Summer Heat

I Know Your Secret

“Hey, Ava, wanna hear a lame joke?”

“Sure, Austin.”

“What do red lights say?”

“I don’t know. What do they say?”

“Don’t look! I’m changing!”

I stared at him for a second before we both busted out laughing. It took a couple minutes for us to calm down. I just smiled at him and checked my phone. Alex and Jazzmynn were supposed to meet us here about 15 minutes ago, but they still weren’t here. I decided to do the only thing I could think of; blow up my brother’s phone.

Not even five minutes later, I could see them approaching us. As they got closer, I could tell that they were holding hand.

I leaned into Austin, whispering, “Look how adorable they are.” We both giggled before waving at them.

“It’s about time, you guys! I feel like I’ve been waiting all day for you two.” I moved in my seat, trying to get comfortable.

I wiggled my eyebrows a bit as Alex made Jazzmynn sit on his lap. We all started to relax as Austin passed out drinks. He kissed my cheek before opening his. Smiling, I looked around at everyone just hanging out and having a great time. This is what I love. Being with people I love and having so much fun is what I lived for. I couldn’t ask for a better life. But then I started to feel a little bad. I was in a fake relationship in order to make my ex-boyfriend jealous, and hopefully make him realize what he’s lost.

I was jolted from my thoughts when Jazzmynn practically jumped up, rambled about needing to change, and ran off. Austin and I gave each other a questioning look, but when we looked back to ask Alex what that was all about, he was gone.

“Well, that was awkward,” Austin commented.

I didn’t have time to say anything before my chair was bumped into. Purposely bumped into, that is. Gabi seated herself in the spot that Alex and Jazzmynn were previously in. She kept this sly little smirk on her face and just stared at me. This went on for quite a few minutes. I rolled my eyes at her antics.

“So, Gabi, how many relationships have you tried to ruin lately?”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Bitch.”


“Oh, sweetheart,” she laughed. “Look who’s talking. You break up with you man who you’ve been with for over a year and a half, and the next day, you’re with another. And you call me a whore.”

I didn’t have time to retaliate, because Alex appeared out of nowhere and beat me to it. “That’s because you are one, Gabi.”

Austin grabbed my hand, silently telling me that Gabi wasn’t worth it. I nodded a reply and put my head on his shoulder, all the stress of everything finally starting to get to me. I looked back up to see Gabi and Alex walking off to talk, so I mumbled to myself that she was a slut. Jazzmynn was staring at the ground, looking really upset. I made a mental note to ask her what was wrong later when we were in a more private place. But once again, Jazzmynn abruptly got up and walked away. Austin and I gave each other the same confused look once more, but shrugged it off.

“Why, hello, Ava. Austin. Mind if we sit with you guys?”

I stared at Dan with emotionless eyes. He had that nasty Hannah with him. I grabbed a beer, not taking my eyes off of them. Hannah put her leg on Dan’s upper thigh and squeezed just a bit. I took a huge gulp of my beer. She moved her hand up his thigh. I took another gulp. She started kissing on his neck, placing her hand right on top of his slight bulge.

“Oh, are you fucking kidding me? This is bullshit.” Everyone around us stopped and went silent, staring at the commotion that I was causing. But I didn’t care about them. I didn’t care about anything right now.

~*~ Dan’s POV ~*~

I hated to admit it right then, but Ava going off like that was a bit of a turn-on. I always loved that feisty attitude of hers. I pushed Hannah’s hands off of me and stood up, ignoring Hannah’s noises of protest. Austin had stood up next to Ava and was staring at me with an aggressive look on his usually happy face. I’ve seen that look on his face once before. It was when her heart was broken for the very first time. They were best friends then, which could only mean one thing. Their relationship was fake. He acted a whole lot different when he was protective, for lack of a better word, with his girlfriend.

I was driven from my thoughts when Ava shoulder-checked me and started walking off towards the buses. I followed her until we were a ways away from everybody before I stopped her. She was about to protest but I put a finger to her lips.

“I know your secret. Well, at least I think I do.”

Before she could say anything, Jazzmynn ran right into us, crying her eyes out. Ava immediately pulled her close and tried to calm her down. A second later, Alex found us all and tried to get to Jazzmynn, but she just hid behind Ava.

“I’m sorry…” he started. “I’m really sorry, Jazzmynn… I don’t know what happened…”

“What the fuck did you do to her, Alexander?” Ava hissed. My eyes went wide, for she only called him by his full first name when she was beyond pissed off at him.

“She caught me sucking his dick. And I could’ve probably gotten him to fuck me right against that bus if he didn’t hear her sappy sobbing and run off.” Gabi appeared out of nowhere, with a satisfied smirk on her face. “He was really enjoying it too. Pushing my head down to swallow him whole and everything. Delicious.”

I’m pretty sure none of us would ever expect Ava to go off and attack Alex, but that’s exactly what she did.
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Here's another chapter, guys. I hope you like it.

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