Status: active - updates will be slow

Infinite and Indestructible

Hangovers & Crazy Fan Encounters

I groan as I open my eyes to the protruding sunlight shining in the window. I bury my face back in to the pillow as I pull the black duvet over my head to try and block the blinding light. As I did so, I could feel Liam move a bit beside me and pull me closer as he tightened his arms around my small frame.

“H-hi baby,” he mumbles as he begins to kiss my neck and pulls me closer.

“It’s too early, babe,” I mumble as I turn to face him and bury my face into his neck. After a few moments, I finally manage to get out of his tight grip.

“W-where you going b-babe?” he mumbles before he begins to snore again, signaling he was out to the world yet again.

I was going to see if we had any ibuprofen because my head was hurting because of how much I had to drink at the club last night. I have a strong feeling it will be a while before Liam is awake and knows what’s going on, so I might just set his two tablets of ibuprofen along with a glass of water beside him on the table. He’ll know what they’re for, I’m sure.

I make my way through the bedroom to the bathroom in the hall. After a few minutes of rummaging through the cabinets, I finally find what I was looking for–ibuprofen–which was pushed to the back. I grab the bottle and jiggle it to see how much was left.

After I open it up, I notice it was barely halfway full. I tightly grab hold of the bottle of ibuprofen before I make my way out of the bathroom to the kitchen so I could get Liam and I a glass of water to go along with the ibuprofen. I take two ibuprofens and drink it down with some water.

I grab the cup full of water for Liam along with two ibuprofen tablets for him before I head back into our room. After setting the water down on the table along with the tablets, I turn to Liam who was snoring away.

“Li, babe, wake up–” I mutter as I push his shoulder lightly to try and get him to move. He swats my hand away. “I brought you some ibuprofens and some water. You should take them, babe. It will help with your headache,” I mutter to him as I take a seat on the bed beside him and slowly run my fingers through his hair. Leaning forward, I press a sweet kiss to his forehead.

As I pull away, I feel Liam sit up and slowly open his eyes while he begins to take in his surroundings. A loud yawn escapes his lips. He smiles a bit as he looks over at me.

“Hi baby,” he mumbles and leans forward to give me a kiss. After we part from the kiss, I reach over and grab his water along with the two tablets.

“Awe, babe, you didn’t have to, I could’ve got it myself,” he says with a small smile as he grabs hold of the glass of water and the tablets in his other hand. “Thank you,” he says with a smile. After he gets a tight hold of the water and tablets, he leans over and pecks my lips before taking the tablets and downing it with the water.

“You’re quite welcome, my love,” I reply with a smile.

“What time is it? I feel like I’ve been asleep for days,” he mutters as he runs his free hand over his face.

I smile a bit as he grabs a tight hold of the loose shirt I wore of his and pulls me toward him. Looking down at my clothes, I barely remember even changing out of my outfit last night once we got back, but I guess I must have somehow. When I glance back up, I look over to the digital clock that was sitting on the table beside the bed. The time read: 12:45 PM.

“It’s a quarter to one, Li,” I tell him with a slight chuckle. As he stares at me, his eyebrows crease together in confusion. He looked quite cute when he was confused.

“It is? Wow…thinking of the time, I’m hungry, actually,” he says and pulls me forward to him, locking his arms around my waist. He leans down and captures my lips in a kiss. I begin to pull away when he pulls me on top of him so I was straddling his lap and kisses me again.

“Thought you said you were hungry, babe,” I chuckle at him.

“I am, in a minute, I want some time with my girl now,” he mumbles against my lips as he pulls me toward him and presses his lips against mine once more. I smile against his lips as I kiss him again. We pull away a few minutes later.

“What do you want to eat, Li? I’m hungry myself, starved actually,” I say as I get up and begin to make my way toward the door of our bedroom. I look back at Liam who was sitting on the bed, a cute smile on his face.

“I feel like having a burger,” he says as he gets off and pulls his shirt off and chucking it into the dirty clothes bin that was in the closet.

A few minutes later, he walks back out in a pair of jeans and a tight-fitted shirt that showed his abs through his shirt. I go over to the dresser and pull out my bra and underwear along with a pair of short denim shorts and a tank. I wanted to be comfortable; it felt like a shorts and tank top kind of day. I’m lazy and don’t really feel like dressing up.

“Sounds good to me, babe,” I say as I head toward the bathroom so I could change and finish getting ready.

I shut the door after I walk in and strip out of my shirt of Liam’s and pair of shorts. I take a shower and finish up about ten minutes later. After I get out of the shower, smelling super fruity like a mix of strawberries and peaches, I put on my undergarments before I put on my outfit.

It takes me a good five more minutes until I am done getting ready. As I walk back into mine and Liam’s room, I notice he wasn’t there. I bet he was waiting for me in the living room. I grab my favorite strappy sandals from the closet and slip them on my feet before I stick my phone in my back pocket before I make my way out of the room.

After I head down the stairs, I walk in the living room to find Liam sitting on the couch. He was flipping through the channels on the TV with the remote.

“Hi, love,” he breaks out into a wide grin as I walk in the room.

“Hi, babe,” I smile back at him as I begin to make my way over to him.

“You ready to go, Ash?” he asks me as I take a seat beside him on the couch. He wraps one of his strong arms around me and presses a kiss to my forehead. I nod my head that was resting against his shoulder and lift my head up so I was staring him in the eyes.

“Let’s get going,” I tell him as he lightly pushes me forward and stands up, pulling me up with him.

I look over at him for a second before he grabs my hand and drags me toward the door. I can’t help but laugh slightly at his actions. We were now on our way to get food. I was actually starving since neither of us has eaten a single thing since we’ve been up.


Liam grabs my hand as we head inside the burger place. “Want to go eat our food in the park after we leave here? It’s real nice out,” he asks looking at me after we walked inside.

“I’d like that, babe,” I respond back to Liam with a small smile.

He nods his head as we go up and order. Even though it was a fast food place, it wasn’t anything like the greasy food they serve at McDonalds. It is much better in my opinion. All the ingredients are fresh too. That’s what makes it even better since everything is fresh and healthy for you too.

After we order our food, we were in the car heading to the nearest park so we could eat our food. It felt like a good day to have a picnic. We arrive at the park about five minutes later. I grab the bag with our food and get out of the car while Liam grabs a spare blanket I kept in the backseat in case we needed it. He makes his way over to me, the blanket dangling from his shoulder as he reaches for my hand with his free one, lacing our fingers together.

We walk around a minute or so before we find an open spot on the grass. I help Liam lay the blanket out before he helps me down, the bag of food I was still holding tightly onto in my grasp. I take a seat beside Liam and we begin to eat our food.

“How is yours, babe?” Liam asks looking at me, his mouth full of his burger. As I glance up, I can’t help but roll my eyes and smile at Liam. He was such a goober, but I loved him for it.

“Good,” I tell him as I take a small bite before setting it down on the paper to keep it from getting everywhere. As we eat our food, we talk and laugh about a bunch of different things.

After we finish eating our food and put our trash in the bin, we sit there and enjoy our surroundings with each other. It felt nice for once, the fact I could be out with my boyfriend where no one was bugging us. I am thankful no one has spotted us…yet.

As if on cue, Liam and I look up at our surroundings to see hoards of girls beginning to run toward us. Hell was sure about to break loose, I was quite sure of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
here is the next chapter!! i am SO sorry it took me FOREVER to get this out! Hope you all enjoy -- I'd love to know what you all think!♥♥♥

I kind of meant to end it that way. You'll have to stay tuned to see what goes down. c;

Next one will be up soon! Feedback is greatly appreciated! (:

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