Summer Heat

One Way Trip to Hell

I ran. I ran until I stumbled into someone, blinded by the tears that just poured from my eyes. Their arms held me close to their body. I heard Alex catch up to me and stutter out an apology or two, but I hid behind the person, who turned out to be Ava, and Dan, who was standing with her.
I didn’t hear exactly what Ava said to Alex, but she sounded really pissed off. Then I heard her. The bitch that was at fault for all of this. Gabi rubbing it in what she did. When Ava launched herself at Alex, I took that as my doorway to escape.

I almost ran into yet another person on my way to my bus. But this person was the person that I least wanted to explain the situation to at the moment. My brother.

“Woah,” Lyman stopped me, getting into protective brother mode. “Jazz, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Who hurt you? What the hell happened?”

I gulped, not really wanting to tell him anything. But it wasn’t like I had a choice in the matter.

“I caught Gabi sucking Alex’s dick.”

He raised his eyebrow. “And? I don’t really see how that really involves you.”

“Alex and I have been getting really close lately.. I really like him, and I thought he really liked me.. I.. I sucked his dick before, and.. And early we had sex..” I said the last parts quietly, but the look on Lyman’s face told me that he heard every word that I said. “I was trying to head back to the bus, when I ran into Ava, who started to attack him as I was leaving them..”

“If you will excuse me, I am going to go have a friendly chat with Alex, if Ava hasn’t destroyed him by now. While I’m doing that, I want you to go straight to the bus and stay there. I’ll have someone stay with you to make sure you do so.”

I did as he said, not wanting to be on the other end of his anger. I quickly changed into some comfy clothes and laid down on the couch, just in time to see Chris Fronzak, better known as Fronz, climb onto the bus. His eyes quickly scanned the area before they landed on me. He came over and sat on the floor by my head. We were silent for a couple of minutes, until he cleared his throat and looked at me.

“I know it’s none of my business, but I just wanted to tell you that Alex can be a massive dick sometimes. You just need to tell him to go suck your fuck.”

I don’t really know what overcame me, but the next second, I grabbed Fronz by his shirt, crashing our lips together. At first, it seemed like he wasn’t going to go along with it, but then he succumbed to whatever was going though his head, and started kissing me back. I kept kissing him like I had something to prove, whatever that might have been. I lost track of my mind over the events that happened in the next few minutes that passed. All I could really think about was Alex, and how he had hurt me so bad, yet I couldn’t bring myself to hate him. But did I really have the right to be getting this upset about the situation, considering that Alex wasn’t even my boyfriend? Yet. The little voice in the back of my head reminded me. As if that was going to happen now.

I zoned back into the present as Fronz rolled himself off of me. Had I really been too far gone the whole time we had fucked? I felt sort of bad, but immediately shrugged it off. My “I don’t give a fuck” attitude was immediately replaced with horror as Lyman drug a groggy and beat up Alex onto the bus.


Lyman slammed Fronz onto the floor, not even giving him time to get dressed. I quickly slipped my clothes on as he screamed some more.

“I ask you to watch her for ten fucking minutes, and you FUCK her? My little fucking sister? I swear to fucked god, if I ever see you near her again, you will severely regret it.”

I watched the scene unfold in front of me and Fronz run off the bus, not even bothering to put his clothes back on. Alex sat down on the opposite end of the couch that I was on and for a second, I could have sworn that I heard him sniffle. It was probably my imagination though. All I did know was from the way that Lyman was looking at me, I just took a one trip to hell with no way of returning.
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This is just a filler, and honestly, not one of my best or favorite chapters, so I'm sorry for that. But I do have big plans for the next chapter and that makes me excited for it. I hope you like it.

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