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New Life?

Somewhere safe for now.

Im finally able to move and walk around but Ari wont let me leave the cottage. It has so much here. Beds, lounge, generator so we can charge up things. POWER. This place is set. I dont think we will be leaving. Its hidden. from the road you cant see it. No one will know we are here.

I am finally aloud to walk around. First think I do I call a meeting.

” Guys. This will be our new home. We can grow vegetables in the back garden. We have almost everything we need right here”.

“Channy there is an old barn out the back, I think it is worth looking at”.

I turn and look at Ari, “I didn’t no there was a barn out the back.”

” I saw it as we drove in here”.

“Oh, okay lets go then, what are we waiting for”.

I walk out to the barn out the back. Its red, like the ones you see in cartoons. I cant open the door.

“Ari, Nate, come here i cant open it”. They run out from the house, the little ones follow.

We get it open.

My mouth dropped with what i saw inside. There was about 100 if not more 40 kilogram gas bottles. This would not run out any-time soon. There was not only gas but fuel for the generator, so much fuel. So much food. Its like the Adults the used to live here new something was going to happen. Like they were hoping that by ding this that they can help the children start a new world.

I walk back to the cottage. I am so glad that we have been considered. Someone has actually thought about us. For once. I get inside to see the kids have trashed the place. There is so much rubbish everywhere. I cant hold it in anylonger. I have to let my anger out.