Beautiful Catastrophe

Steve Carper

Conrad's cell phone began to buzz on the coffee table. Conrad, unfortunately, was nowhere to be seen. He liked to leave his cell phone around in places where he couldn't answer it. He thought cells phones were evil... or perhaps he just didn't like talking on the phone.

Monty shook away at the sound of the vibration. He rubbed his eyes and reached for the phone. He held it to look at it, not recognizing the number, but he answered anyway.

"Uh, hello?" Monty's voice cracked mildly.

"Is this Conrad Mathis?" The husky voice came from the small device.

"No, but this is his phone. I'm Monty." Monty responded.

"Oh! Monty, how are you? This is Gerald Raskoph." Monty shot up on the couch suddenly and blinked a few times, trying to wake himself up.

"Mr. Raskoph, I'm great. How are you?" Monty tried to clear his throat away from the receiver.

"Great. So, I spoke with your previous label and for a certain exchange of money that we have agreed on, your contract is being nulled and we can sign a new one." Raskoph sounded like he was smiling as he spoke.

"That's awesome! Yeah, I'm sure we're ready to sign. Is there anything extra we need to do with the other contract?" Monty was the smart one of the group; no one else in the band would have thought to ask that.

"No, we are all taken care of . You think you guys could head in today? I've already called your new manager." Raskoph seemed to have everything planned out already. Monty, being a bit more cautious than the rest was skeptical of his motives, but he figured it was just because Raskoph believed that they were going to make him money.

"Oh, well, then.... uh..." Monty tried to sort out in his head where everyone was. He'd need to wrangle them up pretty quickly, "Yeah, what time?"

"Ah, take your time... two hours from now? Four o'clock sound good?"

"That's perfect, Thanks, sir."

The two hung up and Monty scrambled to get everyone together.


The same strange office lackey walked them up to the same studio they'd been in before. Wendy flinched as they passed the place where she'd heard the unfortunate conversation between Hawk and Fisher. They took a seat in the reception room, all of them crammed on the couch. Raskoph seated himself across from them and this time there was a new face in the room.

It was an older man with greying brown hair and leathery skin. His eyes were a deep brown and held almost no color at all. HIs strong brow line and hooked nose only added to the bold overall look of him. He seemed unapproachable, but the moment Raskoph introduced them, the man's face lit up with a smile, softening his features considerably.

"This is your new manager, Steve Carper." Raskoph smiled, "Steve, this is Beautiful Catastrophe. Monty, Conrad, Trey and this little lady is Wendy."

Wendy blushed when he singled her out. They all shook the man's hand and when Steven got to her and grasped her hand with a strong grip and lied his other hand over hers, engulfing her hand in his large ones.

"You will definitely be an interesting selling point." He smiled. Wendy blushed, unsure of whether to be flattered or creeped out.

Steve Carper let go of her and returned to another seat and crossed his arms over his chest. Wendy shot a look to her brother who shrugged, but was looking thoroughly amused.

The signing of the contract went surprisingly fast. Monty was sure to read it all, but he was quick and they were assured by Steve Carper that it was a good contract as well. The pay was good, the rights were set up properly and generally, they'd make a hell of a lot of money should they be successful.

"Alright, that's it." Raskoph smiled his toothy smile.

The band did nothing but smile back at the large man. They all stood as he did and even Steve, who wasn't nearly as much of a kiss-ass as Fisher, stood as well. There was a parade of hand shaking and Raskoph took his leave.

"Always the first one out." Steve said with a lopsided smile.

Then band just laughed nervously.

"Hey, now, no need to be nervous, you guys have been doing this for a couple years. I'm here to work for you... you paid, I get paid, we work off of each other." Steven was sounding like a salesman and the look on Wendy's face was not one of trust and confidence.

"You don't seem so sure." The manager looked straight at Wendy, but before she could open her mouth, Conrad jumped in.

"We're all a little worried about how this is going to work." Conrad admitted. Monty nodded, trick wasn't paying attention.

"Of course, it only makes sense. Murder Method is a great record company. I only work for Gerald and I trust his judgement. Its not like him to take on such an interesting group, having a girl as the lead guitarist, but apparently you all struck him as an exception. You should be proud." Steve smiled and Wendy softened her expression mildly.

"Thanks. We are." Conrad spoke for the group again, knowing he was the only articulate one of them.

"Alright, I'll be in contact. Next week starts recording, be on time.. no, be early." Steven pointed a parental finger at the band and walked out of the room. He chuckled the whole way.

"That was weird." Trick spoke finally. Wendy let out a laugh and shook her head.

"Let's get out of here... I'm so sick of this room already and we're gonna be here for like the next month." Monty whined and slinked towards the exit. The rest of them followed.
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