Status: active - updates will be slow

Infinite and Indestructible

Toy Story and Cuddling

I sigh to myself as I pull in the parking lot of the building where mine and Ashley’s flat is. The boys lived just a few doors down from us in the same building. It is always an adventure, especially with Harry and Louis. I am so tired from the long day recording at the studio with the boys. All I wanted is to get back in to my flat so I can cuddle with my girlfriend. I get out of the car I shared with Ashley. It was actually hers but since we share it, we call it ours. What’s mine is hers and vice-versa.

I click the ‘lock’ button on the key to lock the car as I head up the stairs. The alarm soon goes off, signaling I had locked it. Once I successfully made it up the stairs, I walk up to the door of mine and Ashley’s flat. I stick the key in the lock so I can unlock the door. After pushing the door open, I walk in and shut it behind me, locking it securely.

“Ashley?” I call throughout the flat. No response. I set the keys on the table near the door and walk in to the living area. My lips curve up in to a smile as I notice Ashley asleep on the couch with the blanket wrapped around her.

I smile as I walk over and lean down and place a soft kiss on her cheek. She stirs and slowly opens her eyes. “L-Liam?” she mumbles and rubs sleep from her eyes. I smile as I sit on the edge of the couch, staring down at my girlfriend. Her hair was a bit messy and ruffled from sleep.

“It’s me, baby,” I smile at the girl below me as she stretches and yawns loudly. Her arms outstretched for me to come in to them. I gently scoop her up in my arms and place her on my lap as I sit down on the couch, letting her rest her head in my lap. She snuggles her face in my chest as I hold her close.

“How did it go today at the studio?” she asks, staring up at me with her blue-green eyes.

“It went well, actually. Glad I can finally relax and be here with you, love,” I smile at her. Her mouth turns in to a cute wide smile. I put my hand on her face and cup her cheek as I stare down at her.

“I love you,” I smile as I lean down and press my lips against her soft ones.

“I love you too,” she says back and puts her hand on my face cupping my own cheek in her hand as she pulls me in for another kiss. Our lips move in sync together for the next few minutes. She pulls away and turns so she was now facing me head-on, sitting on my lap. I move my arms around her waist and pull her against my chest clad in my blue button-down plaid shirt.

“Want to watch a movie, love?” I ask, smiling down at the girl sitting in front of me.

“Sure babe,” Ashley smiles at me. “What movie?” she asks, looking up at me as I look down at her.

“Toy Story okay?” I suggest, smiling a bit.

“Sounds good to me,” she smiles back. I lightly push her off my lap as I stand up and go over and get the movie from the cabinet near the TV. I open it up and start to search for the movie. I snatch it off the shelf and tear it open. I really wanted to watch it since it’s been a long while. I have always loved Disney movies. They are simply the best; well the originals are, anyway.

I take the Blue-Ray disc out and place it in the DVD/Blue-Ray player. After I put the movie in, Ashley grabs the remote and presses the ‘menu’ button so we can watch it. I take a seat next to her and pull her close to me as we begin to watch the movie.

After watching a couple more movies, we are so tired and out of it so we decide to go to sleep. Once we walk in to the room we shared together, I change in to some sleep shorts and pull my shirt off and chunk it in the hamper before crawling in bed with Ashley. She wore an oversized t-shirt of mine with pajama shorts underneath. Her medium length blond hair flowed down her back and was sprawled out against my chest as I held her close.

“Night, Ash, I love you,” I whisper to her and kiss the top of her head as I shut my eyes and rest my head on the pillow, holding the girl I love against my chest.

“I love you too, Liam. Night baby,” she replies softly and yawns as she snuggles in to my chest. I fall in to a deep sleep and have nice dreams of me and Ashley together.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter.
Eh, I know its short. Bare with me, this is just the first chapter.
It will get longer.

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I'm real excited about this! :D