Status: Complete (:

The Winchester Gospels

Parker Forest was supposed to disappear. Her story was over, there was no use for the eighteen-year-old prophet anymore. The problem was, the visions hadn't stopped. She began seeing two brothers fighting demons and racing against the clock to save the eldest one's soul. Castiel, an angel of the Lord, was sent down to earth to collect the rogue prophet. But, when he finally reached her, Parker had seen how Dean Winchester's story ended.

And with the help of the reluctant angel, Parker was going to do her best to change his fate, and save his soul.

Won third in this contest. Also entered in this one.

Castiel | Prophet | Pride | Death
  1. Mission
    wc: 899
  2. The Roadhouse
    wc: 1,819
  3. A Prophet of God
    wc: 864
  4. Death
    wc: 1,252
  5. A Deal With Death
    wc: 1,205
  6. Four Months
    wc: 1,670
  7. The Winchester Gospels
    wc: 648