Summer Heat

Lust at First Sight

I watched my brother carefully as he showed me how to set up the merch tent. It was my first day as the merch girl for Chunk! No Captain Chunk and I was pretty nervous. I was going to be the only one working the tent for now, but Lyman, which is what everyone calls my brother, said he would help me out whenever he could until he found another merch girl or guy. He also said something about having some girl named Ava help me out, whoever that was.

"So, do you understand everything now?"

I nodded. "I think so. It'll take me a while to get good at this though."

"That's understandable," Lyman smiled and gave me a hug. "Want to go meet Ava now? I think she's done setting up her tent."

I looked over at the tent beside mine. There was this girl with long brown hair that was pulled back, big gauges and multiple tattoos. She was standing really close to this guy with blondish hair. They had their arms around each other and were kissing. Next to them stood this really tall guy who was gagging at them and looking like he would rather be somewhere else. He had big gauges just like the girl. And damn, was he hot. But I could never tell my brother that.

Lyman nodded towards the couple when we walked over to the tent. "And here we have the love birds; Ava Koehler, merch girl for Chelsea Grin, and Dan Jones, guitarist for Chelsea Grin. And standing awkwardly next to them is Ava's brother, Alex Koehler, who is the vocalist for Chelsea Grin."

I just stood beside him, feeling kinda awkward. I didn't pay much attention to the next words they exchanged. I just couldn't stop myself from glancing at Alex so much. I'm just glad he didn't notice me staring. He was too busy doing something on his phone. I hoped he didn't have a girlfriend, but a guy that good looking had to have one.

I caught myself checking out his ass as he walked away with Dan. Lyman put his arm around my shoulder as Ava turned around to take care of some customers that she had.

"How about you stay here with Ava for a while and learn from her. I'll watch the Chunk tent."

I nodded and walked over to Ava as she dealt with the customers. She seemed to confident, like she knew exactly what to do. She turned around and looked a little surprised to see me standing there.

"Oh, hi! I didn't know you were there! I'm Ava, as you already know. I'll be helping you if you need anything. I would introduce you to Gabi, but she's not back from running out to get Starbucks yet."

As soon as she said that, a girl with wavy dark brown hair, wearing the absolute shortest shorts and tightest top, walked up with two cups from Starbucks. "Sorry that it took forever, Ava. The line was just so long!"

Ava just laughed and took one of the Starbucks cups. 'It's fine. Gabi, this is Jazzmynn. She's the new Chunk merch girl. It's our mission to help her learn the ropes. And Jazzmynn, this is Gabi. She's a Chelsea Grin merch girl with me."

I smiled a little and shook Gabi's hand. I didn't know what to think of her yet. She seemed okay, but her voice seemed like it would get annoying after a while.


A couple hours later, and I knew all the basics. I was back over at the Chunk tent now. Lyman stopped by a couple times to see how I was doing, then he would rush off to go do something else.

I looked up when someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Ava. "Wanna go watch Chelsea Grin with me? I can have someone from one of the other tents cover for you."

I smiled and nodded. "That sounds great!" I just secretly wanted to see Alex again.
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Here's another chapter for you guys. As the chapters progress, Ava and Jazzmynn's chapter will branch out from the other's. In other words, there will be less of Jazzmynn in Ava's chapter and vice versa. That's just so I can give each girl their own 'story', if you know what I mean.

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