Summer Heat

As Long As It Takes

Days passed, and soon enough, it was the last day of Warped Tour. In some ways, it was really depressing. I would be leaving some amazing friends that I’ve met. But on the other side, I would be able to avoid Alex so much easier. Lately, he took every chance he could to talk to me, and I would take every chance I could to get the hell away from him. Going home to SLC would make it so much easier to do that, even though he apparently lived there as well.

I was really upset when I had found out that Ava had quit two weeks back. She had been the one person I could go to whenever I needed to really talk to someone. She gave me the best advice without any judgment whatsoever. After Warped was over, I wanted to go see her, but I had no idea where she was. The number she had was no longer in service, and the only person who would probably know would be Alex, and that was a major no. Well, I guess Austin would probably know, but he was constantly busy, so I had no chance of talking to him. I saw Dan pretty often, but from what I had heard, he was the reason Ava had left, so I seriously doubted that he knew where she was.

I was awoken from my thoughts to a hand waving in front of my face. I blinked a couple times and looked up, dread filling up my stomach immediately. Alex stood directly in front of me, with his face inches in front of mine. He was positioned so that there would be absolutely no possible way for me to escape. And he knew it. He knew exactly what he was doing.

“Jazzmynn, we need to talk. And no, you don’t have an option in this. It is happening, and it is happening right now.”

I sighed deeply, exhaling through my nose. “Fine. Make it quick. I have to work the CNCC signing in 15 minutes.”

“It will only take me five,” he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me off somewhere more private. I wasn’t really in the mood to deal with him at all, but I figured if I got this over with, I hopefully wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore.

He stopped when we got to a small space between two buses and turned to face me. His eyes held something different in them, but I didn’t want to look long enough to find out. He didn’t say anything for a minute, and it was like he was trying to figure out the right words to say. He took a deep breath and made me look at him.

“I’m sorry.”

I stared at him blankly. “That’s it? You’re sorry? After all you fucking did, all you have to say is I’m sorry? You’ve got to be kiddin-…”

That’s when he pressed his lips to mine, and that’s also when I shoved him away, catching him off guard and causing him to stumble back against the bus. He gave me a confused look.

“No. Don’t you dare think that you can just kiss me like that, Alex! And after what you did! I’m done with you. I… I’m done. I just don’t think there is anything you could do to ever make me forgive you…”

I went to turn and walk away, but he gently grabbed my arm to stop me. I was about to go off on him again, but his pleading eyes kept my mouth shut.

“I really hurt you. I get that. And I really would do anything to make you forgive me. Anything for the girl who I’ve fallen in love with… And if that takes me years to do so, then so be it. I just need you to know, understand, and remember that. For as long as it takes.” He went to turn around and leave, but he stopped himself and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small piece of paper and handing it to me. “This is from Ava. The little words she actually said when she called me the other day was to give this to you. It’s her new number.”

And with that he walked away. Deep down, my gut was telling me to chase after him, but my heart was warning me not to get close to him again. I just wandered back to the tent, where Eric and Bert were just getting there. They said the other guys would be there shortly. I got their sharpies and posters together and finished setting everything up.


I trudged back to the bus and my bunk, worn out from packing up the remainder of the merch and putting the tent back in the trailer. Lyman was rushing around and making sure everything was in order before we set off back to Utah. A couple days after we get back there, the Frenchies, as we liked to call them, would be heading back to Paris. As for me, I would probably just wallow in my self-misery until I could figure out something better to do.

I must have fallen asleep and slept forever, because I woke up to Lyman dragging me out of my bed, screaming that we were home. I tried kicking him and punching his butt, but no matter what I did, he would not let me down. He suddenly stopped though, almost causing me to fall off of his shoulder. He finally let me down and I was able to see what caused him to stop. On our doorstep were a dozen of the brightest red roses. The only thing on the note attached to them was:
“Jazzmynn, xox”

“Who would send you roses?” Lyman asked, inspecting the note closer.

I held the roses close to my chest and closed my eyes, having a slight idea who they might be from. “I don’t know, Lyman. I don’t know.”
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I personally love this chapter, and I'm excited to continue on with Jazzmynn's part of the story.

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