A Drabble A Day

Jacqueline: A Dream

I remember I was at my school, but it wasn’t actually my school.

You know how dreams are, mentally you believe and know where you are, but physically you could be anywhere on earth, or not even there at all.

It was my chemistry classroom. The large lab tables towards the back were wiped clean, and I was sitting on top of one looking out the window. It was barely after noon, but the courtyard below was empty and the rooms across were dark. I couldn’t see behind me, but I could hear the door open and close softly.

I glanced behind me, and the room was mainly empty. The desks were in neat rows and the white board at the front of the room was wiped clean. Zach Brooks was standing by the door. He wasn’t wearing a shirt.

Then my memory skips, but I know he said something to me. What it was I have no idea, but we definitely talked about something.

Next thing I remember he was sitting beside me and he was holding by hand and we were both staring out at the courtyard again and then –

I remember waking up. And I remember being seriously pissed at my alarm clock.
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I love doing things like this, and if anyone loves reading them we'll be perfect. :) Feedback is always loved.

date: 6/15/12
word count: 206
music recommendation: awolnation - not your fault