Status: active.

Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'Til Morning

Adventure time.

I ran up the stairs. I was too excited to see Peter once again. As I opened the door, I saw his face lite up. "Wendy!" He tackled me in a hug as I laughed. "Hello to you to Peter." "Let's go on an adventure today!" "An adventure? Well what do you have in store for me Peter?" He smiled again. "You'll see! Come on Wendy!" "But I have to change Peter! I can't just go out wearing sweatpants! Hold on!" "Well come on! Hurry up!"

I laughed at Peter's persistence and went looking in my closet. I then went to my bathroom changing and putting on make up. As I got out, Peter was tapping his foot on the ground with his back facing me. "Do I look alright to you Peter?" He huffed not wanting to look at me for making him wait. It take him a second until he turned around. His facial expression changed as it went from impatient to having a mere blush on his face. "You look...pretty. So uh--let's go now!" Peter said as he pulled at my hand running to the window.

"Where are we going Peter?" "An adventure obviously." "Well how are we going to get down from here then?" He smirked before replying, "Just watch me and follow."

Peter got a running start before he gracefully jumped out my window landing safely on the front lawn. "Now you try Wendy!" "Are you crazy? I doubt I'd be able to land as gracefully as you did! And how did you do that?!" "With a little faith, trust, and--" "Peter!" I held a skeptical look, and Peter noticed. "If you run, I'll catch you. Just keep a little faith in me Wendy. We're going on an adventure, and you need to start by doing this for me, please?" His eyes pleaded, and I couldn't help but resist and obliged.

"Promise you'll catch me?"
"I will."
"And if I fall?"
"You won't, now hurry up."

I began to copy Peter's movements from before. I backed up as far as I could before leaping through my window. I closed my eyes as I could feel gravity pulling at me. Waiting for the ground to catch me, I didn't feel a crash. My eyes opened slightly to see Peter holding me with a smile on his face.

"I told you I'd catch you and that you wouldn't have to worry." I nodded. "Well where are we going on this so called adventure?" He smirked which caused me to blush. "Just wait and see dollface."

"Well where's your car Peter?"
"Car? Well...I didn't get to your house by car, because the place where we're going doesn't need a car."
"Then...where are we going?"

He gave me a look before he proceeded walking. "Didn't I just tell you to wait and see? Silly girl."


Peter and I have been traveling outside the city of San Francisco. My neighborhood is not that far from downtown San Francisco, and we took the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) to an unfamiliar location. I knew for sure that we passed the freeway which bothered me. Peter was taking me somewhere outside of my area.

While on the BART, seeing some of the faces occupants startled me. I have rode the BART multiple times but never at night. Many of the passengers either stared or eyed me. Sensing my discomfort, Peter held me close. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you Wendy." I placed my head on his shoulder as we rode in silence.

"Can we play a game until we get to our destination?" I asked. "Sure. I love games. What do you want to play?"

I pondered when an idea popped into my head. "20 questions. I barely even know you Peter, and you already taking me out of the city." "Well ask away missy," he replied.

"Okay. Well, can you tell me where we're going?"
"Nope!" "A hint?"
"I said no Wendy."

I sighed, "If I'm not getting anything of where we're going, favorite color?"
"Favorite food?" "Anything that is meat."
"Something that you remember most when you were a kid?"
"Hmm. Fighting pirates, playing with the Indians, and teasing mermaids."
I laughed. "Okay Peter." "But I'm serious! That's all I ever did when I was a kid and now!" Peter retorted.

Nodding, I said, "Well how long have you been in San Francisco?" "Not long. I basically just got here three to four months ago," He replied. "Really? Why did you move?" I asked. "The place I came from before was over run by a gang of some sort," Peter began solemnly. "A man along with his crew took my home. He made my family move to where we are now. And for that, he's going to pay." Peter was tense. His eyes burning with pain and hatred.

Rubbing his shoulder in comfort I spoke, "Hey, don't worry about it right now. At least you're in a better place now. You're away from that kind of violence." Peter shook his head, "Not for long I bet." His cheerful demeanor changed as the BART made its way to the next stop.

I kept looking at Peter for reassurance. "I'll always be here for you Peter if you ever need to talk about it." He simply smiled in returned. "Which is why I am glad that I have you with me. Thanks for comforting me." As of payment for helping him, Peter gave me a light kiss on my forehead. In return I blushed. "We'll be there soon Wendy. Possibly in the next two stops, but you still got a few questions left."

"Did your hat really fly inside my room the night I met you?" Peter chuckled. "...maybe! Or maybe you'll never find out!" "C'mon Peter! That's unfair! Tell me! Or at least tell me where we're going." The monitor sounded as we approached another stop. "Well we're here! Let's hurry!" Peter grasped my hand as we left through the doors. I thought we would be making our way up towards the city we were in, but we passed by the escalators.

"Do you know where you're going?" "Of course! I've been around here so many times Wendy!"

Peter passed by the bathrooms, ticket booths, and a sign labeled 'Employees Only.' We then reached a hallway. We followed it until we reached the end that had an exit sign over it. "We're almost there!" Peter smiled as he opened the door for me. I stepped out to find the exit lead to a valley with vast hills. "How did you find this place Peter?" "Just exploring and adventuring." He grabbed my hand once again.

We traveled towards one of the hills. As we were at the top, Peter put his hand over my eyes. "Be ready for what you're about to see. I never show anyone this unless they're special to me." I nodded in anticipation. "Can I see it yet?" "No not yet, we're almost at the top of the hill." I felt Peter stop. "On the count of three, I'll tell you to open your eyes. 1...2...3! Open them!"

I opened my eyes, and my mouth flew open. As I looked down from the hill, I saw a beautiful treehouse.

"What is this place? Where are we?" "My old home."
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Thanks for everyone who commented, read, and subscribe!
&Remember! Don't grow up and keep adventuring!