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New Life?

All I want.

Uncle Jeremy and Kevin walk Nate back into the room. He has stopped crying. All the kids are running around playing with the few toys that they brought in from the bus. Its starting to get dark.

"Uncle Jer, Where are you boys staying?" I ask him as take a seat on the sofa.

"Were all staying at mine. Its got pleanty of rooms for all of us. We all have our own sperate rooms and i still have 4 spare rooms." He looks at me puzzled. " And before you ask Bear, Yes you guys may stay with us."

I run over and hug him tight. He holds me close till he knows that I am okay. After about 10 minutes of the boys packing up and putting the guitars and Alex's drums in the back of the van I gather up all of our tribe and pile them into the bus.

"Guys were gonna move in with my uncle Jeremy. He will look after us. So will teh rest of the band."

I smiled a fraction when Emily and Lily screamed out YAY!. I new it was best for them. Then need an adult figure in their lifes. Im not sufficiant. Im only 19. I cant raise 6 kids by myself and Jack wasnt much help either now. He dumped Lucy on my and went after Ari. Fuck was Iwrong about him. I sit down in the drivers seat and start the bus. I follow the boys back to Uncle Jer's because i forgot my way there. When we arive It was starting to become dark so I parked the bus in the driveway beside uncle Jeremys van. He opens up the garage and he has a large stash of rations.

" Kids before we get of this bus we are all gonna grab a bag of food and supplies and go and put it in that pile okay?!" I point to the pile of his supplies. They all just look at me puzzled like normal.

After they empty the bus into the garage, I go onside and start on cooking us all a dinner. Baked beans, and orange juice is all that i could manage because there was so many of us this time. After dinner I feed maylana and put her down to sleep. I organised the sleeping arrangements after Josh failed epically. Emily and Lily in one room. Nate , Alec, Uncle Jeremy, Kevin. Josh and Neil all have seperate rooms, Lucy is with Maylana and Im in with Alex.

After everyone goes to bed I am the only one who doesn't. Instead I go into the bathroom and fill myself a bath. Uncle Jeremy has running water and Electricity because she has solar power and 5 underground water tanks on his property. I dont bother about undressing before i sit in the bath tonight. I just climb straight in. Once im in I pull out my pocket knife and choose a new blade that has never been used so I know that its sharp. Slowly I place it against my skin on my arm and I press down. I see that just under a slight bit of presure that it has already opened up my skin on my arm.

"Do i drag or not?" i whisper to myself.

I decide to drag that brand new blade across my scar filled arm.

"One. Tow. Three. Four. Five" i count in my head as i cut each time. All up my arm.

Before i can start on my other arm i hear a knock on the bathroom door. It was alex to see if i was okay cause i hadnt come to bed yet.

"I'll be there in a sec let me get dressed." i said loud enough for him to hear me.

"Okay. Are you alright tho?"

Im perfectly fine now. Thanks for caring"

I hear his foot steps leading away. I wash of the blood and climb out of the bath and hide my pocket knife so Alex wouldnt find it. I put on a clean, dry change of clothes and a long sleave shirt. I have to be careful when i wrap this up. So that the blood does not get on my clothes. After % minutes of carefully wrapping I go and climb into the bed with Alex. He throws one arm over my and weaves his fingers between mine and hugs me till we fall asleep.