Status: Complete (:

The Winchester Gospels


Jimmy Novak had been quite understanding when Castiel asked to use his body. All he had to do was promise Novak’s family would be safe and suddenly Castiel was walking among humans.

The man was devout, why shouldn’t he trust the angel of the Lord?

Castiel stretched out his new fingers, being confined to the small human body was…different. He’d never used a vessel before. He was moving up in Heaven.

As Castiel stood on the pathway outside the Novaks’ house, a small blonde child stared at him from the door.

“Daddy?” She whispered, peering up at the angel with confused eyes.

Castiel turned around and tilted his head, contemplating the insignificant human. He could walk away, leaving the child to wonder what had happened to her father. He owed her nothing. Jimmy Novak had agreed wholly to this. Castiel owned this human nothing.

Castiel turned around, taking a step with his new body. “I am not your father.” He said in his deep gravely voice. Then he continued down the pathway.

Nothing was going to hinder his mission. Especially not some human girl.

* * *

Parker stood outside the town’s movie theater bathroom, waiting for her friend Alyssa to meet her. This friend in particular had forced her to go on a blind date with some kid from school. He was tall, blonde, and a jock. The type of guy Parker didn’t go for but the type Alyssa never stopped hooking up with. Alyssa had spent the whole night flirting with Parker’s date along with her own. Times like these, Parker questioned her taste in friends.

“Finally,” Parker breathed impatiently when her friend walked out of the bathroom. With Parker’s date and disheveled hair. Parker rolled her eyes when Alyssa bounded happily over to her. “How’s my date?” Parker mumbled darkly.

Alyssa grinned, “You didn’t look like you were using him. Why let such a nice commodity go to waste?”

“Oh, please,” Parker scoffed, glancing at both their dates who were talking adamantly about something. “Define commodity for me.”

Alyssa opened her mouth to speak but shut it quickly, flipping back her blonde hair. “Acting like a smart ass is the reason I was hooking up with your date in the bathroom.”

“No, you acting like a slut is what got you in my date’s pants.” I corrected her plainly. “Can we go home now?”

Alyssa rolled her eyes, “Fine,” She drawled, calling the boys over.

We were heading out the doors of the tiny theater being thanked for coming when it happened.

The familiar dull pain was back. It began at the base of my skull and stabbed its way around my head.

No,” Parker mumbled, stumbling forward. This was supposed to be over. It hadn’t happened in weeks. She had died. The evil British woman had died. Some sort of hound had gotten her. Parker wasn’t supposed to go through this anymore, what ever this was.

“Parker?” Alyssa cried as Parker collapsed onto the ground, shaking violently. “Oh, my God! Parker!”

Alyssa tried to sit Parker up but she was shaking too much. She had seen Parker do this before but never knew what Parker was really going through. “Parker!

Parker could faintly hear Alyssa but she felt too far away to respond. A scene was playing before her eyes but it was different then what she usually saw:

A pointed faced, brown haired man in his late twenties flashed before her eyes, looking terrified out of his mind. His fearful scream echoed in Parker’s eardrums. Loud barking sounded and Parker watched something big, black and doglike tear at the man’s clothes and flesh. She could practically smell the blood.

They were the same enormous dogs that had murdered the young British lady weeks ago. Parker had never seen anything like them until these ‘episodes’.

It took an agonizing forty-five seconds before the man died. They were long and bloody seconds and Parker wished she could have reached out and put him out of his misery.

“Dean!” Someone out of Parker’s vision had cried during the death scene. She couldn’t see who was crying out Dean’s name but they sounded desperate and frantic. There was a blinding light and Parker felt like she had been hit by a bus. The wind was knocked out of her and a cold sweat had formed across her forehead.

Trembling, Parker picked herself off the ground as Alyssa bombarded her with a million questions. Parker ignored her friend as she walked away down the side walk.

“Parker!” Alyssa cried from the exit. “Parker, where the hell are you going?”

Parker kept on going. She wasn’t sure why she was ignoring Alyssa; all she knew was that she had to stop this. Parker couldn’t keep having these visions of people dying or hurting others. There must have been some reason she was seeing these things. Parker had to be able to stop it. Why else would she see the things she saw?

Parker had to save Dean. She didn’t have a last name, a location, or anything besides the name. It could have been a nickname or a fake name for all Parker knew.

Nothing was going to hinder her mission. Especially not some small detail like who the hell Dean was.
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This is my first short story. I'm not sure how short it'll be but probably no more then eight chapters. I wrote this for a contest, just a little aside.
Sub, rec, and comment (:
And/or check out my other Supernatural FF, Angel of Thursday!