Summer Heat


“I won’t let you be the death of me! No, I refuse to let you bring me down, bring me down!”

I groaned and rolled over in bed, shoving my face into the pillow. This is how I’ve been waking up lately, but I still wasn’t used to it yet. After a couple more minutes of him practicing his new songs, I decided that it was probably a good idea to get up now. I rolled over to reach for my phone to see a couple messages from Austin, and a missed call from Alex and a number I didn’t recognize right away. It looked familiar, but I couldn’t put a name to it. They did leave a voicemail though, so I figured I might as well see who it was. Listening to the message, I smiled to myself when I realized it was Jazzmynn. I quickly saved her number and texted her before wandering out of my room to where Danny was located in the living room.

There was only one problem. Danny wasn’t alone. I walked in, wearing just a big shirt of Austin’s, to see Danny and his band mates spread out on the couches. Danny was on the recliner, Sam and Cameron were on the smaller couch, and James and Ben were on the larger couch. I stopped in my tracks and started to back out, hoping that they didn’t see me. My hopes were crushed, however, when Danny looked up and waved me over.

“Ava, love! Why don’t you come and join us, yeah?”

Both James and Ben patted the spot that was between them, and I took that as my cue to sit down. The guys then resumed their conversation. I didn’t pay much attention to what they said; I just busied myself with texting Jazzmynn back. I really missed her, and I felt bad for leaving without telling her and not getting in contact with her sooner. I didn’t realize how bad I had zoned out until I was nudged by Ben’s elbow.

“Earth to Ava! Are you in there?”

I looked around at the guys, who were all staring at me. “Sorry, I was just thinking about some things. What were you talking about?”

“James was checking out your tits.” Ben said, matter-of-factly.

“So were you!”

Ben just laughed. “I’m married, mate. I can stare at my lady’s tits all day if I wanted to.”

I just shook my head, getting up when I heard the doorbell ring. I went to answer it, and I was greeted by a postal worker with a package.

He cleared his throat and looked at the delivery list. “Are you Miss Ava Koehler?”

“That’s me. Who’s that from?”

He handed me the box and checked his list again. “There’s no return address on the package, but my list says it’s from an Alex Koehler and a Dan Jones.”

I took the package back inside and sat back down on the couch. I could ‘feel’ the guys watching me as I opened the package. The first thing I pulled out was the custom CG shirt Alex ordered for me with ‘KOEHLER’ on the back. I put it aside and pulled out the other item in the box. It was a letter. I figured that this had to be Dan’s part of the package, but I decided to read it anyway.

Dear Ava,

I’m stupid. Like, really stupid. And I’m ashamed to say that it took you leaving for me to realize it. So, that’s why I’ve decided to change myself. As of tomorrow, I will be checking into rehab for my excessive pot smoking. It screwed up my judgment, and caused me to screw up our relationship. After I get out, I don’t blame you if you still never want to see me again. But just know that I did this all for you in some sort of hope that one day, you’ll forgive me.

I love you. Forever and always.

I didn’t realize that I was crying until I felt five pairs of arms wrap themselves around me. I let myself melt in them, trying to find comfort and support while I figured out what the hell I was going to do with my life and the people in it.

Danny pulled away, enough so that he could see my face, and made me look at him. “Ava, darling, are you okay…?”

“I’ll be okay; I just need something to keep me distracted while I figure out what’s going on with my life.”

He thought about something for a moment, and then made the guys go over to the other side of the room and quietly discuss something, while giving me occasional glances. I shook my head at them and turned on the TV. A couple minutes later, and they came back over to me. Sam took the remote from me and turned the TV off. Before I could say anything, Danny started talking, with the biggest smile on his face.

“We have a proposition for ya. How would you like to be our merch girl for our upcoming tour?”
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I've decided that it's almost time to end this story. The next chapter of Ava's will be her last one. Don't worry, though. I have plans for sequels. One will be for Ava, and the other will be for Jazzmynn. That way, their stories will be completely separate. I hope you're as ready as I am.

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