Status: Working on the sequel because this is complete.

The Nutcracker Under the Mistletoe

The Nutcracker Under the Mistletoe

The Christmas lights were creating a dim glow around the room, making it feel more homing and intimate. All anyone could hear was laughter and chatting, the Christmas songs were just background noise. I gazed at all of the people around the room just chatting and having conversations. Everyone seemed to be with a group, while I silently sat in a corner just watching not wanting to disturb anyone.

I silently moved from my seat towards the kitchen, where Hillary was. Just as I pushed the door open to the kitchen, a flurry of mahogany red hair danced towards me.

"Diamond Night, you get back into that living room. You are not allowed anywhere near this kitchen," Hillary said before I could even say a word.

"But Hillary--"

"No buts Diamond Night, now move it or lose it," I rolled my eyes at my oldest best friend but did as I was told.

I sighed but walked back into the living room, just as I was about to return to my corner I heard a voice with a thick Southern twang call out my name. "Diamond."

I turned in the direction of the voice and saw that it was Theodore 'Teddy' Williams. I smiled at the sight of my best friends Alabaman cousin. He had filled out more, from the last time that I had seen him, must have been from all that football at school and being on a row team.

"Teddy," I exclaimed running towards him to give him a hug. He caught me mid-jump into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I was dangling 15 inches above the ground. I smiled at hearing his laughter to my reaction of seeing him.

"Theodore Williams, you put мой маленький бриллиант (my little Diamond) down this instant!" Came another voice with a soft Russian accent to it.

"But Mama--" Teddy started to complain.

"Down Theodore," Stacia Willams told her oldest son.

Teddy sighed but did as his mother told him to. Now that I was safely back on the ground, I turned towards my Russian ciorgate mother. While we weren't related, Stacia and I have had a close bond since I had first met Hillary's cousins. Stacia had helped me with my dance career. Of course, over the years Teddy had always been there to help. He had wanted to be my ballet partner but when we had started high school he had taken other interests like football.

"привет(Hello) Stacia," I said with a smile and gave her six foot frame a hug. She was so tall, while I was a measly five foot one. Stacia never really cared about my height, she always told me that I had the body and grace of a true ballerina.

"Diamond, my darling, how are you?" She asked. Teddy standing behind me.

"I'm wonderful, how are you?" I asked, I couldn't wait to tell her the news.

"The same. Now what's this rumor, that I've heard about you concerning one British dancer?" She outright asked not wanting to be subtle.

"It's nothing really," I started.

"Oh it is definetly not nothing," Teddy intergected before I could finish.

I rolled my eyes at Teddy before continuing, "It's not a big deal. I mean I just happen to be dancing the Derek Smith who will playing the Nutcracker Prince in the Nutcracker, while I'll be playing Clara."

"You're going to be Clara?" Teddy asked, his voice full of shock and happiness.

"Yes," I said nodding my head and looking at Stacia for her approval on my role.

I'm quickly swept up off the ground again. I can't help but let out a bursting laugh. I wrap my arms around Teddy's neck trying to not fall flat on the ground.

"Teddy, I would kindly appreciate it, if you could put my dance partner back down on the ground," An incredibly sexy British accent called from the doorway.

I quickly let go of Tedddy as he placed me back down on the ground. I looked over towards the doorway, where people had cleared a view of for everyone to see Derek Smith as he stood there looking handsome. His blonde hair brushed away from his face to see his strong chisled face. His blue eyes looking towards where I stood with Stacia and Teddy.

Before anyone could say a word, the door to the kitchen opened and Hillary quickly danced out of the kitchen towards her British cousin.

"Derek, when did you get here?" Hillary questioned. Not noticing that she was still wearing an apron covered in flour.

I quickly glanced up at Teddy to see if he had noticed her mistake. But instead his green eyes had become hard like emeralds, instead of their soft green grass sheen. I wondered what was going through his head. I had never seen him look like that before and it was starting to freak me out.

I softly poke Teddy in the ribs. He glances down at me with a questioning look, I point to Hillary and he looks closer at his cousin. He lets out a soft chuckle, while I quietly snicker into his chest.

"I hope she doesn't get flour on him," I quickly said into his chest knowing that it came out muffled.

"I hope she does," Teddy softly whispered into my ear.

I let out a shiver as his mouth was near the shell of my ear. I felt my breath started to come out with some difficulty.

I let out a shiver as his mouth was near the shell of my ear. I felt my breath started to come out with some difficulty.

I didn’t say anything instead I just looked up at Teddy. His blonde hair fell in front of his green eyes. His green eyes which had always been an amazing green, they always reminded me of a mix between emerald and peridot. They were amazing but quickly able to change color in emotion. I bit my lip as I reached up and brushed the hair away from his eyes.

