I met because of Tumblr. We talk almost everyday and we say good night sis to each other. I will finally get to meet her in person hopefully. Thats if we are in near by towns.

Two weeks have passed and we finally arrive in Hawaii. I cant wait to see the new house. I told Ari once I arrived at the airport I would inbox her my number so we could text cause it would be so much easier. My new home was about two hours drive from the air port in a small town, not much bigger than the one i used to live in back in Australia so it made it feel a bit more like home already and we hadn’t even got to the house yet.

We arrived at the house and me and my brother Nate ran upstairs to the bedrooms and of course he wanted the bigger room cause well that is what siblings do. Mum comes upstairs and tells us whose room is whose. Well it happened that i got the larger room cause the colour of the feature wall was a deep purple and the other room had blue.

We went back down to the car and got out our bags and took them to our rooms. we couldn’t really unpack anything just yet cause mum had not unlocked the container in the driveway that had all the furniture in it. the last thing we put in the container was all of our beds so they were the first things that went into the house. It took about 3 hours to empty the container of all our stuff and put it ini the right rooms. Mum and dad got their room done in no time. They were already onto the living room and kitchen while i just finished helping Nate do the bathroom and putting all his furnishing where he wanted them.

By this time it was just after 3 so school had finished and I got a call from Ari. she asked for my address. Once I gave it to her she had a fit cause we moved into the house next to hers. I saw her getting of the bus and i wanted to run down stairs and give her a hug. But I had to start on my room if I wanted somewhere to sleep tonight. All of a sudden the doorbell rings, then I hear a knock at my bedroom door. I say come in like normal so the door opens and I have hands over my eyes so I cant see who is there. All they say is

“guess who”.

Immediately I yell ARI! at the top of my lungs. I swing around and give her a hug. she offers to help me unpack but I refuse. Instead i say you can sit on my bed and talk to me while I unpack.

We talk and talk and I have all my room unpacked and Ari helps me put up my posters. All 200 of them. I ask if she would like to stay for dinner and mum says yes. She can finally meet my family and get to know me even more. I now know that it was the best choice mum and dad have made although I know only have Facebook and Skype to keep in contact with my friends from Australia. But honestly, it doesn’t bother me one bit.