Status: I'm going to take my time with this, because I want to get it as good as possible :) Last update - 28th September 2012 <3

The Party Scene Has Got the Best of Me and You

Chapter 3 - You're a throwback to forever, in your denim jeans and leather.

Alex's POV

I exchanged numbers with Jack, said goodbye, and headed back to my house, which was only round the corner from his.
When I got in, I went straight upstairs to clean my face up and check if I had homework or something. Crap, I have maths homework. It's only a few equations or something... I grabbed my maths book and began to copy out the first question. I hadn't gotten very far with it when my mind began to wander to other things, I finally settled on thinking about Jack.
Jack Barakat. What a funny name. I could call him Jacky, or maybe Jackery, or even Kitkat. Yes, that's cute. Hold on, why am I thinking of nicknames for him? I mean, it's not like we're ever going to be close friends. I'm the new kid, who managed to get beaten up in his first week in America. No one would want someone like me as a friend.
But I guess Jack could be different to everyone else. Maybe he's the type of person who doesn't really fit in, and longs for a new kid who doesn't know anything about him, but has a lot in common with him and can understand him. I mean, we dress kinda the same, seeing as he was wearing skinny jeans with a Jimmy Eat World t-shirt &amp;amp;amp; leather jacket, and I'm wearing skinny jeans with a Blink-182 t-shirt. He also said he's been 'ganged up on' by those guys before, which I presume means he's a bit of an outcast or something.
I'm thinking way too much about this. If we're going to be friends, we'll be friends.
Did I mention that he's really cute? His eyes are a beautiful dark brown colour, and his hair is quite a bit darker than mine, with a splash of blonde at the front, making him look kinda like he has a skunk on his head. I chuckled to myself as I imagined how he'd react if he had an actual skunk on his head.
I wonder what he's like when it comes to kissing. Like, I wonder how soft his lips are, whether he'd gently place a hand on my face, or on my hips if we were having a hot make-out session on my bed, or maybe even his bed. Wow... back up Alex. You don't even know this guy properly, and now you're imagining kissing him? I didn't even think I was gay, but now I think I just might be. I've never really thought about my sexuality. I just kinda presumed that I was like most of the guys back in Essex. Straight, but pretty camp. But I guess I am gay, or maybe just bi. Because there was that Chloe girl who I liked back in 6th grade. So, that settles it. I am bisexual. I like guys and girls. And I like a guy called Jack Barakat, who I've only known for an hour.
I was brought out of my daydream state by mum shouting up the stairs...
“Alex, honey, how's your day been?”
“Oh, um, it's been good, thanks.” I didn't want to tell her about those guys beating me up, and I prayed that she wouldn't come up here and see the blood stain on my hoodie.
“Good!” she shouted up, “Do you want anything to eat, or a drink?”
“No thanks, I'm fine.”
“Okay sweetie, I'm going to bed soon, so if there is anything, you'll have to get it yourself.”
“Thanks, mum!” I shouted, and heard her walk back down the hall to the lounge.
I grabbed my guitar and just as I was about to start playing I heard my phone vibrate... “they love me, so fuck everybody else”, my text tone, which is Tom Delonge's voice from one of the little recordings on The Mark, Tom and Travis Show. I grabbed my phone and opened the message It was from Jack.

From; Jack :)
Hey, I was wondering what school you go to, because if you're at Baltimore High, we could maybe walk together tomorrow? - Jack x

Oh my god... we go to the same school!
I quickly messaged back.

To; Jack :)
Yeah, I'm at that school too! And, sure, it'd be nice to have someone to walk with, seeing as I'm new and lacking friends right now. - Alex x

From; Jack :)
Haha, awesome! I'll meet you in the field outside at 8:15! I'll be alone, seeing as I lack in friends too ;) - Jack x

To; Jack :)
Alright, cool. See you in the morning! - Alex x

I can't believe he's invited me to walk with him, and we'll be all alone, because he has no friends either! I guess that's not really something I should be excited about, but I am, because it means we'll be completely alone.
- - - - -
Jack's POV

He said yes. HE ACTUALLY SAID YES! I whisper-screamed as I danced around my room.
I am walking to school with Alex Gaskarth tomorrow. I can't believe it.
Yeah, I've had time to think about those feelings towards him earlier, and I've decided that I might have a tini tiny crush on him. Because, y'know, he's gorgeous.
“OW!”I shouted as I tripped over a pile of clothes and landed face-first onto the carpet. I suppose that's what I get for dancing around...
“Jack, are you okay? I heard a thud and a shout.” I heard mom yell from downstairs.
“Um, yeah, I'm fine... Just fell over!” I shouted back.
“You should really tidy your room more often, one day you just might fall and die!”thanks, mom. Telling me I might die for being a messy person.
“Hey, I'm not that clumsy!”
“Yes, of course...”I heard her walk away.
I stood up and looked in the mirror to see if I'd damaged my face in the fall. I had a big red carpet burn spreading from my nose right across my cheek. Oh shit. Alex is so going to laugh at me for this!

I ran into the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water, because it was stinging. I ran downstairs to ask mom if she had some cream or something that might stop the stinging and maybe make it look not-so-bad for tomorrow.

She gave me some antiseptic stuff, and I went back upstairs to put it on my face. It smelt kinda weird, but it stopped the stinging, which is good.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time... 10:30pm. I guess I should probably try and get some sleep.
I stripped down to my boxers, swapped from the big light to the one next to my bed, and jumped into bed. My mind is full of thoughts about Alex, but I don't mind that. I hope I dream about him tonight.
I flicked the switch on my lamp so my room was dark, apart from the little bit of light from outside coming in through the crack in my curtains. I rolled over and let myself fall into the land of dreams.
♠ ♠ ♠

Jack and Alex are starting to realise how they feel about each other. Ooooooo! ;)


Chapter name - a lyric from Matters At All by Kids In Glass Houses.

Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't update this sooner, I was fangirling about Jack's birthday on Monday and naked bowling and stuff.. :')
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