Status: hey guys leave me feedback?

New Life?

Right where you want me to be.

Uncle Jer walked into the room and looked at me puzzled. As I looked over at Kirsty her face lit up like a light. the glow of happiness was amazing. Im glad that through all this chaos and dispear that we still can create joy and happiness.

"Chantel..." he sounds petty distrought to me.

"umm yes uncle Jer? whats wrong?"

"Who on earth is this girl sitting in my kitchen?" I could tell now that it was a joking voice. He is never an agressive person.

"Oh her. Uncle Jeremy. Meet Kirsty. She is going to be living with us. I met her on the street this morning and she was scared. I couldnt bare to see someone so upset. I had to do something about it."

"oh fair enough then." he laughs under his voice.

Kirsty just stares at me as he sits down on the stool next to her and Neil comes and sits on the other side.

"pancakes are almost ready guys. Alex can you put Maylana in the play pen and round up all the children for breakfast please?" I smile when he looks at me with the puppy dog eyes. I walk over and give him a soft kiss on the lips.

Not to long after Ales walks down to all the rooms the kids are running to the Dinning table and setting it will jams and maple syrup. They know if the table is not set none of the will eat until it is. just one of the rules i put into play to keep order in the mess of this disaster. All the kidlets are at the table. and ready to eat. I serve out Kirsty first and they all stare at me for it.

"Guys! cut it out! this is Kirsty she is new to our tribe. Make her feel welcome okay." Then all the kids get up and group hug her.

"Neil, Alex, Josh, Where is Kevin?"

The boys all reply at the same time "Bathroom" we all giggle a bit.

Kevin walks out to the kitchen and has a perculier look on his face. " Jeremy we doing practice today?

"Nah. Im gonna take Channy and Kirsty to the mall. Get some more supplies. and some clothes and stuff." he replys promply.

Straigh away Alex pipes up and so does Josh. "WERE COMING TO! Well your one guy taking 2 girls . your gonna need some muscles aswell." they laugh.

After breakfast Me, Alex, Josh and Kirsty pile into uncle Jers car. Josh in the front and me in the middle with Alex and Kirsty on either side of me. Before to long we are at the mall. Uncle Jer and Josh go after the food and Alex, Kirsty and I are on clothes and household suplies. We all grab a large trolly and i fill it up with warm and cool clothes, Kirsty gets some undies and socks and shoes and stuff aswell as basics like half a pallet of toilet paper and about 60 bars of soap and bottles of shampoo and conditioner. Alex goes for cutlery, towels, sponges, and grabs about 10 trays or 24 bottle of water and boxes of drinks. Uncle Jer and Josh go out the back to find a truck and meet us around the front. We never realised that all the stuff we put near the front enterance would fill up a large truck.
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Got bored in class so sorry for any bad spelling.