Just as Teddy was opening his mouth to say something a yowl resounded throughout the room. Teddy and I jumped apart to see what was making that sound. I looked over to see that it was Derek, who was making that terrible noise.

“Hillary!” he exclaimed at his cousin.

“Oops, sorry Der. I was so excited that you were here that I forgot that I was even wearing the apron.” My best friend said, looking sheepishly at her oldest cousin and my dance partner for the Nutcracker.

“Its fine, I just didn’t want to get this suit dirty. Oh well, I can get it cleaned. That’s not important right now. What’s more important is that my dance partner and I leave for practice,” Derek replied looking over at me.

I felt Teddy stiffen up next to me. I felt confusion seep into my mind, knowing that I didn’t have any rehearsals until tomorrow. Teddy seemed to sense that I wasn’t willing to go with Derek; he quickly wrapped both of his arms around my waist, holding me tightly to his muscular chest.

“Derek, practice isn’t until tomorrow,” I replied to his statement. I couldn’t help but notice the glare that he gave to Teddy for having his arm around me.

“Well, I was hoping that we could have an early practice. It would be better for the two of us to get to know each other better,” Derek quickly replied.

I took a small step back into Teddy’s arms. I didn’t like where this was going. “Derek, we’ve known each other since I was three. I don’t think we need an early practice, besides we just got here.”

“Yes, I understand that but practice is still practice,” He replied not even bothering to look up from the flour spot on his suit.

“I don’t even have my shoes or any of my practice clothes. Besides we practiced all day today, my body can’t handle heavy practices you know that, Derek,” I answered. My body was still protesting at the thought of even more practice. I had aches and pains from all the practice earlier today.

Derek didn’t say a word, just looked at as if I had spoken Russian. His expression was full of confusion and shock, his forehead starting to crease as he looked at me.

“Diamond that was not a question, I’ve already booked the studio for practice. We need to get going or do you wish to drop your role as Clara?” His voice taking on a hard edge full of warning and anger.

I opened my mouth to protest but was interrupted by Teddy, “What do you mean drop her role as Clara? She auditioned for her role. No one can take that from her.”

“You see that’s where you’re wrong young Theodore. Diamond never won the part; she would have been cast aside as she has been for years. Because I refused to dance with anyone but Diamond, Mr. DeVal had no choice but to cast her as Clara or I walked from the production. Now, if she refuses to practice to get better, then I’ll talk to Mr. DeVal and Diamond can kiss Clara goodbye. While Miss Amanda Hemsworth gets her spot,” Derek replied with a smirk.

I hadn’t won the spot for Clara, my heart shattered as I realized that I wasn’t as good of a dancer as I had thought. My eyes started to water, as Derek’s words filled my head. I didn’t want to lose my role but I couldn’t work with Derek after learning what I had just discovered. No, I would leave the production and everyone that was related to Derek.

How could I have been so stupid to forget that everyone told me I wasn’t going to get Clara? How could I have not realized that someone must have pulled strings for me to get that part? No wonder Stacia had questioned me about that. I wasn’t the best dancer and everyone in my dance school knew that, I was a below my age group for ballet. I wasn’t even in the advanced ballet classes.

Not wanting to face the ridicule that was happening around me, I turned and ran out the door. Bumping into Teddy’s shoulder on my way out the door, just wanting to get into my car and drive away from all the laughter that had surrounded me and my foolishness. How could I have been so stupid?

I didn’t bother to turn around when I heard Teddy, yell out my name. I just wanted to go home and hope that Derek and Teddy didn’t come after me. But then again, Derek wouldn’t care. He would willingly let me go, I’m not important to him. Why did I have to be so stupid?

Teddy’s POV

I glared at Derek, not willing to believe that he just done that to Diamond. She was so fragile, didn’t this Dumbo of a Brit realize that she was going to be die, now discovering that she hadn’t earned the part that she had dreamed of wanting since we were all small children. How could he rip that dream from her?

“Diamond,” I yelled as she ran past me, her eyes were swarming with tears. I tried to grab her but my mother stopped me.

“Teddy, let her go. She needs time,” my mother softly said, using my nickname from Diamond. She rarely called me Teddy, preferring to use Theodore. She must have sensed my distress to use my nickname.

I nodded my head before turning my attention towards the smirking blonde. “Well, I guess she doesn’t want to be Clara anymore,” he said, his face breaking out into a smile.

“You no good, British talking a—hole. How could you do that? Especially to Diamond, do you have any idea how much playing Clara meant to her? Then to have it ripped away before she even got close to reaching her dream. She’s wanted to play Clara since we were kids and you knew that!” I said, my anger getting the best of me.

“Why should I care about what happens to Diamond? She’s nothing of importance or of value to me,” Derek said, while looking at his fingernails.

