The Battle of Centarium

The Black Dragon Sword

Upon tossing what seemed like the hundredth book to the side, Theo began to lose hope. Questioning whether he would ever find anything describing the sword he had found the night before. The mysterious, brilliant, 'Black Dragon Sword' he found himself calling it.
He found books on many dragons, and many swords, but never the two together. Distraught at the fact he had hit a dead end, Theo stood and straightened his legs before stacking the books together. Stepping through isles in his local, and large library. Elorith was, after all, the home of the largest schools in Eldurthain.

He slowly packed them back onto their shelves. By luck, or maybe more, the last book he places was next to a cover that caught his eye. The book was thick with red swirling letters on the cover. Old a dirty, but still readable, 'Ayden Centarium'.

His eyes squinted as he read, then widened when he recognized the name. 'The Battle of Centarium', had it something to do with this man? He grappled with the book, tearing it into his arms, and rushed to read it.

He dropped the book on a table, making an overly loud thud. Sitting, he broke the cover and buried his face inside of it. After three hours, he finished it. Without a second thought, he turned all the way to the first page to start over again.

The sun was long past the horizon by the time Theo finished for the second time, now closing the book and leaning back in his chair. Excitement filled him and his heart pulsed like that of a bulls.

'Could it be real?', he pondered, running his fingers over the ragged corners of the book. 'Could I really be apart of this?' Unable to sit still for another moment, Theo stepped outside and walked. He walked for two miles, just imagining himself as some hero of the world. Everyone parading him through the streets, and chanting his name.

A while in his fantasy world relaxed him, as he followed the trail back to his forge, his home. 'Will I leave it behind?', he asked himself on his stroll. The question ringing in the back of his mind, while the front was consumed in a rage of raw emotions. He stepped through his door, and went straight towards his bed. Deciding to sleep on the thoughts that raged within him. Pulling the blankets over his eyes and dimming his lantern, he fell into his dreams.

Awakening to the sound of pouring rain and thunder, Theo jolted up. He watched through his window for a while before hauling himself off the comfort of his bed. Feeling abnormally joyful, he packed a bag of food and supplies. Making sure it wasn't too heavy and not too empty as well.

He then attached the Dragon Sword to his belt, and threw on a dark black tunic and a gray jacket. Stepping into the rain, he walked deeper into town, and felt the joyous feeling slowly dim, but not fade. He stopped at a gateway, large and rusted.

Looked up he read the words he had so many times before: 'Elorith Cemtary and Crypts'. Taking a deep breath, he slowly stepped inside the gateway and follow the memorized path to his parents grave site.

Kneeling down at his father's, he explained that he was leaving, and why. He shared a few personal topics, the sat quietly for a while. Rain still thundering down upon him and the matching grave plots.

Theo stood, wiping a single tear from his eye. He said his goodbyes and spun to walk away, but stopped in mid-step. He turned his head, one last time, at his parents and said, "I promise you, father. I will make you proud."

With that, he marched on into his new life. Into a world of constant threat and danger, into the adventure he had always prayed for.