Status: active - updates will be slow

Infinite and Indestructible

Chinese Take-out and Movie Night

After I look through my closet a bit, I finally find something to wear. I find a cute outfit and go change in to it. After I put my outfit on, I start to put on my makeup. I finish up with my makeup about five minutes later and start to style my hair. I walk back in to mine and Liam’s room and dump some stuff in to my purse I was taking with me such as my phone, keys, some makeup, a brush and a few other things.

“Ash, you rea–whoa!” I look up and smile at Liam. He was wearing some dress pants with one of his signature plaid shirts.

“You look beautiful, love,” Liam walks up to me and takes me in his arms, wrapping his around my waist.

“Thanks, love,” I smile and lean up and peck his lips.

After we pull away from the kiss, he smiles down at me.

“What?” I smile up at him.

“Nothing, you just look so pretty, I can’t keep my eyes off of you,” he says, smiling.

“I love you, Li,” I smile up at him and move my arms to rest around his neck. I begin to rub soft circles on the back of his neck with my fingertips as we stand there in the middle of our room.

“I love you too, Ash,” he smiles at me and cups my face in his hands before leaning in, capturing my lips with his. He grabs my face and pulls me closer, our lips not parting once. A few minutes later, we pull away.

“How ‘bout we order take-out instead, love?” Liam suggests, smiling at me.

I chuckle lightly and smile, nodding my head. “Sure babe! That sounds good to me,” I reply and smile as Liam loosens his grip on my waist and walks over to grab his phone to order the food. He gets off the phone a few minutes later.

“So, for the mean time until the food comes…” Liam pulls me closer and kisses me. I let a quiet moan against his lips as I feel his hands slip under the bottom hem of my shirt. He picks me up and sets me on the bed before crawling on top of me and leaning down, kissing me once more. Things kind of become heated as we make-out for the next few minutes.

He places soft kisses on my neck as he holds my body close to his. I could feel him lightly biting and sucking on my neck, I knew he had to have been leaving me a hickey. I just hope it’s not too noticeable.

Liam pulls away from kissing my neck a few minutes later. He stares down at me with loving eyes. “Sorry about that, love, got a bit carried away,” he says and slowly runs his finger tips over the spot he had just left me the hickey. It felt big.

A look of concern came over Liam’s face as he looked at me. “What’s wrong, love?” he asks, staring at me.

“Nothing, really, Li, it just, the guys will probably expect we did…y’know…” I say, looking up at him, my eyes beginning to fill up with tears.

“It will all be okay, love, there’s nothing to worry about. Cover it up, yeah?” he suggests, putting a finger on his chin, in a thinking position.

“I’ll try babe, but y’know, it’s not always going to help,” I reply as the doorbell goes off, signaling that our food had arrived.

“I’ll go get the food while you go cover up the mark, love,” Liam says before kissing me quickly before rushing off to get the food from the delivery guy waiting at the door. I shuffle over to the bathroom to find some makeup to cover up the mark he had made. After a few more minutes, I managed to cover it up. It didn’t really end up being as big as I thought it was going to be so it didn’t really take much to cover it up with. Just a little dab or two was all it took.

Once I finish covering up the hickey as much as I could, I make my way out of the bathroom and through our room to the main living area where Liam was.

“Hi love, did it all turn out alright?” he walks over and kisses my cheek before wrapping a strong arm around my waist, leading me over to sit down on the couch.

We each decide on a few movies to watch while we eat our food he ordered from take-out. He picks out The Lion King while I pick out The Holiday with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz.

“Li, are you sure you’ll be able to handle it, love?” I eye him down as he starts to take small bites of his food. He nods in my direction.

“Okay…just making sure, because I know how you were the first time we watched it since you cried like a baby,” I say, smiling a bit. He scooted away from me and crosses his arms over his chest, pouting at me.

“You’re mean,” he says and grabs his to-go box and setting it down in his lap.

“You know I was just kidding, babe, come on…lighten up a bit, it’s only a movie,” I say as I open my arms for him. Silence. He makes a move a few minutes later and slowly moves back to where I was sitting and hugs me.

After I get up and put in his movie first, I begin to eat my food, while Liam sits beside me, an arm wrapped around my shoulder with our fingers laced together. Liam and I had a nice, relaxing night together, just watching our favorite movies and snuggling with each other, just the way I liked it.
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here's the next chapter!
i hope you all like it :D

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i love getting feedback to see who's actually reading my stories. so please let me know what you think (:

and i might be updating Stole My Heart in just a little bit too (:
so be on the lookout for the next chapter of that :D