I didn’t say anything instead, just walked up to him and to took a good hard swing at his face. “That’s for Diamond,” I said before taking another swing at him. “That’s for hurting her.” Another punch was thrown, this time into his gut. “That’s for making her cry.” A slap across the face. “ And that’s for playing games with my girl.”

I tossed him on the ground and looked over at Hillary to see her smiling at me. “Where is she, Hill?” I asked wanting to get to her as fast as possible.

“She’s at the studio. Go get her Teddy and please make sure that she’s safe. I would never forgive Derek if something happened to her,” she said before giving me a quick hug.

I nodded and ran out to my car, going after Diamond. She was my whole world and I wanted her know it. I had to get to that studio before she did.

I’m almost positive that I broke every speed limit known to man to get to V and L’s Ballet Studio. Luckily, Diamond’s car wasn’t there yet. I got hopped out of my car and waited by the main doors, guessing that she would be here any time.

Then, there she was parking her car and getting out. She looked beautiful in her midnight blue sequined dress that hit an inch or two above the knee. Her long ballerina legs were encased in black tights. While her feet were adorned with black platinum pumps making her five one stature taller, a graceful five three. Her black pea coat hugging her slim but curvy figure, making her look like an angel.

She was so beautiful, even with her eyes full of tears and mascara running down her face. She was just as gorgeous as when we were children, her pale skin glowed from the full moon up in the cloudless sky. She didn’t seem to notice where I was until she reached the main doors.

Diamond’s View

“Teddy, how did you get here?” I asked, knowing that I had left Hillary’s house before he did. How had gotten to V and L’s Ballet Studio before me? It just wasn’t possible unless he wasn’t here and I’ve finally gone crazy and started to hallucinate, which would not surprise me. Maybe I finally did have that psychotic break Dr. Vandeberg had said could happen if I continued with my ballet.

“I may have broken a few traffic laws, just to beat you here,” He replied his smile starting to grow.

I rolled my eyes before glancing down at the ground, and looking up at him from my eyelashes. “Why come after me? You heard Derek, I’m not a good dancer,” I replied, knowing that Derek was right. I really was a terrible dancer.

“Diamond, you are not a terrible dancer,” Teddy said.

“Yes, I am,” I responded.

“No, you aren’t,” he exclaimed, as he took a step closer to me and wrapped his hands around my arms. “Diamond, I happen to think that you are an amazing dancer. I have something to tell you.”

“What?” I asked my voice coming out in soft whisper, at the proximity between the two of us. I couldn’t stop the shiver that was going up and down my spine.

“I love you and I have for so long. You have been my best friend for so long. You’ve been through everything with me. You were the only person besides my mom, who supported me when I decided to do ballet, rowing, and football. You’ve been there through everything, those little things just made me fall in love with you. I know that I can’t live my life without you. Please say you’ll be mine,” he said. His voice was so scared and desperate at the end.

I couldn’t ignore my feelings; I had felt the same things that Teddy just described for him since we were little. I always went to get his opinion first because his opinion mattered to me the most. I never did anything unless I had Teddy’s opinion or his approval on something. Teddy meant the world to me; I loved him just as much he loved me.

“Teddy,” I whispered as I spotted something.

“Yes,” he whispered back.

“Look up,” I replied with a smile. As he looked up and spotted the mistletoe hanging above our heads.

“Well, we wouldn’t want to break tradition,” he whispered as he leaned down to place his lips on mine.

It was amazing, for my first kiss. It wasn’t perfect but it was pretty amazing, his lips instantly warmed mine. While it was a bit awkward, it was still full of love and happiness. Teddy removed his lips from mine and seemed to waiting for me to answer.

I didn’t say anything, instead initiating the kiss this time. As my hands moved themselves into his blonde hair and giving it a light tug. His arms had miraculously moved from my arms down, to my waist. I moved closer as I felt a breeze rustle through my black pea coat, which was unbuttoned.

As Teddy, pulled away I couldn’t help but let out a shiver as another gust of wind blew past us.

“Cold?” he asked, but already knowing the answer.

“Yes,” I replied as another shiver overtook me. I just cuddled closer, removing my hands from his hair to wrap them around his waist, underneath this coat.

“Do you want to leave?” he questioned as he pulled me tighter against him.

“Not really. Teddy, I’ve always been yours. Since the first time we met, I’ve been yours,” I replied, finally giving him the answer to his question.

“Good,” he said with a smile as he placed a small kiss on my forehead.

While it might have been how I had pictured my first kiss, it was still amazing and it was with the guy who I had loved since we had been children and vice versa. It really isn’t your typical fairytale but it’s mine and that’s all that matters. I got Teddy, which means more to me than anything else in the world.
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This is semi-based on some true events in my life. I hope you enjoy this story. I'm working on the sequel. =)