Status: hey guys leave me feedback?

New Life?

What the hell?

I leave Ari alone with my uncle while I go and get Alex, Neil, Kevin and Josh. I lead them back to uncle Jeremy who is sitting in the meeting room with Ari.

"Ari. This is the rest of my uncles band" I look her in the eye.

"H-h-h-hi" she stutters.

All the boys just smile and wave. It was quiet funny to be honest. I thought she would have been a tad bit more bubbly and excited Y'no? I leave them alone in the room and I go out to the bus and get the rest of the tribe.

"Follow me" I say as i hold maylana in my arms and everyone follows behind me.

Nate knows exactly where to go. Its not like we havent been here before. It is our uncles recording studio and everything. He walks straight in to the meeting lounge where they all are.

"NATE!" Uncle Jeremy yells across the room as we all walk in.

Nate runs in and hugs him. That moment he actually starts crying. Its dads brother and he misses dad. Uncle Jeremy and Kevin walk Nate into a seperate room and talk to him for a bit. I put Maylana down and I walk over to Alex.

Me and Alex pretty much grew up together. I moved to Australia when I was 13. Its been 6 long years since I have last seen my best friend.

The first thing he does is hug me. I bury my head into his sholder. I can tell he is smiling. He doesnt let go for a good fice minutes or so. I can feel Aris eyes watching me like a hawk because I didnt tell her that I was related to the lead singer of A Day To Remember.

Alex slowley pulls out of the hug. Not all the way. Just far enough so that he can talk to me face to face.

" Chantel. My little channy bear." he smiled.

His smile still makes me melt inside. The shere perfection of his perfect smile on his perfect face.

" Alexander" I say sarcasticly with a grin on my face he hates it when i use his full name.

" I have missed you bear" he hugs me tight again.

Before i knew it. after catching up with Alex for 10 minutes Ari had grabbed Mj and Gabbie and was leaving.

I follow after her.

" woah. slow down there. Whats going on?" im confused as a fuck.

" I have had it up to here with you and your lies Channy. Im taking Mj and Gabbie and were leaving."

She was pissed. I dont know what for tho. I thought she would love this. She said she loved this. I walk up on the bus and grab a bag of mixed rations.

"Here your going to need this."

I pass her the bag and watch them walk down the main street of Ocala. Once they are out of sight i walk back inside and let the boys know what happened. They are as confused as I am about the whole situation. In a way im gald cause then she cant take Alex from me. But Im gonna miss her.
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What do you think?