Status: I'm going to take my time with this, because I want to get it as good as possible :) Last update - 28th September 2012 <3

The Party Scene Has Got the Best of Me and You

Chapter 4 – You won't fit in, that's just how it goes.

Alex's POV

'Hanging out behind the club on the weekend, acting stupid, getting drunk with my best friends. I couldn't wait for the summer and the Warped Tour, I remember it's the first time that I saw her. . . there'
My alarm blasted all over my bedroom, causing me to jump slightly as I woke up.

I grabbed my phone from my bedside table, and looked at the time. 7:30. That gives me enough time to shower, get dressed and do my hair. I'll grab some food on the way or something.
I jumped out of bed, grabbed some clothes from my wardrobe, and went into my bathroom to get a shower.
I turned the shower on, and removed my pyjamas. I put my hand under the water as it warmed up, and as I did so, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Oh god, I look a state. My hair's sticking up at just about every angle, and I have a pretty nasty looking bruise appearing on my shoulder blade, thanks to those guys last night. Not to mention that I don't really like my body anyway. I don't really know what it is I don't like. It's just...not how I'd like it to be. Jack, on the other hand, has a near-perfect body. Or what I could see of it looked perfect, anyway.
I climbed into the shower and began washing myself. I started singing to myself and I got pretty into it. Before I knew it it was 8:00. I climbed out the shower and grabbed a towel, quickly dried myself and got dressed. I'm just wearing black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt today. I'll chuck a hoodie on over the top too, I think.
It's now 8:08, and I have less that ten minutes to do my hair... whoops. I'm going to be a bit late for Jack at this rate.
I towel dried my hair and ran the brush through it, then blow-dried it, straightened it, and covered it in hairspray.
It's now 8:15 and I should be outside with Jack by now.
I grabbed my bag and dashed downstairs, shouted bye to mum and ran towards the field.

I could see Jack sitting there, with his faded grey jeans and New Found Glory t-shirt. Wow.
“Hey Alex! I was beginning to think you wouldn't show!” he said as I joined him.
“Hey, what would make you think that? Why would I miss the chance to make friends with someone as awesome as you?”I smirked as I said this.
“Ha, thanks. Shall we start walking then?”
“Yeah, or we'll be late!”
“Not like it matters.”he said with a wink as he ran ahead.
I chased him for a bit until he slowed down and we just kinda walked along in silence. It was slightly awkward, but I wasn't really bothered.

We got to school at 8:50. Only 5 minutes late, which is fine.
Although we were still made to sign in late.
Jack went to get a timetable, because he didn't get one yesterday, for reasons I am unaware of.

We both have English first, which is cool. So we lazily walked to homeroom, but when we got there everyone had gone to their classes already.
“Crap, we're going to have to run now! And we've got Mr Taylor too.” Jack told me, sounding a little pissed off. “He hates it when people enter his classes late!”
We ran towards the English class, and sure enough, as soon as we walked in he was not impressed, at all.
“Barakat! New kid! Detention tomorrow after school. Be back in this classroom at 3:30pm.”
“Alright, sir,” we said together as we sat down at the back of the class.

English was so boring, seeing as we were starting a new topic or something after summer. And physics was just as boring.

Now we're sitting on the far side of the field. Well, lying.
“Hey, look at that cloud! It looks like a fluffy blob!” said Jack with an overly-excited tone. I followed the direction his finger was pointing in and I'm pretty sure I saw the cloud he was pointing at.
“You're so imaginative, aren't you?” I said with a smirk and looked over at him.
“Shut up, at least I described what sort of blob it was!” he said, poking me on the hip so I squirmed.
“I wish we could just lay here for the rest of the day.” I said. “I really can't be bothered to go to PE, maths and biology!”
“Ha, you've not even been here for two days and you're already considering ditching!”
“Shut up!”
“Crap, that's the bell... I guess we should make our way to PE.” Jack said, lifting himself up off the ground.
“You're going to have to drag me up, then,” I said with a smirk and lifted my arms up like a child.
He grabbed my arms and pulled. I tried to be stubborn and stay on the ground, but he was stronger than I thought and managed to pull me to my feet pretty quickly
“Damn! I didn't think you were that strong!” I said, laughing. “Last one back into school smells!” I shouted as I ran off.
I heard his feet come thudding behind me and sped up. I made it to the building first, of course. But I was majorly out of breath!
Jack got to me about a minute later and we walked to PE.

Everyone in our class was already changed and setting out the tennis nets in the hall. Fuck, I hate tennis.

We quickly got changed and went to the hall. Everyone was already working in pairs.
“Jack and.. sorry, I don't recognise you, what's you name?” the teacher asked, looking at me.
“Oh, I'm Alex, sir.”
“Okay, Alex and Jack. You two can work together. Get a racket each and a ball between you, and just see how many times you can get it back and forth over the net.”
We got what we needed and started to rally it over the net. Luckily, Jack was just as bad as me and we got to about three before the ball shot off behind Jack. He ran to get it and we started again.
We managed to get to about 10 before the teacher blew the whistle to signal that is was the end of the lesson, and we ran to get changed.
When we were back in our normal clothes, we went to grab some lunch and headed back out onto the field, away from everyone else in the school.

We ate our lunch pretty quietly and headed back to school when the bell went.
- - - - - - -
That was the hometime bell. We tidied up our stuff and left biology.

We walked out the front door and headed in the direction of our houses.
“So, how was your second day at Baltimore high?” Jack asked me, smiling.
“Well, it was better than my first, because today I actually had a friend to talk to!” I told him, and he continued to smile at me.
“Yay! I'm glad I was part of making your day enjoyable!” Jack exclaimed, keeping that cheesy grin on his face. “Come to think of it, I think today is the best day I've ever had in that school, because I finally have a friend.” He looked so happy about this.
“Ha, I'm glad.” I smiled back at him, thrilled that Jack was so happy to be friends with me.
We walked the rest of the way in silence again. Not like the awkward silence this morning, though. More like a content silence that two friends share.
“Well, this is my house,” he told me as we came to a stop.
“Cool,” I said, slightly awkwardly.
“Would you like to come in for a bit? I'm sure mom won't mind!”
“Yes!” I was hoping he'd ask that.

We both went into his house.
“Hey, I'm home!” he shouted.
I heard footsteps coming down the hall.
“Hey honey.. Oh, who's this?” his mum asked smiling at me.
“Oh, this is Alex, he lives like round the corner and he's my new best friend. Can he stay for tea?” I smiled at the fact that Jack already though of my as his best friend. I'd never been anyone's best friend before.
“Of course he can! I'm glad you've made a friend!” his mum was beaming.
“Thanks mum! We'll be upstairs,” he darted up the stairs after saying this, and I followed.
♠ ♠ ♠
HEY, NEW CHAPTER! ... And I kinda left it on a cliffhanger.

Two things;
1) I'm so sorry it took so long to update!
2) I'm sorry about any spelling, grammar, or any other sort of mistakes... I'm tired and I have no one to proof ready this for me.

I will definitely update sooner next time!

Okay, I love all you guys.
And thanks to;
and atlove182
for your comments.
Don't be afraid to comment, I know there's like 40 of you reading this!

Chapter name - a lyric from Hope (Scream It Out Loud) by The Blackout.

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