Status: active - updates will be slow

Infinite and Indestructible


“Lou, Haz! Time to do the Twit-cam! Where are you guys?!” Liam yells in the direction of the kitchen and pulls me close to him. I smile as I look at him. He smiles back and grabs my face in his hands before leaning in to kiss me. I wrap my arms around him and press my lips against his. We kiss for a few minutes before we pull away to someone clearing their throat.

“Come on Liam, it was your idea…let’s go!” Harry says and pulls on his arm.

“Okay, Harry. One minute.” Liam tells him and looks at him. “Hold on!” he says and lightly pushes me off his lap and grabs my hand, lacing his fingers with mine, getting up to go over to sit down where the four boys were.

Liam sits down next to Niall and pulls me on to his lap while Harry takes a seat next to Louis. After we get everything all situated, Liam reaches over and turns the web cam on and the boys start to answer the questions that are appearing on the screen.

“Lou and Liam, this one is for you…” Harry says, looking at the screen. “MissKayla594 says that you and Eleanor are super cute together and they hope you two stay together, just like Liam and Ashley. Louis and Liam both deserve each of them.” Harry smiles over at us. I smile back.

“Awe, that’s so sweet! Thank you!” I say smiling.

“Thanks love. I’ll tell El, she will appreciate that! Any other questions or comments?” Louis says as about four or five new ones pop up, with compliments of how cute Liam and I are together. And even a few that were quite rude. One of them read: Ashley isn’t pretty and doesn’t deserve Liam at all…I do because I am 10x more prettier than her. And she doesn’t really love him; she’s just using him for the fame.

My eyes begin to fill up with tears as I read that. Why the hell are people so damn cruel? I never did a single thing to them…they don’t even know me or Liam; hell, no one knows him as well as I do. I’ve known him for quite a long time, as long as he’s known me, ever since before he first auditioned for X-Factor and got turned down the first time before he auditioned again and made it through.

Liam knows pretty much everything about me, just like I know everything about him. I have even told him numerous amounts of secrets over the years and they have always stayed between us and no one else. That’s the way I liked it.

Now, the tears were streaming down my face. I couldn’t handle this; it was just too much for me. I wipe them away quickly so Liam wouldn’t see. It always broke his heart to see me like this. I slowly get up off of Liam’s lap and run toward mine and Liam’s room as the tears stream down my face.

I slam the door shut behind me and bury my face in the pillow as the tears fall down my face. I begin to sob in to the pillow. How can people be so cruel when they just make judgments when they don’t even know you? It’s not fair. Why me? What did I do? I didn’t do anything wrong.

A couple minutes later, I feel the bed sink down a bit. I slowly lift my head up to see Liam sitting there softly running his fingers through my hair.

“Are you okay, love? I’m so sorry about what happened earlier; don’t listen to what they say. They are just jealous. I am so grateful to have you in my life. You are the one thing that keeps me sane and I love you for that. I love you so much, Ash. More than anything, you are everything to me. I took care of it, I never want to lose you,” he tells me and pulls me in to a deep kiss.

“Thank you, I love you too,” I say in between kisses and pull him closer, running my hands through his hair as I kiss him deeply. He smiles and puts his hand on my cheek as he looks at me.

“I’m never going to let anything happen to you, love,” he whispers in to my ear.

“Thanks babe,” I smile against his skin as he pulls me close and tightens his arm around my waist and holds me close to him.

“Welcome, love,” he smiles and places a soft kiss on the side of my neck.

“Go to sleep love, I’ll still be here when you wake up,” he tells me and pulls me in his arms before placing a kiss on my forehead. I bury my face in to his chest as I wrap my arms around him.

“Okay,” I say and shut my eyes as I fall asleep in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here's the next chapter! I know it's short, i just wanted to update! I also realize I haven't updated this in a month or two, so sorry!
I don't like this one, I think it turned out crappy. The next one will be much longer, promise!

anyways, comment for more - if i get more comments, the sooner you get an update c:

let me know what you think - it would really mean a lot <3

please comment, subscribe and recommend :D