Status: active - updates will be slow

Infinite and Indestructible

Hangovers & Crazy Fan Encounters

Shit! I think to myself as Liam stands up before helping me up.

“Come on, babe, let’s make a run for it!” he says grabbing hold of my hand and dragging me along as he ran, the blanket in his other hand.

I catch up with him as we head toward the car. As we were running toward the car, the screaming girls were charging toward us screaming and yelling about Liam and I. A few of them were even yelling out hateful things about me. Seemed like they never think twice and judge people on the spot and I didn’t like that, at all. It isn’t cool.

“Ash, what are you doing? Get in the car!” Liam calls out to me as I stand there staring off over where the crazy girls were, coming toward where Liam and I were.

They had no right to do that. Who the hell do they think they are, going on about such rubbish when they don’t even know me? I call that bull shit and it is most definitely uncalled for. He rushes around and forces me in the passenger side of the car before slamming the door and rushing quickly as he could to the driver’s side.

As I sat in the car, my seat belt safely securing me in, I suddenly had the urge to cry. Liam punched the gas and we were speeding off onto the busy streets of downtown London. I had no idea why I always keep letting them get to me. I guess it really bugged me, which, it really does. The tears that welled up in my eyes a few moments ago were now slowly falling down my pale cheeks.

“Ash…” Liam trails off and looks over at me as he came to a stop at a red light. “Babe, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he questioned me, his eyes filled with concern.

“Nothing,” I sniffle and wipe my eyes before I continue to speak. “I just…I hate how nonsense like that is spewing from their mouths, about me of all people. Why me? Can’t they pick on someone else?” I say as I try to keep the tears from falling down my cheeks but they just keep on coming down like rain. As the car begins to move again, I feel Liam grab hold of my hand across the center console and lace his fingers together with mine, tightly.

I smile a bit as he grabs my hand. We ride in silence for a few minutes before Liam speaks up, “I love you, Ashley, so much, you know I do,” he says and I feel him rub his thumb over my fingers. I tighten my grip on his hand while he continues to drive, keeping his eyes on the road.

“I know, I love you too,” I tell him and we continue driving.

We soon arrive back at the flat. Liam parks the car in the lot before we get out and head to our flat, which was on the third floor. I was tired and really felt like relaxing to get my mind off all this stuff the fans were saying. A hot bath sounded so good right about now, it helped mellow me out, especially when I was upset with things like this. But I guess it is one of the perks that come with dating a famous person like Liam.

About as soon as Liam and I walked through the door, I headed straight for the bathroom, kicking my shoes off by the door. I’m surprised Liam didn’t even question me, I’m sure he knew I was probably going to relax. When I get like this, I always want to be alone to clear my head and get things straight in my mind. Once I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me, I go over and plug the drain before I begin to fill it up with water that was close to hot. I even pour some lavender bubble into the bath.

While I sit on the edge of the tub and wait for it to fill up, I stand up and begin to undress. Once I was free of my clothes that were now on the cool tile floor of the bathroom, I dip my foot in to check the temperature of the water before I slowly lower myself down in the water. It was perfect, just how I liked it. I had pulled my hair up so I wouldn’t get it wet, but I knew it would somehow seeing as it was long, going a bit past my shoulders.

As I leaned my head back against the cold wall of the tub, I shut my eyes to relax. It felt so good, not even noticing how comfortable I was, I managed to drift off to sleep. There was just something about being in a warm tub to relax your muscles and let your mind drift off to another world.


I open my eyes about what seemed like an hour later. Well, that’s how it felt like to me. I felt more relaxed now. All I felt like doing now is going to find my boyfriend and spend a nice evening in with him. I slowly rise from the lukewarm water and grab the closest towel. Once I step out onto the fluffy rug, I wrap the towel around my wet body. I throw on a shirt of Liam’s along with a pair of shorts.

I was now going to find Liam, wherever he went off to. Where could he have gone? I make my way out of our room and down the stairs and toward the living room. As I walk in the living room, I didn’t find him, so I went into the kitchen to look for him there. There he was, standing by the stove, more than likely making some tea. I smile a bit as I stand there looking at him.

He soon looks up and smiles as he notices me standing there. “Hi, love, you feeling a bit better now?” he asks with a small smile on his face.

I give him a small nod before I begin to speak, “yeah, I feel a lot better, Li,” I tell him as I walk over to him and feel him pull me tightly against him, his arm resting on my side.

“Would you like some tea, beautiful? I’m making myself a cup now,” he says and presses a kiss to the top of my head. I nod my head as I rest my head on his shoulder.

“Alright,” he says as he loosens his grip on my waist so he could pour the hot contents from the kettle into a mug. He soon hands it over to me. I tighten my grip on the hot mug and slowly bring it up to my lips and take a sip.

“Thank you, babe,” I tell him and lean up on my tip toes so I could give him a kiss, the mug tight in my grasp. I feel my lips curve up into a smile as I feel him smile as he kisses me back.

“No problem, love,” Liam replies back with a smile upon his lips. We stand in the kitchen and talk a bit while we drink our tea. After both of us finish a cup, we move into the living room. Liam soon looks over at me.

“Li, can we watch a movie?” I ask looking over at the brunette boy with dark eyes who I called my boyfriend that was seated beside me.

“Sure, babe, it’s your pick,” he replies as he looks back at me, moving some of the blonde hair out of my face, a smile on his face.

“Alright,” I reply as I get up and walk over to the cabinet where we kept all our movies, which were in alphabetic order, which made things a whole lot easier when deciding what to watch. I was ready to have a nice night in and watch some movies with my man in peace, without anyone to bug us, for now, hopefully.
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so, here's the next chapter!! kind of a random chapter, but yeah. hope you like! there will be some drama coming soon, so hope you all stick with me c:

please comment for more? <3 i'd love to know what you think so far, all the feedback i get means SO much. <3 I LOVE YOU ALL.

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thanks for reading and i hope you all enjoy!