Sequel: No Such Thing
Status: Fin<3

Her Eyes Say Yes

And I’m hoping, knowing somehow

“Ms. Blayne, would you like to enlighten me on how that cellular device is more interesting that quantum theory?” Well, Ariana really had one million reasons why. What a stupid question, and this guy was a teacher.

“No sir, sorry.” She set the phone in her lap and turned back to her notes. Alex and her, well TheOne, had been going back and forth constantly since Saturday night at Janelle’s. With a sigh, she started doodling around her notes, eventually making out the words Alex & Ariana in the margin of her quantum physics notes. With a loud groan, she scratched it out and looked back down at her phone.

@TheOneToBlayme Quantum physics? Sucks for you.

@AlexAllTimeLow All least I don’t suck LIKE you.

@TheOneToBlayme Damn, no wonder you’re not very popular
with the guys.

@AlexAllTimeLow HA.HA. HA!

“Ms. Blayne!” Her head shot up and the teacher was giving her the death glare. She mumbled a sorry and slipped her phone into her bag. The rest of class past by uneventfully. Just like school all together. She was the only one out of her friends who was still in school. She never liked hanging out with people her same age, since she always felt that she was a step above them in the maturity department. As she walked to her car she noticed a thick figure leaning against the side of it. As she got closer, she realized that the figure was Tony Fritz. He was in her AP Music Theory class, but he’d never talked to her outside of school.

“Hey Ari,” he smiled at her and she returned it.

“Hey Tony, what’s up?” She unlocked her door to her volkswagon bug and tossed her bag inside.

“Are you going to the baseball game tonight?” He smiled crookedly at her and Ariana rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, feeling bad. It was the last game and if the won it they were district champions and went on to play at the state level.

“Well I have to work tonight,” his face fell and she felt a knot in her stomach as if she’d let him down.

“You see the thing is, my parents aren’t going to be there tonight for senior recognition and my brother isn’t going to be coming down for something so small, but I would like someone to be out there waiting for me. I would ask Annie, but since we ended pretty badly… you know… and I don’t want just some random girl waiting for me and…” He stopped when Ariana put her hand on his upper arm.

“I’ll be there Tony, say no more.” She flashed her best smile and Tony wrapped his mammoth arms around her small frame, squeezing the life out of her. “K-kinda killing me here Smalls,” Tony dropped her with a chuckle and she smiled, her cheeks heating slightly. Tony Fritz was in no way a bad looking guy. He put off an aura that he was some big and bad baseball player, but in reality he really knew his music and was aspiring to be a music teacher.

“You’re great Ariana Blayne, absolutely great.” He smiled and jogged over to his friends, who were prodding to get information out immaturely. Ariana smiled and slid into her car, starting it up and driving towards Hank’s.


It wasn’t that hard to get out of work. Hank had staffed her and three others, and it wasn’t even that busy, so he let her off with a small joke. She waved and turned to walk out the door when a wall stopped her. Knowing Hank hadn’t done any recent remodeling, she looked up and the butterflies erupted like usual. “Hey Ari,” Alex smirked and she smiled softly.

“Alex,” she greeted, “what are you doing here?”

“Wanted to talk to Hank about something. Don’t worry about it.” Ariana opened her mouth then closed it for the better. She just nodded and stepped around Alex. He walked up to the counter and Hank walked out, catching Ariana’s eye. She slid her finger across her throat and glared hard, Hank just rolling his eyes and chuckling.

“Hey Hank,” Alex smiled, trying to be the sweet person he usually was. TheOne was getting to him and he just had to know who she was.

“Who is Cheeks?” Hank’s eyes drifted but Alex thought nothing of it.

“Ari, you better go before I make you come back to work!” He bellowed, nearly scaring Alex out of his socks. The short blonde girl smiled brightly and danced her way out. “She took off to go watch some baseball game. Typical girl.” Hank informed Alex, even though Alex didn’t ask. He just nodded and Hank opened his mouth to talk again, “Can’t tell you who Cheeks it, bud, sorry. Swore to her it wouldn’t escape.” Alex’s phone buzzed and he opened it swiftly.

@AlexAllTimeLow Stop trying. He won’t tell your rude ass ;)

Ariana smiled softly as Alex stormed out of the diner and looked around outside, his eyes landing on her bug. She smiled at him and he stomped his way over to her side of the car, Ariana rolling the window down as he came over. “What’s up?”

“What are you doing tonight?” He sighed, rubbing his neck.

“Well I’ve got a baseball game to go to.” Alex nodded and then closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath.

“And tomorrow night?”

“I was going to hang out with Kara and you guys.”

“Yeah, well, do you want to just hang out with me.” The butterflies went flying once more. Ariana bit her lip to hold back a smile before nodding and cranking her bug.

“Sure, movies at my house?” Alex nodded and looked at his phone once more before starting to turn away. “Can I ask why?”

“I need a girl I can just hang out with without feeling obligated to make their day by sleeping with them.” Ariana let out a small laugh and said a soft okay before waving bye and backing out of Hank’s. At a stop sign she opened her phone.

@AlexAllTimeLow Did you just ask that girl out?

@TheOneToBlame Yeah I did, you lost your chance ;)

@AlexAllTimeLow Oh, yeah, damn the luck huh hun? (;
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Woohoo, the next chapter! Can I get some opinions please honies? <3