Status: Completed

You're Beautiful

Just Best Friends?

It was just another day really; I was rummaging around in my wardrobe trying to find what clothes to wear. As I was doing so, I heard the doorbell ring. My mum was currently at the shop and I was the only one left in the house, so I had to answer it. I trudged down the stairs in my sweatpants and a random band shirt, which I had thrown on before going to bed the previous night. My hair had been messily thrown up into a ponytail and had been misplaced in my sleep.

I hesitantly opened the door, to find Dan standing there in all of his glory.

I opened the door fully and his grin widened as I invited him inside. He pulled me into a delightfully warm hug and I couldn’t help but realize how lovely he smelt.

“I missed you Georgie!” he exclaimed.

“You saw me yesterday,” I laughed.

“But I still missed you! That’s a rather long time to be away from your best friend you know.”

I noticed him look at my clothes before smiling back up at me. I suddenly felt a little self conscious at the sweats I was wearing and the dishevelled state that my hair was in.

“You look beautiful, did you know that?” I felt myself blushing a little as I pushed his arm gently.

“No I don’t,” I disagreed. “And besides, I was getting ready when you knocked the door.” With that I made my way back upstairs, with the blonde beauty close on my heels.

I grabbed my clothes from my wardrobe and walked into my bathroom to get dressed. I pulled on my jeans and then realized that I must have dropped my shirt on the way in.

I peeped my head around the door and called Dan, who looked up from where he was spread out on top of my covers. “Can you pass me a shirt please?”

He jumped up, “which one?”

“Any one,” I replied.

“I get to choose?” he asked, a smirk clear on his face.

“Sure, but it has to cover me okay? And nothing that makes me look like a complete idiot.”

“Okaaaayyy,” he whined as if he was somewhat disappointed and I couldn’t help but smile. “Hmm, which one should I pick?” I heard him wondering aloud. “Aha, this one!” Then I saw him come over and thrust a shirt through the gap in the door.

I took it and looked it over. It was one that Dan must have left at my house before; it must have somehow ended up in my wardrobe. I did love this shirt though, so I slid it on and walked back into my bedroom.

Dan grinned when he saw me. “You look stunning!”

I nudged him, “no I don’t.”

He just carried on grinning and poked my slightly reddening cheeks. “I love it when you wear my clothes.” I didn’t really know how to reply to that, so I just grabbed my hairbrush and jumped onto my head to try and sort out my hair.

Dan jumped on the bed too and settled down next to me. He watched me as I tried to untangle my unruly bed hair. My brush snagged on a particularly annoying knot and I was starting to become a little distressed.

“Here, let me help,” Dan offered, scooting closer and taking the brush from my hand. He carefully eased the brush through my hair, managing to get rid of the bothersome knot. He then gently began to brush the rest of my hair. He was being so delicate and it was so nice to feel his fingers running through my hair.

We just sat there casually chatting as he carried on styling my hair until I heard him clap his hands together. “There we go, all finished,” he announced as he put the brush down. He moved in front of me to admire his work, “perfect!” I smiled up at him before getting up and making my way to the bathroom to do my make-up.

I was putting on a layer of foundation when I felt a pair of arms slowly slithering around my waist.

“You do all of this every morning?” he asked. I simply nodded. “But why? You look so beautiful already Georgie.”

“No I don’t Dan,” I sighed, putting my mascara down and looking at him through the mirror. “Why do you keep saying that?”

“Because it’s true.” I looked down and shook my head, refusing to believe that anyone, let alone as outstandingly beautiful as Dan, could possibly think such a thing about me.

He turned me around in his hold and brought one of his hands up to stroke my cheek.

“Georgie, you are absolutely, stunningly, without a doubt gorgeous! Why can’t you see that?” His voice was soft and the way his fingers were gently caressing my cheek sent my heart into overdrive.

“I...” I was cut off as Dan’s fingers gently brushed my lip. Before I could gather my thoughts back together, I noticed Dan moving closer. Then I felt his lips gently brush against mine and I gasped. My head was a mess of spinning thoughts and my heart was beating erratically in my chest.

I felt his lips press with a little more force onto my own and then I realized that I was kissing him back. The moment was perfect and I never wanted it to end.

Our lips eventually pulled away from each others, but Dan kept his soft touch on my cheek. He gazed into my brown eyes, keeping my heartbeat at a rate that was far faster than usual.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that Georgie,” he smiled. “You’re so, so beautiful, Georgie. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written as a request from @GeorgieTBO on twitter.
Spread good vibes and Stay Awesome
Evangeline xx