The Value of Strength, the Value of Power

Double Date

Steve Rogers walked through the streets of Brooklyn; he had failed another time to enlist in the army, and was starting to become doubtful if he would ever be able to serve in the military. He watched as he saw all the new recruits in their greens with their gals, enjoying the time they had left together. He shook his head and decided that to cheer himself up, he would go see a movie.

Soon enough he found himself getting punched in the face in a back alley. He wouldn’t stand for this goon being disrespectful. “You just don’t know when to give up do ya?” He asked. Steve took up a fighting stance, swaying from the force of previous punches. “I could do this all day.” He said smiling. The goon took another hit and was soon brought away by Bucky, Steve’s good friend. “Sometimes I think you like getting punched.” He said as Steve walked toward him. “I had him on the ropes.” Steve defended himself. Bucky saw Steve’s enlistment form on the ground, he picked it up and said, “How many times is this. Ah, you're from Paramus now. You know it's illegal to lie on your enlistment form. And seriously, Jersey? Steve noticed that Bucky was dressed in his greens too. “You get your orders?” He asked him as Bucky helped him up off the ground. “The 107th Sargent James Barnes. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow.” He said as Bucky rested an arm around Steve’s shoulder, leading them out of the alley. Steve couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy and entitlement. His own father had lost his life in the war, and he was in the 107th. If anyone should be able to go, it should be him. Bucky quickly pulled him out of his thoughts. “We have a date tonight.” He said to Steve. “Where are we going?”
“To the future.”

“What did you tell her?” Steve asked nervous. “Only the good stuff.” Bucky said as he pulled them towards to dolled up girls. Steve could honestly say that he had a horrible time. He was only staying for Bucky. His date was probably the rudest dame he had ever met and he didn’t really want to see the future. Not tonight at least. He slowly slipped away from the presentation that Bucky and the girls were watching, and made his way to the enlistment office place conveniently inside the expo. He was paying his own mind when he was bumped into by a girl. “Oh my! I’m so sorry!” She said sounding very sincere. They were both knocked flat on the floor. He got up first and offered a hand to help her up. She gratefully took his hand and stood up. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking to where I was going and-“ She began to apologize. “Miss, it’s fine. It was really my fault, I wasn’t paying attention.” Steve assured her. She smiled at him. “Well, it was nice meeting you. Goodbye.” She said then hurried off. Steve smiled at the girl. She seemed very, Steve didn’t know how to put it. She seemed like she was just as bad at talking to boys, as he was at talking to girls. Steve chuckled as he went up the stairs to the enlister’s office. Maybe one more try won’t hurt.


Once I ran away from the man, I quickly rounded the corner and tucked myself into a small space as the henchmen ran past me. I followed them and pulled out my razor. I grabbed the one closest to me and jumped him back into my special room back at head quarters, I hit his head against the steel wall and made sure he was out cold and the door was locked before I jumped back to the chase. I envisioned the men running after an image I had set in their minds. Soon enough I was on the heels of the next one, and I repeated what I did to the first man. Once I was down to the last one, my illusion had vanished into thin air and the henchman turned and looked for me wildly. I grabbed his shoulders and jumped him to my room and knocked him out with a punch. Agents came in and quickly sat all five of them in chairs before strapping them down into their chairs. “Well, bring in your interrogators. My work here is done.” I said before leaving the room, and going home to get some sleep after working for two days straight.
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Hello! This is just an idea that popped into my head and I'm finally writing it down. Tell me what you think!