Status: active - updates will be slow

Infinite and Indestructible

Photo Shoot

I shift in the bed and bury my face in the pillow, groaning as the door bell rang throughout the flat. I was too lazy to get up. All I wanted right now was to sleep.

“Liam, babe, get that please,” I mumble as I bury my face back against the pillow.

“Ok,” he mumbles to himself as he gets up to answer the door. “Who is it?! What do you want?” I hear Liam yell as he goes to answer the door. I smile and snuggle deeper in the sheets.

“It’s us, Liam. Who else would it be?” I heard Louis’ loud, chipper voice. How can he already be so cheerful and happy in the morning? I am most definitely not a morning person whatsoever.

I heard three other voices along with Louis’. I’m guessing all of them were here, including Harry. I hear footsteps near the door way of mine and Liam’s room. I felt the bed sink down a bit.

“Babe, the guys are here. We have a photo shoot at noon. Want to come with us?” Liam asks as he runs a quick hand through his short dirty blond hair and stares at me with his brown eyes.

“I guess so,” I mumble softly before I bury my face in the pillow again.

“Come on, baby. Time to get up,” Liam says, hovering over me.

“I want to sleep.” I reply as I outstretch my arms and slowly open my eyes. He places a soft kiss on my lips.

“If you don’t get up now, we’re leaving without you and no more snuggle time until I get back,” Liam smiles at me and leans in toward my lips. I lean in to meet his and feel him move his arm to my side, touching my cool skin with his warm hand. Our lips move in sync for a few minutes before we pull away.

“Ugh, fine, I guess I’ll get up,” I groan and slowly get up and swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up. I trudge over to the dresser drawer with my undergarments and other things in it. I pull the drawer open and grab my bra and some clean underwear before I go and find some clothes to wear.

I walk in to the bathroom and shut it behind me. I take my shower and get out, wrapping a towel around my body as I brush my teeth and wash my face. After I dry my face off, I finish drying my body off and slip my clean underwear on and my bra before I put on my outfit I picked out for the day.

Once I put on my clothes, I put on my makeup and fix my hair. I walk back in to mine and Liam’s room. I notice that he wasn’t in here. He is probably in the living area with the boys. He smiles and gets up as I walk in the room and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

After he pulls away, I smile at the four boys.

“Hey Ash!” Louis smiles at me.

“Hi Lou.” I smile as Liam wraps a protective arm around my waist and leans his head against mine.

“So, I hear you guys have a photo shoot today.” I smile in the boys’ direction as Liam and I stand there.

“Sure do. C’mon lads. Don’t want to be late, do we?” Zayn says, getting up from the couch. Louis was playing with his beanie and Harry was sitting there messing with his phone, on Twitter most likely.

“Huh?” Harry looks up, confusion in his eyes.

“Photo shoot, Harry. Let’s get going so we aren’t late,” Liam says to the curly haired boy in a firm voice.

“Oh, right. Sorry!” he gets up and runs out the door, slamming it behind him. That left only Liam and I since the rest of the boys were already outside waiting for us.

“Come on, love, let’s get going so they don’t come looking for us,” Liam plants a kiss on my forehead and takes my hand, dragging me in the direction of the door.

“Okay, Liam,” I reach over and grab my phone and key to the flat on the table near the door before we walk out and lock up.

Once Liam and I get to Louis’ car, we climb in the backseat and lock our seat belts in to place.

“Everyone ready to go?” Louis says, looking in the rear view mirror.

“Ready!” we all say together in unison. I smile as Liam takes my hand in his while Louis drives over to the place where we were going for the photo shoot. Louis pulls in the parking lot a few minutes later.

After he parks the car, we all pile out and walk in to the building. Liam puts a protective arm around my waist as we walk inside. He gives me a soft kiss on my forehead before he went off with the boys to prep for the photo shoot.

The boys take a few group shots and then take a short break.

“Ash, c’mere,” Liam motions me over to where he was still standing in the same spot where they took pictures.

“Yeah, babe?” I smile and walk up to him. The photographer takes a couple cute shots of Liam and I. The girl who was taking the photos took some of Liam and I where we are facing each other and staring in each other’s eyes. After she took a few more pictures, the boys finish up and take some pictures of the boys separately.

After the boys finish up with the photo shoot, we stop to get something to eat because Niall was complaining since he was hungry, yet again. We stop and get some snacks at the store before heading back to the flat. As Liam and I walk up the steps a little ways behind the other boys, he turns to me.

“I want to take you out tonight, baby. What do you say?” Liam grabs me by the waist and smiles at me.

“Sure, I’d love to baby,” I smile up at him and lean up to kiss him. Our lips move in sync for a couple minutes before we pull away. He takes my hand and tangles our fingers together as we walk up to our flat.

As Liam and I walk in to our flat, I go into our room so I can start looking for something to wear tonight.
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there's the next chapter.
what do you think so far? let me know what you think <3